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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. they are targeting energy sources. I have quoted the title and content. As a nationalist you seem not to have distance to news you are fed by your government. Putin is as much soft touch as biden and all american presidents, all ukrainian prime ministers, all politicians around the whole world. For me they are all criminals and murderers. That's why they were nominated - to follow the murderous governmental systems they are part of. You are using totalitarian language - basically, literally are hyperboles, huge exaggerations. Have you used those exaggerations when american presidents were slaughtering civilians at occupied countries. Remember vietnam, cambodia, laos napalm and bobs? or nagasaki and hiroshima? Take big breath and one step back - do have stoic distance to mass media war mongering. It's not healthy.
  2. no, i do not follow news. But from those multiple blows there are 4 dead and 4 injured. That is probably under reporting or those drones are programmed not to kill, but to damage. too basic thinking - basically terrorism, basically war crimes. Or just wide generalisations also called war propaganda, manipulation
  3. hitting civilian infrastructure doesnt mean targeting civilians. collateral damage, as americans call it at their each war. They blow up power sources, power plants. Each single war, when civilians do die, is terrorism. Tell them to americans and they would reply about spreading democracy
  4. try lazada. Gas heather would be much cheaper. Even stylish gas fireplace
  5. treat school environment similar to airport/airplane one. Kids won't get sick much, but you or grandparents, might get it more serious. Take your stand and order your kid don't wear mask. Or don't send him to school until nobody will try to force him to do so.
  6. "was going fast in between traffic. One Grab delivery guy couldn't get by." there is contradiction - if he was going fast he was not blocking motorbikes. He is an equal road user, as motorbikes, bicycles
  7. That court ruling and mass media reports would inflate khonthaiUK a few thousands fans. Streisand effect. That case is from over 4 years ago and there is very little benefit for prayuth and prawit (and indeed, for the thai state and courts) to prosecute now, after that long. Since then popular political awareness rose much higher over defaming those 2 creatures. That page had well over 2mln likes the last year. Looks, like it was shut down and the new one, version 2, has some 432k and another 90k observers (the once, who are scared to like, but do read it). Their posts are commented and shared by hundreds. That proves, that the authorities can't keep domestic scandals under carpet. Pages operated outside country are beyond thai prosecution. No any UK court would accept case against authors of that page and there is no way to deport them to thailand
  8. the cold season came to bangkok already yesterday. That is earlier than in previous years, might be a sign of lower temperatures this year. The first thing in the West to prepare for winter would be a flu jab. In thailand it's recommended at the beginning of the rainy season, in May. But whoever hadn't got their one in May, might think of doing it now. As well as keeping up with many other vaccinations. All them temporarily boost whole immune system. Another way of cold season preparation might be getting air filters ready, as burning season and smog are following shortly.
  9. Breast cancer, as well as all reproductive cancers, are hormon related and hence treated with hormon therapy (lowering sex hormons). that is standard therapy, not experimental anymore (use to be some 20 years ago). Has no any side effects, just lowered libido. It would stop progress, albeit not remove cancer. thats why she has both treatments at the same time. There are many more therapies, which are less harmful than radio and chemio. Those 2 are outdated once. However there are new drugs, targeted to each cancer, based on its genome. They are very expensive, as are used only by a very small population, so no mass production. Developing a new drug costs up to $1bln and producer try to recover that investment asap. National health services dont cover them because of price. In some poorer countries only old drugs are available and those are with side effects. For example in thailand ketokonazole, which is cheap. That drug in thailand is qualified as hormonal drug, so she might also be prescribed or even self-prescribe that. The best is to use several drugs, a cocktail, iin small doses, they often work synergistically, enhance each other and have less severe side effects. I think majority of thai patients dont educate themselves and dont question doctors, they would follow without thinking about alternatives. That alternatives might be costly, if targeted drugs have to be imported. Thats why peer groups, cancer fundations are important. They educate and force doctors to take a better care. In her case looks like she wasn't warned, and even aware, about side effects of this chemo, so she might think, that cancer progresses. Her bad mood worsens her symptoms
  10. she needs an experienced oncologist, who would see her old tests and order new once. If she is happy with her position, she won't have proper care. She will be continued to be ignored. Get private doctor, second opinion. Just a few k baht from some top specialist. At least she will be assured there is no progression. Physio should be able to help with some pain. Prescribe treatments. Motivate her to do exercises for her condition. In my opinion - most governmental doctors don't care, don't have much empathy. Possibly don't have deep knowledge to interpret tests and to think outside box. Also in thailand, as in some other countries, oncologists don't tell truth. They would tell to the closest family, but not to patient directly. If she went to hospital always alone, she might be missing some info. Tell her to go with husband, partner, and talk behind closed doors about her situation. That might also put some pressure on oncologist. Also tell her to take easy on work and her home duties. She is ill and should rest and concentrate on her health. Look into complementary therapies, there are many.
  11. Just speculation - side effects of chemotherapy. It's common. Possibly changing to another medicine. Or reducing dose and adding another medicine. Cocktails are more effective than single one. If she is not happy with her doctor she can ask to change or move to a specialised oncology hospital. And second opinion from a private hospital, if too long wait at the governmental. Some the newest and probably better medicines are not available yet in the governmental, but she can get private - at inflated price. Or trying generic from india - even flying to india for a large supply. Cancer markers c125 and others are cheap, just a few hundreds baht each. Ultrasound is some 2k. She can request it at the governmental hospital. On margin - shoulders might be just muscular, effect of stress and tension. Weekly massage might help, also give her emotional support. For same support she should seek peer groups on the net, patient's organisations, onco fundations. Maybe oncopsychologist, if that exists in thailand. Stage 2 is treatable. Engage her with anti-cancer diet, supplements. Even as far as chinese medicine, accupuncture (that one might be effective for pain and for muscle tension)
  12. in my case I took key card with me, when going out, but my friend was in the room asleep. I needed the very same card for hotel entry, as reception was not manned at night. Lucky we were departing the next day. Possibly that lady had not any or very little valuables left in the room. So when money was demanded from her on return, she walked/run away. Overall, bad publicity for the owner. He might lose many clients for his hotel, as well as restaurant
  13. yes, some hotels do take key deposit. Key card replacement might be even cheaper, than metal key. Most probably hotel has many replacements and can even make them onsite, so not paying for outside service. That my particular hotel never took deposits, I had stayed with them many times previously. They haven't put key card on lost/damaged items list. So probably it was not an issue for them. They haven't called me back on my mobile.
  14. he is even employing thai staff. So he has work permit, owns property, runs his multiple businesses. If he hadn't got work permit, he would not report this accident to police but just went to hospital
  15. there not suppose to be "fine" for losing key card. It was not deliberate action, not her fault. There might be replacement costs. But not making profit for the business. They have already made money by renting room. Probably it would be wiser not to report lost card and just walk out from hotel, without saying anything. Once I have lost hotel key card and fearing penalty charges I just walked out. I won't be able to come back there for sometimes, probably a year or two. In that hotel there was a laminated price list for every item in the room, in case of replacement. Key card was not listed there.
  16. so police was taking him for an alcohol test and result was still unknown some 24h when this article was published. They should also test him for drugs. He should be charged for fleeing police. He also parked illegally on the main road and near intersection. Look at nissan - it was turned by an impact by some 150 degree. Front of the car is facing incoming traffic. Probably she was already in motion (after giving food for monks) and pulled sharply into second line. That might explain this collision. Possibly it was partly her mistake.
  17. I see bungalows on koh chang next to beach from 231b. There are 20 of them below 500b. I have searched 4 night mid week november
  18. that's what she told me. But I am not going to question her. Possibly she gets closer to 80b, but wanted some pity on her hard work.
  19. check koh chang. On agoda you can chose long stay option and got special deal. Easy to get from bkk, even directly from airport. They have makro, big c and tesco all in the same area, walking distance. I would not stay in one hotel for that long, as it gets boring. Move every 5 days to new location, even on this same beach. So you book in advance only first hotel and the next ones when you are already there
  20. log in to your TG account (if you dont have it yet you can create one and add this flight to it) and make request. Good to have one, as you can collect miles for upgrades
  21. Experienced nurses at top private hospitals got up tp 80b per h. my friend at some private hospital on suk 42 gets only 40b as a senior nurse, training new staff in admin department. Works usually 18h shifts, longer then before covid - that because of virus testing procedures and minimising risks of getting virus into wards. That means she can sleep part of her working hours. She can also get easily several days holidays at time, but needs to be on phone, to solve any problems at work. If anybody needs her service, i can pass contact to her. My wify has some experience as a helper and is also able to work. In thai hospitals if requesting single room, you have to bring your carer with you. And it has to be female - as i have read on my hospital website. I had to chose a common ward this year, because my wife didn't want to stay. She would have to pay some 2k for pcr testing at each time when coming to inside ward. Personally, for simple operation I would chose a governmental hospital and try to stay there as long as possible, to fully recover and just in case of any complications. Beds are from 800b, plus nursing charges from 400b, plus food from 400b. That way you avoid visits as outpatient, which is time consuming if you need to do daily antibiotic drips etc
  22. yes, pre-covid fares from bkk were higher than to bkk. Now they are equal or possibly lower. so by booking with delay 35 days from your earlier quotation 56k baht you have lost 150gbp by booking with that delay. On KLM flight you lost some 250gbp. They operate jointly with Air France. Within a month their price went up, as expected for your dates. Possibly TG runs already their 3rd sale this year, but all airlines exclude xmass. If I see a deal, priced much lower than competition, I grab it immediately. It is usually a limited bracket of discounted seats, which are sold fast, within days. Advantage with you is gold with qatar., impressive with just only 3 flights. I flu with them just before summer, but not impressed. They don't have free shower in Doha, some spas offer it for $20 (in many middle east airports it's possible to find one).. My special meal vegan food were just chopper veggies, without any souse or spices. After taking off they forgot to unlock toilets. What was the airline from Prague you mentioned?
  23. for nail fungus read about grizeofulvine 500mg, boxes by 250 pills, but you can get in zip bags. Possibly also in blisters, more expensive. Withdrawn from some european countries sometimes ago. Try if possible making a solution, cream of it would be possible. On the margin - this medicine is also used experimentally for cancer
  24. 4 nuclear war strategies, yet from 2019 lecture. No thailand mentioned, but north korea, a nuclear power. The least likely strategy is manipulating the risk strategy, launching just only several, very few nukes - escalation to de-escalate In ukrainian context the same author from August 2022. "Playing With Fire in Ukraine. The Underappreciated Risks of Catastrophic Escalation" (to read the full article you need to give your email address and they will forward a link to full article) https://www.foreignaffairs.com/ukraine/playing-fire-ukraine After putting nuclear capabilities at high alert in February, later in April (threat of tactical warheads at withdrawal from north ukraine) and now in september - that is already a third warning from russia on their intentions. That article is from 6th October https://www.foreignaffairs.com/russian-federation/putin-apocalyptic-end-game-ukraine Now, going back to thailand, Putin is invited and will attend ASEAN summit to drum up support from thailand for his diplomatic and war efforts. He will have limited response, but cheap oil, gas, grains, fertilisers and row materials will be good bribing asses. Biden is not coming, he declined an invitation a month ago. It looks like ASEAN will be further moving towards Russia, China, against the USA. That actually reduces chances of nuclear war as Russia won't be that desperate at ukraine war
  25. you have derailed your own thread. Against your earlier requests to stick to thailand. Now you engage yourself in pure political speculations
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