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Fat is a type of crazy

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  8. Trump did too. Even when he was supposedly working it was probably watching Fox News or sending tweets about nonsense. Or having experts try to communicate complicated issues with him in one page summaries so he'll at least have a look.
  9. It's funny how Trump supporters on this site thing the Madison Square rally was such a big success. Watched a bit - most speakers were so horrible and lame including the ex President. But the Trump supporters love that stuff. Not sure about undecideds - time will tell.
  10. Maybe it will remind people we don't need a silly old duffer as president be it Biden or Trump. Biden has done a good job on most things but most see he's a bit old now and it ain't Kamala.
  11. 3 hours of Trump. Call me rushing to judgement based on past experience where 5 minutes starts to do your head in but no thanks.
  12. You would have to brain dead or a massive Trump supporter to sit through that. Not saying they are the same.
  13. No. I think Americans underestimate how much wealth is out there and tax can increase a bit without much affect for the very rich or acting as a disincentive to invest in the economy - but the voters can decide. Saying proposed tax increases is a slippery slope to further increases is just words - unless you can show a pattern of such broken promises on tax increases by the left - the only one I remember on tax was the famous broken promise by Bush senior. Can you point to this Kamala policy about men in girls showers? The current policies are not soft on crime or promote mass immigration but up to you if you believe that.
  14. But who is advocating socialism beyond the economic idea of maybe tax the very rich a bit more - something that won't affect most voters including I assume yourself - and providing a few more services to the rest. Maybe the odd social policy that are mostly non controversial. So how does that require authoritarianism. If your talking about a more formal definition of socialism than it's irrelevant as neither party is advocating for it.

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