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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. ok, I would imagine similar policy might be at all private hospitals offering moderna. I quoted from Medpark for those, who have bought from them. Also the other hospitals were mentioned above in discussion. There might be governmental rules about private vax distribution and all hospitals would have to follow them
  2. from Medpark page looks, like can get refund: "Once the vaccine has been received, the vaccination sequence will be prioritized according to the chronological order of paid registration, and the hospital will send you a personal unique link to book your vaccination date and time in advance. However, your vaccination date will be adjusted according to appropriate recommendations based upon your vaccination history. Nevertheless, if the hospital could not dispense you the vaccine by the committed dates below, you can request a full refund or wait for the next round of vaccine allocation: Those who reserved for MODERNA vaccine during July 2-4, 2021: April 30, 2022 Those who reserved for MODERNA vaccine during August 17-27, 2021: July 31, 2022 The registration for vaccine reservation cannot be canceled, is not refundable and is final." https://www.medparkhospital.com/en/page/moderna-terms-and-conditions?utm_medium=email&utm_source=Jotform
  3. with school closed most of the time within the last 2 years, there is no more dengue fever danger - schools being the main factor in spreading disease in community. From the past some 70k infections per year and some 50 deaths, now down to 2000 in the first half of year and only 2 deaths (that is for the whole country, not just for bangkok, even if this campaign is bangkok focused). Due to incoming rainy season dengue statistics will rise, but still only some 5-10k infections and 5-10 deaths. At the same time millions were infected with omicron and many thousands of deaths. Again, schools play a major role in spreading covid in the community. If they really wanted to tackle dengue out brakes in the future (it probably won't be anytime soon, within the next years) they should look into vaccination program for school children in endemic areas. Similar to what Philippines did some 5 years ago to some 700k pupils. Even one dose of Dengvaxia (and not 3 recommended by manufacturer) might be good enough to prevent future out brakes. If direct contract with manufacturer and large governmental financial support, they would be able to get vaccinated all kids in bangkok aged 9-14 (probably on voluntary basis, to avoid potential back clash from parents)
  4. he, and many others, spend over 6 months in jail in 2020 for organising protest outside Prem's residence back in 2007 (that was for alleged Prem's pivotal role in 2006 coup). They got royal pardon from their long, multi-year, sentences. Looks like he is re-joining pheu thai and it means toning down his last year's rhetoric on constitutional and monarchy reform (he did some good talk as a guest speaker at foreign correspondence club sometimes at the end of 2021) He will be losing his political capital as an independent voice and became again a pay rolled politician. Likely to give him a MP seat, but at cost of losing younger generation vote.
  5. as good as he is, he would never become nominated by the democrat party because he was involved in serious corruption a long time ago.
  6. no, conservatives did not vote for him. What I have meant he will be losing from the younger population and gaining with seniors. Not that they will support him, just giving him more space. Conservatives might see through his political game, if he indeed wants to score against the central government
  7. Chadchart is stepping in the wrong direction, towards conservative electorate (which don't like him). Probably he plays turf war against the central government. Very short sighted, because he has to find way of operating with them.
  8. Not so, lows differ wildly between countries. It was after omicron, around March, when changes started. In germany still masks on public transport as May. Asia is different than europe. Still, for thailand that was top of infections with potential to greatly increase after Songkran. Lucky for thailand black songkran scenario did not materialise. one think to be aware that majority of thai people support masking in public in dense populated areas. Foreigners would be blamed again as a source of infection if the next wave comes. A large part of population would be easily convinced by Anutin and nationalists against welcoming tourists.
  9. so it can be sold to everybody over 18. Everybody knows this. Youngsters won't be buying it for 400b/g, but grow it on empty land patches. Interesting to know, if this doctor has any scientific research on harmful effect on fetus and toddlers. Most likely just made up story. But you can't prohibit mothers from buying ganja. This doctor statement is illegal
  10. but dr Anutin doesn't have any level of medical training. More likely some of the journalists have medical qualifications and knowledge, than himself
  11. what about cigarette smoke which is as offensive as ganja smoke? why single the one out? Plain overreaction and doesn't make sense. It's just plain way of warning users not to smoke in public, and not because of smell, but because of "danger" to public morality, as by conservative standards. At the same time drinking alcohol in public is not restricted in thailand (it is in some countries, including in europe).
  12. so she happy eat all the soup, payed and went home. After 3 days she claims she had the very leaf of ganja she had already eaten, all well preserved in a jar. Paying 280b for a bowl of soup is also somehow suspicious, only if that was some very posh restaurant (not likely in the city this accident happen). I think she made false claims, the source of her allergy well might be something else. Seafood, nuts more likely.
  13. already sorted. Why net for the bill to become law within the next week or so? "The Royal Gazette published a Public Health Ministry announcement classifying smoke from cannabis and hemp as olfactory "nuisance" Tuesday night. The announcement is effective today. This was followed by a warning from the ministry that smoking marijuana can cause asthma and lung diseases. Marijuana for medical purposes was decriminalized on Thursday but some are now smoking for recreational purposes. Violators could face a fine of up to 25,000 baht and/or jail terms of up to three months under Public Health Act." https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=400722428766938&set=a.366191288886719
  14. I have payed medpark for 2 vials 3400b, suppose to be in the beginning of year. I have written to them a month ago, they would have moderna only in September. It still will be the first generation one. I really hoped for the new one
  15. great idea with ganja liberalisation, but it should be a progressive political opposition with young support base and not the most corrupted political party (in fact it's a mafia under political party masquerade). So Buriram province is now the hotspot for ganja production, processing and soon export. And that's why dr Anutin fought for the very health ministry post, despite not qualified and making so many cardinal mistakes during his tenure in covid response, that he had to be put aside by covid czar. There are huge money to him and his ministry for issuing licenses, permits, certification etc - most as back kicks in brown envelopes that would be coming for many years after he leaves the ministry. Strange for Chadchard making those moves. Wrong and diminish his political credibility as a progressive figure. Very short sighted and will back bite him very soon. He should concentrate on exposing corruption and possible legal fiasco, which liberalisation of ganja might soon become. It's outrage, that proper laws were not established before the last Thursday. There were many years to work on it to a T. But possibly it was done on purpose by Anutin, the more confusion and uncertainty, the more financial benefit for him and his cronies. They had already head start in Buriram for years, probably tens of tons already stored in warehouses and distribution chains already established to all provinces
  16. they are all unmanned for a long time, already pre-omicron. That except airports and some supermarkets with those big screens - most likely they will still be there, just put slightly to the side and without supervision, on an automatic mode. Personally I don't scan temperature because I don't remember doing so on entrance, it not became my habit - unless security guy rushes towards me with his handheld thermometer. I head strait to counter or take queue number. I live in the suburbs and it's different to the crowded town centres, so those measures are liberal and don't bother me much. Thai people have became accustomed to them, will probably take months and years, before completely abandoned. Masks will stay on voluntary basis, everybody has still a large stock of them
  17. ganja and kratom were traditional herbs used wildly till 60-ties, when under the USA pressure they became illegal. Both of them stop people from using hard drugs, which are real dangerous. Just shame that bhumjai mafia party will benefit politically and financially from pushing production for domestic market and export. Surely there is huge popular interest in all social groups. It will become part of thai culture again, after some 50 years. So many forum members admitted recently for smoking and growing their own. I think ganja is widespread in cambodia, laos and burma, supposedly some supplies are coming from there. If not their authoritarian governments, ganja would be legalised there before yet before thailand. They will follow thailand's trail, even for attracting tourism. Muslim countries will lag behind
  18. I think he was released from prison by pardon, on condition, he will switch side. Many others did, including isaan rambo, who has post at the PM office. All of them became royalists, wear "904" military/police haircut. UDD is disfunctional since 2014, it was Tida, who carried work for some many years. Prompan parted with thaksin good 4-5 years ago, at local election in Chiang Mai. At yesterday demo it was only him from the former reds, the rest were right wing ultra-royalists - the usual anti-american suspects. They hate West for inventing democracy and human rights
  19. this linked by you 0-54-32 fertiliser is 300b per kg (including p+p). How easy and safe is to store 25kg bag, which is 2600b for 25kg so just over 100b/kg? How many months flowering season lasts? Say with 10 plants and 2 litres per plant means up to 50g daily so around 1.5kg per month. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/0-52-34-25-i251755470.html?spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.22.4d224de72tCf6x
  20. mainstream media were warned many times, the last time some 6 months ago, that broadcasting protests is inciting to crime, with possible sedition charges and such laws against editors and journalists. "Thailand takes action against media groups for protest reports" https://www.ft.com/content/92374696-d1de-49a0-b545-7861c98727be "Thailand aims to further censor media reporting of protests" https://ipi.media/thailand-aims-to-further-censor-media-reporting-of-protests/ Do follow in english credible fb thai media and human rights/citizens channels https://www.facebook.com/KhaosodEnglish https://www.facebook.com/PrachataiEnglish the last weekend protests were covered by them, including short video. Both those pages have a long history and high level journalism
  21. emirates premium economy looks like business class, with fast track check in, priority boarding, chinaware, welcome drink, reclining seats and large size headphones. There is no full partition between seats, just cocktail table - unlike in some other business class. So far they have only 6 fitted air planes, the last A380 ever made, which were delivered at the end of 2021. From August flying London, paris, sydney and bangkok. That means, that they won't be able to fly every day on each route. Possible they can on Bangkok leg, because it's just 6h, but others are much longer. It's also possible, that bangkok is only part of the route to sydney, as refuelling stop - that way their price might drop a little. At the end of year they will start retrofitting half of it's A380 and B777 fleet. https://www.emirates.com/media-centre/emirates-launches-full-premium-economy-experience/
  22. I have seen it on a flight to europe several months ago. They are on a brand new A380 just coming into service. Flight menager have told me some $600 extra for return flight from Dubai. So to BKK it might be some $1000, almost as much as economy. There were only some 2-3 passengers in this cabin, probably upgraded free from economy. They suppose to have a separate kitchen and separate crew serving it. They have configuration 2+3+2, with segregation between seats (instead of movable armrests), so you can't stretch on 3-4 seats, which I have experienced on many half-empty flights and on the very flight I have seen this premium economy. It would be nice to be bumped up, if economy was full, same as it's nice to be bumped to business. But paying almost 2x over economy is not worth
  23. he and his 5 pals got death sentence swapped for life imprisonment. They will appeal. Both cases, as well as a riot police cop moving at 120km/h a doctor on a zebra crossing with an unregistered, uninsured power bike (and getting 1 year sentence) are just examples to the rest, that they should all buy an elephant ticket (starting from just 5mln bht), which would make them above the law. If not social media outrage, there would be no any investigation. https://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2021/02/22/police-have-no-duty-to-explain-elephant-ticket-scandal/ I would think within 5-10 years they will get an amnesty
  24. the last year thai government promised, that moderna in 2022 will be only the new generation. Even the private hospitals were mentioning they would try to get the second generation. I think nothing from moderna plans materialised so far. I would wait for a booster sometimes before the next potential wave. In the meantime do flu, some other vax for lungs (if of certain age or with medical conditions) and talk to dr about some other once
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