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Everything posted by cjinchiangrai

  1. Stupid driving is not contagious, covid is. Addressing one threat has nothing to do with addressing other threats.
  2. Yes they do, and when I got my annual extension a few weeks ago, the girl at the immigration office went into great detail about not missing my 90 day reports. She even showed me the TM47 date to make sure I knew it was not 90 says from the extension date. Nobody could have misunderstood her instructions.
  3. Nope, I could not access the site at all through the VPN, turned if off and got in. It still didn't register but the official looking shield on the home page looked very impressive.
  4. Tried it, didn't work. Failed to save data error. Chrome and Edge, same same. ???? Looks like they have the same programmer as last time. Oh well, I needed an excuse to drive to the big city anyway.
  5. Lazada has everything but be careful carrying these items through US customs. You may want to think about a jar of shrimp paste, depending on where you live. US Asian markets would have it and bigger stores in large cities. Any dried spices would be available in Indian markets but Thais do not use many dried spices. The only commercial thing that is hard to find in the US is the lime leaves. Kefir lime trees make nice indoor plants, why not buy one of those?
  6. I am loving it here but I have no real ties to home and haven't lived near the parents for 30 years. I am just starting my online shopping for Christmas and the prices are shocking. I wonder how far Lazada delivers?
  7. That it is easy to learn. It's not. The rules are very inconsistent and the roots are very diverse.
  8. You must be kidding. Praising the benevolent overlords? Hundreds of years of slavery is not worth it for a few years of English lessons.
  9. This is the fallacy of learning English. Yes a significant part of the vocabulary is Latin based, specifically French. And romance language speakers do very well until they come up against the German, Celtic and Norse parts. This is just like the Germans that breeze through part of the language and hit the other side of the wall. For the Thais, the whole thing is foreign with no tones and a completely unrelated grammar.
  10. A container will cost $2000 or more to ship. You can buy quality appliances easily for the same or less than in Australia. Makro is expensive, look at HomePro, Watsadu or Big-C. Plenty of independent retailers as well. Things that are less common are clothes dryers and dish washers. As others have stated, furniture is a maybe based on value and attachment. If you decorate with Ikea, don't bother but if you have high end stuff it may be worth it. Another question would be intentions. Are you planning to stay forever? Can you rent your home out furnished? Do you have to pay for storage? Now is a good time to divest yourself of old junk.
  11. At almost every level in society, English skills are worth 30% more money or more for a lifetime. Particularly foreign owned businesses where it is required to get the higher paid jobs at all. If they are serious about teaching English, they should consider revising the visa limitations regarding expat volunteers. I would be happy to work with students on their English, no charge. I have nothing else to do and it could be fun. We could discuss Trigonometry and Calculus while we were at it. I would think that a significant portion of expats are engineers that can help with STEM skills as well. They could up their game a lot by utilizing the expat community better.
  12. If they want to reopen, they will need to vaccinate all the girls. Tell the grandmothers at the temple that the hookers get priority and see what happens.
  13. The WHO has recognized the combination. Acceptance is still pending in the EU but the US has already agreed. I got the same combo and was told yesterday that there will be a Pfizer booster at six months. Not sure it is needed but whatever. Not afraid of needles, just pneumonia. I like the idea of mixing vaccines, only one of them needs to train the immune system.
  14. Agree 100%. Anyone that needs to tout their credentials is just a blowhard. Win 11 is buggy, the TPM requirement is BS and I will wait a few more years before changing platforms.
  15. Maybe. It depends on the platform. I recently upgraded several Win7 machines to Win 10 and it was hard to get the drivers settled and make it through the update cycles. Surprisingly, I also ran into a bunch of issues matching RAM chips. It is not as simple as it looks. If the computers are Win 10 capable though, it isn't bad.
  16. Nope. You will need a flight out at 30 days. Changing the ticket costs much more than the TR or STV. I would look at an O-A if the cash is there. One year extendable.
  17. Maybe 5 million but only if they can get everything sorted for the Chinese New Year.
  18. Good for the PM. It is about time someone started pushing back on the anti-vaxxers. Past time to close the borders to unvaccinated travelers as well.
  19. Bring on the mandates! There is no reason for Thailand to accept unvaccinated visitors. There is no right to be a tourist. In addition, tourists looking at Thailand should be reassured that everyone on the plane is vaccinated. It will be a big marketing plus.
  20. Plenty of other options available. Get vaxxed now so you live long enough to collect your Moderna doses.
  21. Forget deportation, it should be arrest for reckless endangerment. A year in the slammer will wake up the Qanuts.
  22. Great news! They should not allow anyone in who is not vaccinated. So tired of the noise from self entitled falang that don't care about spreading disease among the Thais. Keep your selfish, arrogant, anti-mask, anti-vax butts at home to pollute your own families.
  23. Glad to hear it. Mine too but I need to get a tester to make sure they really did it. The GFI circuits don't work without it and neither to surge protectors.
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