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  1. It"s legal to buy bazooka in the usa, if you have permit. However, there is a problem with their disposal. I am not sure how much serious this article is https://www.npr.org/2022/04/01/1090178116/rocket-launchers-bazooka-grenade-california-middle-school#:~:text=Are these weapons legal%3F,therefore legal with proper registration. But they can be made at lower price, and that's iran intends. They got their sample in August, it will be a hit at battle fields
  2. iod has an application to book online. it didn't work for me, but you can try on your device. At least you register your details with them (thai citizen number, the one they put on covid vax certificates), might speed up registration on desk
  3. never deficient, but as healthy lifestyle choice at the beginning of pandemic.
  4. I got 91% of daily zink and 110% of copper in a 2 pills of calcium from Kirkland, lazada box 500 pills for 600b. It also has magnesium, d3, b6, manganese. For better absorption I do drop 2 pills into a big water bottle and sip slowly. No, my yearly blood results show no deficiency, but I do as prevention. Probably you need to take them not for a few months but for life. I think you should do blood tests at least once a year. If ill more often.
  5. So for revealing new military and foreign policy he is flying to the usa, and not presenting it to parliament first for discussion and critique? How much he values the parliament with elected representatives in his own country to politicians and military generals in a foreign country? As he was not elected to his post by popular vote, he is stretching his position. That lapdog position will be judged against Tories. australia has already nuclear capable b52 on its soil since the last year and it's judged by experts as a provocative move against china. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-10-31/china-tensions-taiwan-us-military-deploy-bombers-to-australia/101585380 now america wants to sell nuclear submarines. That will also be another provocation against china. They are tryring to circle china with nuclear capable arms. Before b52 were located in australia, that country, as well as new zealand, were seen as safe nuclear refuge in case of armageddon. But now australia will become a target for nukes. Yes, that country is the whole continent, but targets are not only military, also industrial ones. That haeven is now turning into hxll in case of a global boom
  6. I am not sure, if it was spotted already in the discussion, but above picture is not of bill burns, but his predecessor, john brennan, who was at office 2013-17. Shows, how serious CNN editorial work really is. It transpires now, that ukrainians don't follow agreements with the USA on battlefield tactic - stop wasting donated armaments on fronts, which can't be defended. Withdraw and save lives. Stop attacking crimea and demanding it's incorporation as a condition for peace negotiations. Stop attacking outside ukrainian borders, including at sea. That would only bring serious retaliation. And it also weekens internal integrity of NATO, some members are increasingly uncomfortable and don't want escalation of war. "Multiple administration officials have begun worrying that Ukraine is expending so much manpower and ammunition in Bakhmut that it could sap their ability to mount a major counteroffensive in the spring. “I certainly don’t want to discount the tremendous work that the Ukrainians’ soldiers and leaders have put into defending Bakhmut — but I think it’s more of a symbolic value than it is a strategic and operational value,” said Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. Kyiv, for now, has ignored Washington’s input." ‘Little fissures’: The U.S.-Ukraine war unity is slowly cracking apart A tough week for U.S.-Ukraine news reveals an imperfect harmony." https://www.politico.com/news/2023/03/12/biden-united-states-ukraine-relationship-cracks-00086654
  7. if you care to look at graphic 1 on page 5 you can see china's theatre-range missile capabilities. That is from 2019. There are newer reports, but behind paywall. China doesn't have to send their boats to confront incoming american ones. They have 9 types of rockets with over 1000km capability. They don't state how many each, but the usa comparison is poor. https://csbaonline.org/research/publications/leveling-the-playing-field-reintroducing-us-theater-range-missiles-in-a-post-INF-world/publication/1 if you don't want to read here is 55 minutes video from the very same presentation https://csbaonline.org/research/publications/leveling-the-playing-field-reintroducing-us-theater-range-missiles-in-a-post-INF-world/publication/2
  8. lazada from around 800b, very basic and might have some minor technical problems, but functioning, covering some 35 m2 each. I have bought 2 such, their motors/blades are not balanced so the entire purifier is shaking. The most expensive ones, state of art, run into tens of thousands, with HEPA 14. Take into consideration price and availability of replacement filters. that one 580b is good enough, better than mine bought 2 years ago https://www.lazada.co.th/products/xpx-32-air-purifier-pm25-i312078324.html?spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.98.5519780aLnUnOF
  9. all here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NLAW "An unknown number of launchers were captured by the armed forces of Russia and the pro-Russian self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic during the conflict.[44][45][46] A number of these captured weapons were reportedly transferred to Iran as part of a deal to acquire drones." 6th august is a summer
  10. yes, you have link, but you havent read the second paragraph, here just part of it: " British NLAW anti-tank missile, a US Javelin anti-tank missile and a Stinger anti-aircraft missile - to an airport in Tehran in the early hours of 20 August". That is summer, not autumn
  11. not mentioned in this article is british bazooka, which was captured by russians at the beginning of war. It was send to iran already in summer. Ukraine got donated 2000 pieces yet before started, and thousands more just in the beginning. Effective, because countermeasures are unknown yet. That was the first time this weapon was used on a battlefield. So british and countries, which bought them, lost now an advantage of surprise. I am not sure if brits have a newer, more advanced one. Brits sell them for 30-40k gbp. Again, price will fall, if iran, russia start making them cheaper and exporting
  12. I think strong painkillers are available OTC in cambodia. I have seen also a pharmacist in cambodia serving some medicine from under the table (no displayed on shelves). Looks like her client was her regular, he just put money on table and she handed medicines without saying anything. Having such pharmacist and asking for small monthly letters to thailand might be a solution.
  13. if trump was elected for the second term there would be no war. He didn't want to enlarge NATO. He was also the only president after 2ww, who didn't start a war. Zelensky has changed his pacifist stance, on which he was elected (including most of 22% ethnic russians) during course of 2021 (2 years after being elected), so it was under biden times. On 1st September, on anniversary of 2ww, they signed strategic partnership. That paved way way to russian aggression 6 months later. Russia's only fascist ambition in europe was to sell gas, oil, grains, mineral and natural resources, fertilisers and in exchange get new technologies and consumer goods.
  14. this "immense threat" unexpected press conference was probably a warming up exercise to a large armaments deal signed now in March https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/taiwans-military-us-arms-boost-china-pressure-rcna73027
  15. good to know, I have to update. Now compare that many chinese to that many of the usa
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