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""What we don’t discuss is the specific forms of support that we may or may not be providing to the ICC,” Price said. “We don’t want to do anything that could jeopardize the sanctity of an investigation, that could set back the pursuit of justice.” I am not well versed in legal or diplomatic language, but does he say that some form of mock justice will be served? Or that the usa won't cooperate fully and present only a selected part of evidence they have available on war crimes in ukraine, committed by both sides?
so now they are not ukrainians or russians, but poles or czechs. How many boats were used? How many more people were involved on the second boat? Each pipe was mined with up to 2 bombs (the 3 blown pipes were taken by 4 explosions). That means up to 8 devices (including un-exploded on pipe B of nordstream2) by minimum 500kg of TNT each that is 4 tons. How long would it take for 2 divers to move that much TNT to 8 locations? The plot thickens. Would now the CIA decoy fall apart? They were so sure that they were ukrainians or russians and that they were not americans or british. Why they had even to mention that they were not Anglo-Saxons?
over thousands years, since neolithic, they have invented many ground braking technologies - paper, print, gun powder, compass, artillery, banknote, bomb, toothbrush. Full list of hundred pages, you can catch up with history, which you missed in your school studies https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Chinese_inventions
they are an old technology - stingers were donated by the usa to osama bin laden in afganistan some 40 years ago. They were also sold to Saddam Hussain during war with Iran. Javelin is also 25 years old and used in battlefields across globe. Possible some international treaty forbids russia from copying the usa armaments, but iran can make them, and at fraction of current market price. That would mean price of the usa made ones would have to fall to compete. but I think this whole story is not true, just war hype - as russia can easily send to iran everything they know about those weapons and how their own weapons are designed to countermeasure.
around a year ago noam chomsky replied in an interview "If war between usa and china brakes up, we are doomed". That is a course for a full blown nuclear war. China has now 400 warheads, within the next few years planning for another 600. They are large strategic ones. And they have now more intercontinental ballistic missiles, than the usa https://fas.org/blogs/security/2023/02/stratcom-says-china-has-more-icbm-launchers-than-the-united-states/ yet the usa still don't know what "red line" is
yes, but as I believe all hospitals doing vaccination (I would think every single one) would do antibody test. I think my hospital send it to some laboratory, so any hospital can also do it same way. If you are in bangkok there is tropical disease clinic near victory (book online) and red cross on rama 4 (have to come early, around opening time)
I had zostavax in may 2021. The last year I wanted also varicella vax, which is doe related virus. I was told to do blood test and antibodies turned out very strong. I do intend to check for that antibodies every year, at time of getting flu vax, and decide for varicella or the korean one. Test was at the governmental hospital. Results came within a week, so it's not a standard test, probably they had to send it to some laboratory. But it was cheap
there is now available also korean made one, around 3500b. Was discussed several month ago. Zostavax is from 4800b. There is chance to get both of them over time. Zostavax is effective 3-8 years, depending on source. Before getting the new one it's possible to check for antibodies - blood test 200b
I am confused by the title, because germany have already identified, searched and even found traces of explosives. That yacht is german and probably confiscated since January for further investigation. I am also puzzled by calling those people "commando unit" which means they were in chain of military command, they were given orders for their actions. That means they were not a bunch of amateur terrorists but very much state actors which were singled out as scapegoats, but not likely to be named and prosecuted. That article is just another cover up for the real perpetrators - very few, to non, details, with just attention grabbing title
that article starts with: "an anonymous US official suggested that the operation to sabotage the Nord Stream pipelines may have been conducted by a pro-Ukrainian group. Unfortunately this article contained very little verifiable new information with no concrete details that could in anyway be investigated further. “U.S. officials declined to disclose the nature of the intelligence, how it was obtained or any details of the strength of the evidence it contains.” "Suggestion", "may have been", unknown and unnamed "pro-ukrainian group", "any details of the strength of the evidence" just undermines the whole story. It's obvious it's fabricated. Serious undercover actions, as that example of an international terrorism, which mounts to an act of war against germany and russia, would have a decoy or many decoys, to divert attention from the perpetrators. That is one of them. That answers the last sentence of this article, why russia dismissed this story offhand. They believe that it was the CIA. That story has more questions, than answers. The "discredited" american journalist called the white house "idiots" and story as "cxxp" in an interview a day following NYT "revelations" That's what it is.
"The assessment by U.S. intelligence that a pro-Ukrainian group could have been responsible isn’t definitive, the senior official said. But it adds to the growing sense among investigators in the U.S. and Europe that neither Russian-government nor pro-Russian operatives were behind the sabotage. By February, German officials had all but ruled out a Russian sabotage operation, although they maintained that the investigation was still considering all possibilities, according to two officials familiar with the probes. The U.S. doesn’t think Russia sabotaged the pipeline, a U.S. official said this week, while cautioning that the investigations are continuing. " https://www.wsj.com/articles/in-nord-stream-probe-german-investigators-search-boat-that-may-have-carried-explosives-379505f9
Prostate cancer ongoing treatments costs
internationalism replied to simple1's topic in Health and Medicine
get treatments in AU as fast as possible and then travel every 3 months for the next ones. Airfare might be reasonable priced if bought many months in advance. Possible some budget or charter airlines will start flying. Read about repurposed medicines in oncology, for example google "prostate repurposed" to find medical research papers. Those medicines are cheap and over the counter in thailand. Some of them might be also available OTC in AU. For example one of them, which is used in hormonal cancers is listed on an official list of medicines used in thailand, website run by the society of clinical oncologists http://www.thethaicancer.com/Webdocument/Onco_drug/Oncodrug_Letter/Oncodrug_Letter_K.html Fundation in Belgium, which pioneers them, has some 400 of those in their database https://www.anticancerfund.org/en/drug-repurposing but subject is know for 30 years, including hopkins insitute in the usa, Care Oncology Clinic in London. -
peace deal is between two sides, the mediator suppose to be neutral. Exact agreement depends on military and political situation. Crimea and 4 annexed regions are already incorporated to russia, approved by their parliament. There is matter how much of those 20% territories is negotiable. With new, longer range weapons ukraine might be receiving shortly, might bite them back - russia will try to push further from their borders to secure them.
Prostate cancer ongoing treatments costs
internationalism replied to simple1's topic in Health and Medicine
governmental 1350-2000b, but they won't keep you on ward unless you are in a serious, comatose state. I think that 900 is bed+food, probably add some 300b for nursing and 200b for medical service fee. Chose a governmental hospital which is empty. It doesn't have to be specialised cancer hospital and in the town centre. An ordinary hospital anywhere within tens km radius from you home might do. If hospital is empty you have chances to stay longer, possibly giving a leading dr some presents. Bear in mind that common wards with aircon can be icy cold, no way to regulate temperature. For palliative care get a home carer for a few h a day and later live-in. It doesn't have to be a qualified nurse, just some nursing experience. -
"“There is no evidence at this point that Russia was behind the sabotage,” said one European official, echoing the assessment of 23 diplomatic and intelligence officials in nine countries interviewed in recent weeks." https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/12/21/russia-nord-stream-explosions/ "German investigators currently have no evidence that Russia is behind the explosions on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines, German Attorney General Peter Frank told Die Welt." https://kyivindependent.com/news-feed/german-top-official-says-no-evidence-of-russian-sabotage-of-nord-stream-pipeline "Western media reports on the blowing-up of the Nord Stream gas pipelines are a coordinated bid to divert attention and Russia is perplexed that U.S. officials can assume anything about the attacks without an investigation, the Kremlin said on Wednesday." https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/kremlin-says-nord-stream-attack-reports-are-coordinated-demands-open-2023-03-08/
so you have a bizarre fixation on avoiding any details and accusing russia for blowing their own pipelines (in a post below that yours and in many other posts on 2 threads about nord stream international terrorism). So who are those 6 terrorists? pictures, names - for the international community, including citizens, to find them and expose their backers. What the name of the boat they have used? what technical specification it had to allow to carry over 500kg of C4, a specialised equipment for diving at such depths (ukrainians can't do it, as they don't train that techniques). What is name of this pro-ukrainian group, who is their leader, commander. Who set up them, who sponsors, what actions they have taken, where are they based, how many membership and what military equipment they posses? Getting 500kg of high explosive is not possible without strong state back up. Which government supplied it? As traces of explosive were found on the boat, it would be possible to find out composition of C4 and as each production batch can be identified to what country made it, what month and where it was stored and where it was sold. "European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell and German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius were among the officials warning against jumping to conclusions after a media report said intelligence reviewed by U.S. officials indicated that a pro-Ukrainian group was behind last year's attacks on the Nord Stream pipelines." https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/nord-stream-times-report-reaction-1.6771536 ""I am not afraid of the truth. Any truth. But we are talking about ... speculations," he told reporters on Wednesday after a meeting of EU defence ministers in Stockholm, adding investigations were still continuing in Sweden, Denmark and Germany." https://www.anews.com.tr/world/2023/03/08/eus-borrell-says-not-afraid-of-truth-on-nord-stream-but-investigations-ongoing
Bangkok air quality falls below safety standard on Wednesday
internationalism replied to snoop1130's topic in Bangkok News
for the last week I stay indoors with 2 air purifiers blowing full power directly at my face from distance 50 cm (one is in my desk, the other next to my chair). I have a double benefit of cooling from their fans. Same purifies I move onto my bed and next to my bed. They run now 24h. When walking out I do feel smog in my nose and lungs, on occasions becoming painful (I had pneumonia and covid a year ago), I might start using face mask with valve for outdoors, but my 3 dogs would be suffering walking with me -
Bangkok air quality falls below safety standard on Wednesday
internationalism replied to snoop1130's topic in Bangkok News
for the last week I stay indoors with 2 air purifiers blowing directly at my face from distance 50 cm (one is in my desk, the other next to my chair. When walking out I do feel smog in my nose and lungs, on occasions becoming painful (I had pneumonia and covid a year ago), I might start using face mask with valve for outdoors, but my 3 dogs would be suffering walking with me -
you haven't read this short article, noting about protecting sources. "Pentagon leaders reportedly don’t want to help with the tribunal’s investigation because it could lead to a precedent that would encourage them to prosecute Americans." During such trials ukrainian war crimes would have to be investigated, as russia contest some of the very same ukrainian accusations. Russia is documenting war crimes as much as ukrainians, as they know they have to come with evidence at courts. Evidence from the other governments, on top of the usa, would have to be allowed to be submitted and they might be contradicting. So not necessarily the usa evidence will be judged as credible. And that would undermine american intelligence
from reading your link without paywall, it looks like spooks don't know much and how credible their source is. It's their new source. Some believe this source is not credible. It can't be compared to Hersh very exact details: "The review of newly collected intelligence suggests they were opponents of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, but does not specify the members of the group, or who directed or paid for the operation. U.S. officials declined to disclose the nature of the intelligence, how it was obtained or any details of the strength of the evidence it contains. They have said that there are no firm conclusions about it, leaving open the possibility that the operation might have been conducted off the books by a proxy force with connections to the Ukrainian government or its security services." So why the senate and house can't form investigative body, why president can't order reports from all security agencies? That is because an answer is already well known to them? Why america and the UK openly oppose investigation by the UN security council? That would be the best way for them to clear their name in eyes of an international opinion. That is a better way than throwing baseless accusations around to offend their partners.
move to a large city with choice of many governmental hospitals. I have 3 within 10km radius, including 2 university ones. You can register with as many hospitals as you wish and chose which treatment you do at each of them. 4 nights stay 14k - 6k for tests/treatments/doctors and 8k for a bed/food/nursing on a common ward
Nord Stream leaks: Sabotage to blame, says EU
internationalism replied to Scott's topic in World News
it transpires, that 3 investigating countries send a joint letter to the UN security council before it's meeting on nord stream. Investigations are still ongoing. Russian authorities are informed. https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/nord-stream-investigations-by-denmark-sweden-germany-are-ongoing-2023-02-21/ yesterday's article - nord stream to be sealed and coated inside, to prevent salt water from damaging steel pipes. Germany don't agree with Putin's proposal of opening the undamaged pipe on nord stream 2, so Lavrov confirmed yesterday they won't be concentrating on europe (there is only one remaining line to europe through ukraine-slovakia with 40mln m3 daily), but on export to Turkey. The last chapter of this article "Who blew up the pipelines?" https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/russia-set-mothball-damaged-nord-stream-gas-pipelines-sources-2023-03-03/