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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. no, so far it's health control officials checking it. But also airlines at check in and at transfer airports. When flying to europe it's immigration at each country doing that duty, takes not more than 5 seconds. But what they have said today, there would be only random checks, not full control. So only maybe for some certain arrivals coming from more risky countries
  2. accident. for health policies they are some 5k for higher cover (that at pacific cross, they have some 10 policies, covering from 270k to 50mln)
  3. problem with thailand is difficulty and speed to make radical decisions, if they are needed. Almost daily contradictory statements from the top officials, who don't communicate between themselves. Masks will stay even outdoors, no matter what official policy will be. They became ingrained in thai mentality. Some masks do stop dust, including PM2.5, so at least some good use for them. But mask do also stop the other patogen transmitted by air, bacteria, fungus, the other virus (like seasonal flu). As to when the next covid wave will come and how dangerous it might be, now it looks unlikely it will come to thailand soon, say within a month or two. But Portugal, Germany has very recent spike to 500 cases per 100k, in Germany there are almost 100k infections daily for the last week. France still keeps locator form (similar to thailand pass - bar insurance cover) and masks on public transport, including air planes. https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-news/holiday-destination-struggling-covid-spain-27252051
  4. also insurance not required. Those not vaxed do pcr test and show at check in and on arrival. Also they were doing pcr tests in thailand airports if certificate was not clear about negative
  5. there must be more than 1 private hospital, say within 1h drive from home. Check also provincial governmental hospital, ask for a private room (that might be in range of 10k/night)
  6. so she invites a complete stranger to her apartment, drink with him beer and drives with him for more booze, allows him to smoke at her place and take illegal substances (tramadol is not an over counter medicine in thailand, it's abused by drug users) and than complains to police for an assault which apparently was a panic attack. She was also complicit in his driving under influence and crashing his car
  7. but it's a blatant misinformation from this publication. Nothing to do with thai laws and with what is happening now. That journalist should apologise and make corrections. Thousands of ganja users were released from jail just recently. Practically anybody can grow and use it. Many were doing so despite being illegal.
  8. he is writing about the past. For a week now ganja can be bought on Khaosan Rd stalls and across country. The very PM has put forward koh phangan full moon parties being allowed to smoke on the beach. Most likely there would be some other touristy islands following koh phangan example. Liberalisation of ganja has nothing to do with legality of any other drugs. As to travel statistics - there were far more brits coming to thailand pre-covid. Some 1mln yearly
  9. nothing would stop all those "experts" and politicians to try to get to spotlight by quoting false claims. Same with public - like lady who had an allergic reaction allegedly after soup with one small ganja leaf. There won't be long before anti-ganja pressure groups will appear, with some politicians, even political parties, taking that clause. It will become part of political game. Very possibly it was game for Chadchart, to score against the central government - his first failure. Somehow many have forgotten, that ganja is part of thai culture, medical tradition and cuisine for thousands years. At the very same time as it was banned in thailand in the 60ties, it appeared in the West as recreation drug
  10. arrested already in pattaya. If that fast arrest he probably checked in under his name at hotel, that's the only detail was given publicly
  11. that was fast arrest, within a day or two of warrant. Even if they did not disclose publicly his picture or description. Did he check in to Pattaya hotel in his own name?
  12. for that price some 23k/night, they are not able to let it that often and upkeep it, so nature takes over. There must be some source of food for those pests, dirty drains, not properly disposed kitchen leftovers, opened rubbish bins, dirty neighbours
  13. I walked there at sunset, there is a lot of space for everybody to set their camping gear or just put mats or seat on sand. Looks nice, orderly and clean, with rather upscale vendors on the street. I had impression they were paying to municipality for their strictly allocated spots, but now after reading this article they might be paying to cops/mafia. There are problems - very narrow pavement around only 1m wide, and crowded. Faster is going on the sand just next to pavement. Parking is along the pavement side of road, all taken by vendors, who set up their shops yet before people come. From soi 19 to north, where there is large metal lettering "jomtien beach", there are not any vendors at all, so from here people park their cars. From that spot beach is almost empty. I do suspect that this beach will be washed away by the sea current, unless they come some ideas how to reinforce the edge. They were already forced to lay down those huge multi-tone sandbags where there is storm water canal. They were carrying their job well into night, as if there was some urgency in finishing it timely. So far their have failed to re-grow any trees along the road, to give some shade for those walking or seating there during day. Hence place is deserted during day, too hot being here
  14. do open sanam luang. Not long ago there were festivities going on every weekend and holidays. Kite flying. Before that it was a large city market. Now completely useless space
  15. I got calcium 600mg, which comes with vid D3 400 IU. I get calcium to boost immunity, that from the beginning of covid. D3 helps in calcium absorption. Lazada box 500 pills some 650b, Kirkland. I drop 2 pills per 1.5 litre water bottles, so they are better absorbed
  16. looks like the top government agencies discuss mask law every week, with the government officials giving contradicting statements. As if they didn't have have more important issues at hand
  17. double standards. cigarettes, alcohol - to anybody from 18th and to pregnant and breast feeding. Also cigarettes and alcohol can be used in public, but not ganja. Ganja, as well as kratom, are traditional thai medical herbs for thousands years. They are still wildly used in remote villages despite made illegal 50 years ago - for food, medicine and recreationally. That notice prepared by department of alternative medicine doesn't have anything to do with complementary medicine. That department suppose to promote any herbs, as oppose to promote pharmaceutical medicines.
  18. get the cheapest health from the pacific cross, which for your age starts from 13k/year (covers 270k per condition, so very basic, but good enough for covid hospitalisation etc). They have 100k accident included. For an additional 150b per 100k cover you can top up to 1mln for 1350b. That's worldwide policy, would serve you as a travel policy, even in the UK. Compare here different pacific cross and with the other 5 insurers https://misterprakan.com/th/health/plans?gender=Male&age=52&lg=en&ipd=1&opdf=0&leadid=348157
  19. I have contacted Medpark a month ago. "Regarding your inquiry, we regret to inform you that we still don’t have the information when the 2nd generation of Moderna vaccine will be available. Please be informed that the vaccine that you’d reserved is for the 1st generation and you will be able to get this vaccine injection within September 2022. Best regards, phone +66 (2) 023 3333 | email [email protected]"
  20. dengue is very much urban problem, with high population density. Not rural one. Mosquito breeds in water tanks, bathrooms, roof gutters and under surface gutters, ditches. There well might be an empty patch of land with vegetation and some rubbish, which nobody takes care - that would be a breeding ground
  21. stagnant water in thailand is everywhere, including school grounds. Mosquitoes fly only some 100m from their breeding grounds, so infections are only on one soi. Kids travel to school by many km and that's how virus is spread beyond control. See in the original article, which is not quoted above: "the average age of patients, who are mostly school children aged between 5 and 14 years old". Mosquito which spreads dengue bites only day time. That's when kids are at school grounds. They don't bite at home, the usual early morning/dusk mosquito
  22. yes, it's well known, that this vaccination is beneficial for those, who already had one previously. And detrimental to those, who never had infection. Scientists worked over 20 years on developing this vax, and it's as good as can be. Some the other dengue vaxes are still worked on, but might take years/tens of years. That's why it's recommended only for those, who live in endemic tropics of a minimum 9 years (that's how often statistically local population catches virus). Way for avoiding jabbing those never infected yet would be checking for antibodies, but this test is as expensive as vaccination itself (they are worth 2000b). That's why I did suggest, that thailand should allow parents consent, to avoid situation which happened in Philippines. But for many years to come, this disease is definitely not an issue here.
  23. yes, schools are factors in dengue infection, mosquitoes are at schools, playgrounds. That's exactly because of closed schools dengue fall by 30x within the last 2 years. I had dengue at least 2x, also had 3 dengvaxia since became available in thailand in 2017
  24. doesn't matter if you are in love with her. Maybe she is on love with you and that's enough for relationship, staying together and have fulfilling life. You might fall in love with her later on. No point in keeping relationship with your wife, surely she doesn't love you and you hate her. Doesn't mean you have to divorce now. For sure don't give her any more money, no matter if she will start taking care of daughters. She already had enough from you in her life. She suppose to pay you now monthly for taking sole care of daughters. I had a similar situation with a girl half my age, who already had a child. She decided to keep child without my support. I would agree to pay, if DNA was done at my chosen hospital, and not at her province, where is would have chance to alter results by bribery. As my wify is childless we offered a large money for a baby, but she refused. From time to time she keeps in touch and if my marriage falls apart I do have a back up.
  25. ask her for abortion, pay hospital bill in full. Otherwise promise to pay 3500b/months after birth. That's customary money in thailand. I think she can force you to DNA only after birth, not now. I would keep this girl at home, let her take care of your 2 daughters. She can work part time, when daughters are at nursery. She can also work from home. Maybe help with your work, if she is able to. What is her age? If very young, childless and not in any previous relationship, she has right to ask you for more money now, during pregnancy, pay all hospital bills, and later, till the kid reaches 18.
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