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Fat is a type of crazy

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Posts posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. 23 minutes ago, BarraMarra said:

    Nina Baden Semper was the black Actress toofarnorth. Giving blood was a brilliant episode where Eddie tried to explain why blacks couldn't donate blood,

    It was funny. In a funny way you could argue it was politically correct itself as, though they called each other Snowflake, Honky, Sambo, and Nig Nog the whole message was that we are all the same and it's a small world after all.

    I think this post is a romantic vision of the past and good shows were few and far between. Give me Netflix etc in 2023 thanks. 

  2. We are going in August and a hotel we are staying at has a service which is a car and speedboat to take you direct to the hotel from the airport and it is only about AUD26 per person extra than the normal 650 baht fee. Seems like it could be fun and not so expensive. The catch is they say if the weather is bad they will take you the normal way with no refund. Looking for those with knowledge of Koh Chang and or speedboats to know if the odds would be reasonable that a speedboat could make the trip at the time. 

  3. It's a bit of a coincidence as I did look up someone who rejected me in high school recently. For fun. I have a facebook account in a silly name that is otherwise not used. It was a bit of a shocker at the time and she ended up with my best friend. Became friends later but no go for romance. 

    The coincidence is that she is in fact now a life coach and her life story on the site says she was a potential high flyer but then had a debilitating injury and her life coaching is based around that experience. Not sure how the business is going though. 

    It is kind of interesting to see the person you had a crush on and to be able to fast forward 30 or 40 years in five minutes reading. 

    I had a girlfriend too back in the 80's who works in a university and published a book on feminism and on the spur of the moment I contacted her and we had a nice dinner with a mutual friend. No, people, she was nice, friendly, and open despite what some people think of feminists here. 


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    1 I met a girlfriend from 1984 and we had a nice dinner. It was nice to be with someone who you could talk freely and openly and who understood the world I saw. Young girlfriends are enticing but can be demeaning if you accept your age as a disability rather than a strength. 


    2 How about the little countries to see what makes them tick. Liechtenstein. San Marino. 


    3 Nepal for a holiday. Cambodia if longer term I suppose though they have an appalling government and it can seem like a lesser Thailand. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Woof999 said:

    Not sure where to start with this. They should stay in their closets? Perhaps people with such views should stay in their caves?


    Her situation is very different from a t woman competing in women's sport, where the cis gendered would potentially be at a disadvantage. That is wrong. For a t woman to win a beauty contest against cis gendered women means she overcame tremendous obstacles, including, I'm sure, masses of obnoxious comments from many such as you.


    She was born biologically male. There can be no argument with that. Since then, she's gone through more pain and overcome more hurdles than most of us could ever imagine. She entered a competition that she was entitled to enter, and won it based on the views of those voting. She is entitled to be called "she". Fully entitled.


    That you wont accept it doesn't change anything. What have you overcome in your life to achieve anything like her success?

    I agree with the sentiments but I am not sure that this person is 'entitled' to be called she. It is up to each individual to decide, but it is polite not to offend, and when it does not affect your life. But if someone doesn't want to call the person a she they are not doing something wrong I think. I am not keen on the term cis gender. It suggests it is a known fact that gender is fluid and independent of genitalia and chromosomes in the way that some accept it is but may not be. But it might be. I really think it comes down to both sides accepting that they are not sure if this is a scientific thing or not and as much as possible live and let live. 

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  6. 7 hours ago, owl sees all said:

    Took the pic from the other side of the road. Would have got closer,,,, but,,,, with the Mrs awaiting, though it best to get back quick.

    It's good that you care what your wife thinks in such situations and look to please her. Not. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, FruitPudding said:

    Most woke people can't define it either.


    There's no mania on the anti-woke side.


    The plenty of manic folks on the woke end of the spectrum from what I see.


    And it's being supported and pushed by the left media

    I look at woke as being people falling over themselves to impress others, and show they are open and free, and do so for all sorts of reasons. But many people who actually want to do good and who do do good get lumped in with them.

    Is woke people really something to worry about. If someone is a bit over zealous does it make a bit of difference. 

    Have trans people had any impact on your life.

    I find it hard to see why people get so passionate about such a minor thing in society. So many other things to get excited about. 

  8. 53 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Well I've been to a number of boring destinations.

    Victoria BC comes to mind.

    Nice small city. I wouldn't call it boring because it is not disappointing at being what it is. Big but low rise British buildings and signs of Commonwealth history. Beautiful nature and coast line. Saw an Orca whale in the sea near there. Not too far from Vancouver or Seattle. 


  9. Seems like the ongoing obvious signs of aging are not going to result in Democrats as a whole acknowledging a younger candidate is appropriate so we all watch on and wonder if either he can pull it together for an election, or if there is a bigger stumble and he'll either accept or be forced to accept, that he has to pass the baton to someone else.

  10. In the 80's I did trips through Indonesia Thailand and Myanmar. Lots of out of the way places. Now I don't believe I'll find something interesting to me in such places though the outlook might be nice. Prefer to go to Koh Chang with lovely mountains and nice beaches and relax in nice hotels with my girlfriend. Sylvan has an excellent breakfast buffet. 

  11. Small or big  changes in diet and exercise might help. First time I got back swimming and got under a bench press after a long break it felt good and made me want to keep it up. Diet doesn’t need to be super healthy - along with normal stuff add some more greens, brown rice, dark chocolate. Less alcohol. If changes like that become impossible maybe you need some help. 
    Secondly it can be good to stop trying.. to be friendly, amusing, manly whatever. Stop trying and get your feet back on the ground so to speak. 

  12. Become closer to your child. Go out. Play games. Then talk with her and see how the study is affecting her. Some kids thrive. Some kids feel overwhelmed. If the latter find a compromise. Sounds like your relationship can be saved as there are worse things your wife could be doing eg see gambling story. Maybe having more fun with your wife and taking her out might relax her too and make her less intense about the whole thing.

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  13. 2 hours ago, Goat said:

    It is because there are not any female rocket scientists. Rockets were invented by men. Women really havent contributed much to mankind.

    I am writing this message to you on a computer made by man on the man made internet. I flew to Thailand on a man made plane and am about to get a cold beer from my man made fridge.


    I am so sick of the pro feminist woke claims that weaker men have been bullied into believing.


    So what do you believe? That men are smarter? Based on what criteria? Is number of inventions a reasonable criteria to measure intelligence? It is surely a form of creativity that may not encompass all aspects of intelligence. Could you be wrong? Could a factor be opportunity over the last few hundred years too?  What are the implications of your belief for the way you go about your day and life? Do you think you personally are more intelligent than most or all women because you are a man? Or for other reasons? Maybe your post is meant to be humorous. 

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  14. You edited your post after I made the next posts so they don't make sense. Oh well. Agoda is so often a lot cheaper now than others especially if through a comparison site.

    If you choose the pay later option though they will add a sneaky 5 per cent fee. 

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