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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. member of bundestag Dagdelenon EU on lack of investigation: "“The EU has failed to free itself from US dominance and pursue an independent, self-assured foreign and security policy. The apogee of European impotence in its feudal relations with the United States was the refusal to investigate terrorist acts of sabotage against the Russian-German Nord Stream gas pipeline, she said." https://www.weeklyblitz.net/news/germany-linked-explosions-at-nord-stream-with-eu-dependence-on-us/
  2. today's development on the UN the international terrorism commission: "Russia is preparing a special meeting of the UN Security Council, which will discuss the organization of an investigation into the explosions at Nord Stream, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Wednesday at a government hour in the State Duma. “We turned to the UN, raised this issue there, we are preparing a special meeting of the Security Council, we will demand that some form of investigation be found,” he said. Lavrov also commented on the statement of the official representative of the Secretary General of the world organization Stéphane Dujarric, who said earlier that the UN does not have a mandate to investigate the explosion of gas pipelines." https://newsinfrance.com/russia-is-preparing-a-special-meeting-of-the-un-security-council-on-explosions-at-nord-stream/
  3. Looks like the UN is washing their hands: "A Nord Stream blast investigation by the UN would require, according to a statement by UN spokesperson Stephane Dujarric, a mandate from a UN legislative body. Dujarric told a press brief on Tuesday that "For us [United Nations] to conduct any sort of investigation in anything, we need… to have a mandate, which we don’t, clearly, in this [case]," The spokesperson further noted that to this time, and besides what has been reported through media outlets, there has been "zero information" on the causes behind the Nord Stream explosions." https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/nord-stream-blast-investigation-requires-legislative-mandate
  4. Blinken just days after blow up, on 3rd October. In yesterday's Berliner Zeintung there is an inteview with Hersh with many new details. German text can be google translated
  5. if you are healthy, no any symptoms, low cortisol might be just your physics. Treating addison's disease carries risks. Cortisol is also made by adrenal glands. Do regular check ups, watch for symptoms. See HGH blood test for pituitary cancer, if it wasnt done yet, that is 200b. Enroll at the governmental hospital, at least to have second opinion. Ketoconazole (antifungal) can lower cortisol (is used also for cushing - which is opposite to addison). That in case if you were taking it recently and doctor missed it. Because you don't have insurance go just for basic but regular check ups at the governmental hospital.
  6. mrithailand.com they gave only tesla 1.5 machines. At their HQ at prachachuen they do have one Amira machine, the most advanced. They charge the same with lesser quality Avanto, Symphony at their branches elsewhere. Check with your dr what machine they have at Bum and if he would accept 1.5T from elsewhere. If you have time you can try at the governmental hospitals 3T.
  7. several topics below within the last few weeks. If he is moving with her, he can take care of her for sometimes. Local carers for a few hundred thb per day (when needed) or live in for 10-15k plus all expenses. There are some experimental medicines coming in the west/usa, but not likely in thailand for many years.
  8. if in years, check for expiry date
  9. so something happen or just Biden escalation of conflict, so he can gain politically within the country? citing war in ukraine or detention of Whelan in 2018 is not convincing, they are not new events
  10. you are not going to eat it, but insects don't like smell of it. Put in wardrobe on shelves, behind different furnichure, same as with mothball. If insects are coming through bathroom pipes, do put also there. If you have house, you can put ourside walls, on balcony, in shed, garrage - rats, mouse, snakes and the other small animals also don't like that smell. Mothball is cheaper, at macro 1kg 120b
  11. So why ship captain ordered to use storyfoam boxes and other objects to be used? why emergency rafts were not deployed? I think one of rafts self deployed and floating empty.
  12. they have limited stock. Just tried 2 days ago and they have only 1-2 boxes available. For more they need deposit and waiting time around a week. I think they do rounds every month to some expat destinations, but more convenient is to get by EMS, usually 2 days delivery time. When I have asked for a larger quantity they have refused to sell any, citing their policies. Another one is medtide, I think they are smaller and have limited choice
  13. yes, all medicines might have side effects. Ther are many hormonal anticancer medicines, which can be swapped at any time. But from chemo/radio patients do die, damaged kidneys, liver and other body organs.
  14. india. several year ago there was a threat with some newbe advertising delhi clinic, with names, addresses, prices.
  15. as the PC has 75 year limit for new applicants, your small chance is that WrLife will offer some policy (probably excluding cancer). Probably they are the cheapest, but the least reliable, complete unknown entity. They do have up to $5k deductible. For me major event would be cancer. For that regular check ups for blood cancer markers, fecal occult blood. If any symptoms CT, ultrasound, MRI. Colonoscopy every 10 years. All fairly cheap. But non of them is 100% reliable. If early detected cancer treatment I would think in low hundreds - that is in the governmental hospital, which I would always prefer. In case of cancer all policies do cover even outpatient treatments.
  16. that another 125k on biopsy (on top of the previous 2 for 250k), I would spend rather on any offered treatment. I would think an operation at the governmental hospital will be less than 125k. Check for cancer governmental hospitals in bangkok, but shorter waiting lines might be in neighbouring provinces. Some posters mentioned one in chonburi. Also large governmental hospitals would have oncology department. Siriraj has one. Looks. like you don't trust your doctor (he failed to inform you about yearly check ups), so look for a new one. Second/third opinion is also valuable - you already have your medical record ready. I would do all posiible cancer markers plus fecal occult blood to exclude spread. All of them just over 1k bht. For prostate there is f-PSA, also CA19-9, B-HCG. Before radio or chemio, I would go for non invasive and no side effects hormonal therapy. You get pills or injection. They stop testosteron production. Not sure how popular in Thailand, but my brother got it on NHS as the first treatment, injection in abdomen. My friend self medicates with estrofem 2mg, in thailand OTC and cheap. Read about ketokonazole http://www.thethaicancer.com/Webdocument/Onco_drug/Oncodrug_Letter/Oncodrug_Letter_K.html It's on an official cancer list medicines in thailand, for hormonal cancers. Not sure how many doctors know and prescribe it. Dirt cheap. Read about the other repurposed for cancer medicines, readily available in thailand: mebendazole, niclosamide, itraconazole, griseofulvine, disulfiram, ivermectin. Also metformin. Just google search each of those with "prostate cancer" for research papers. They are experimental treatments, used around the world for tens of years Please bear in mind I don't have any experience with any cancer, just reading this forum and hearing from cancer patients
  17. yes, the PC seems the best value. They inrease every 5 years, but from 65 those listed premiums are for guidance only. So premiums can go up yearly. My approach is 300k deductible, which halfs premium. Plus up to 20% discount for not claiming. After a large claim they will increase premium by 25% for 3 years. And no claim discount is also lost, so jump after a large claim might be 45%. That would be time to exit them and self insure. At my next 5 year increase I would probably downgrade to a lower policy. As I remember correctly from age 75 they don't offer no claim discount, so there would be 20% jump. As much as I am very hesitant now to WrLife, I would consided them in the future, if they survive.
  18. I was mislead by your original post "they agreed to pay for the operation, which was hugely surprising". But I do avoid personal discussions, even if I quote somebody, I try not to address directly. Just sharing what I have read here on forum. I don't have much personal experience with claims, because I chose the highest possible deductible. As Sheryl wrote several times on Health Forum, it's important how well doctors fill up medical history to be submitted to insurer. Many doctors don't have much experience in dealing with insurers or don't care if patients pays the bill or money comes from insurer. When recently I went for full anastesia with gastroscopy+colonoscopy, doctor went as far as asking me about my insurance details (I have handed her my insurance card, because looks like she didn't understand concept of deductible). I don't know how it happen, but I was charged 8k less than I was quoted by her before.
  19. Russia and China call for an international investigation, including one led by the United Nations. Those pipes were partly belonging to Russia, but so far they were refused by Sweden and Denmark to access them, even after those countries finished their search in November. Hersh refuses an invitation to speak at Duma, because he "doesn't do politics" (at his own words). "The next day, it became known that the State Duma would prepare an appeal to the UN after an investigation by American journalist Seymour Hersh about the explosions on the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines." "American journalist Seymour Hersh refused to speak in the State Duma" https://pledgetimes.com/american-journalist-seymour-hersh-refused-to-speak-in-the-state-duma/ Hersh distances himself also from politics in the USA, in an interview to TASS: "However, the journalist said he had turned down several invitations to speak before the US Congress in the past few years, because he prefers to stay out of politics. In his words, he received several calls from the US Congress after publishing his article about the Nord Stream. "I've already had senators call me up and I say to them, I can't help you it’s your problem, not mine," Hersh said." https://tass.com/world/1574355
  20. I know only about full anastesia qualifying as hospital admission. Also any cancer treatments, f.e. chemiotherapy, are classified as inpatient. Possibly any operation is also treated as inpatient.
  21. if you were to be put into full anastesia you are going to be admitted to hospital, so inpatient covers it - even, if it's short procedure. hospital well knew it
  22. and that is one step closer to armageddon Biden warned in september. He made this step himself
  23. no, they call for a bundestag to investigate and eventually ask the US army to depart from germany, as they pose threat. In no way they associate with putin just by demanding answer about international terrorism. if they are nationalists, they migh hate other nationalists, whether in russia or the usa
  24. I have iver 10mg vials 10ml, for under skin injection. My dogs have monthly jabs at 50b per shot at vet clinic. Probably you can learn to do it by yourself. One vial lasts me for almost a year. I have also 5mg pills. You can PM me
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