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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. looks like BTS requesting all to wear masks: "BANGKOK -- BTS Skytrain operator issued a statement Friday saying passengers are still required to wear masks "at all times" while using the system despite the lifting of mask mandate which came into effective just before Friday." https://www.facebook.com/KhaosodEnglish/posts/pfbid033yQgzZU92jDzAi9ZpuYNAkyN8pTSYCMpnh4HKmYSvQTwjS9yjmPmmNJSrwPVqTcml
  2. I have said "good", good enougn for me, affordable, to my financial limit. According to laws still existing in some european countries to wear medical masks at certain places. And not high quality, which are not required to wear them in europe, so beyond need and beyond my finances. I don't remember now why I have blocked you sometimes very long ago.
  3. I am talking about laws in thailand (there was no gradual change) and in germany (still mandated on transport). Thai are wearing masks to protect others around them. When in between them I wear mask not to spread germs on them. A common sense. Surgical masks are still warned at operating wards all around world (by now probably upgraded to a higher quality) People still should do social distancing. That new law doesn't mention it at all
  4. I was there one evening and find nice relaxing atmosphere. Everything orderly and pretty up smart, sophisticates. I have thought it's properly organised by authorities. I was positively impressed. Even more admiration now, that it was done by traders themselves, without any official involvement. Local government has missed some 100k daily income from taxing traders. That's 365k per year - for that money they can do this beach state of art tourist attraction, with more development done - that place needs trees and plants protecting beach from waves and giving shade for beach goers. And now ruining another 200k daily trade and income to the local population from tourists. Close this road in the evening and into night from the regular traffic, allow to park on both sides of road and speed limit 5km, just another walking street.
  5. there are many Cepacol lozenges (orange, lemon, vit C, wild berry etc) and they are more like sweets than real medicines The Original is discontinued. That the only one to contain cetylpyridinium chloride. This seller has posted a picture of the Original (the blue packaging), but doesn't have it as a choice to select. I have written to that pharmacy, but I don't have hope for reply
  6. not banned, but they were talking about gradual removal - first from outdoors, later from indoors and public transport. That how it suppose to be done, and how other countries are doing. There are stil many countries with mask obligation at public transport, including flights
  7. constant drivel from deranged junta apologist Tulsathit Taptim. Again, difficult to read and comprehend his constant twists. That comment I do leave at all articles written by him. "The Pheu Thai Party has warned that it would be business as usual for the prime minister, and there was little mentioning of cannabis as a potential highlight. To make this debate significantly different from the previous three, and to do what makes political sense, the Pheu Thai-led opposition will turn to cannabis. Unless it has something else up its sleeve, that is." the true Opposition is not pheu thai, but future forward. Pheu thai colludes with Prawit in an attempt to steal the next election by forming coalition government. Behind door talks are ongoing for over a year. That's why Pheu Thai has prevented future forward from speaking at censure debates by stealing allocated time for opposition. They were allowed by the house speaker to prolong their speeches. So Rangsiman Rome to had to speak outside chamber at media conferences. He is even charged with defamation for what he said about Five Provinces Bordering Forest Preservation Foundation in chamber itself. At the same time the elites are throwing lese majeste laws against future forward to gag them. Piyabutr was charged the last week once again with this law. Vax scandal at the censure debate in January 2021 Tulsathit describes as "key figures on the opposition’s side have been embroiled in unfavorable new reports regarding the vaccines themselves." - that is about serious allegations of thai made the AZ corruption Thanathorn made. He was slapped with article 112 for that by the government.
  8. they were talking about dropping first at outdoor, followed sometimes later on with indoor. And they were planning to do the first step from 1st July. They should keep in on public transport, at least. Germany still has it, some other european dropped it from April. Some international airlines still enforce on air planes, but not at their airports. I still have stock of 200 good quality masks which I got for some 1b, few months before that they were going for up to 10-20b. I think the next wave is possible in thailand, in parts of europe there is now "summer wave". btw if anybody knows where to get Cepacol Original lozenges (do protect and treats bacterial and viral infections) please do let me know. Production is discontinued for some unknown reason and can't get it at my places
  9. they were talking about dropping first at outdoor, followed sometimes later on with indoor. And they were planning to do the first step from 1st July. They should keep in on public transport, at least. Germany still has it, some other european dropped it from April. Some international airlines still enforce on air planes, but not at their airports. I still have stock of 200 good quality masks which I got for some 1b, few months before that they were going for up to 10-20b. I think the next wave is possible in thailand, in parts of europe there is now "summer wave". btw if anybody knows where to get Cepacol Original lozenges (do protect from bacterial and viral infections) please do let me know. Production is discontinued for some unknown reason and can't get it at my places
  10. you can't wash from beans because they are soaked for years. Yes, canned beans are convenient, but not every day. I have stopped cans, bar 3.5kg black olives in brine, because 700g in glass jars are expensive. Can't find dry black olives with stones - my favourable. Fruits definitely fresh/frozen, not canned - on top of natural sweetness they are in sugar syrup. I buy frozen only if fresh are not available or if much more expensive. Mostly many different berries, avocado
  11. order on lazada, fresh one in cold containers or tinned one. Somebody mentioned on the other thread that tesco has humus and is often discounted
  12. canned foods are not for daily eating but for emergencies. Not that healthy, albeit convenient. One or two tins per week for emergency or for taste, but not 2 daily, every single day. Makro has large 2-5kg tins. Would be half price of those 450g. Free home delivery on orders over 3k. Also on Lazada. Frozen foods are healthier, cheaper.
  13. no, at the beginning of June I have travelled a few minutes after 20:00 to jomtien. 4 passengers on board. I have called this bus company some 2 weeks before that date and they told me the last is 19:00.
  14. lines are 5 people, so 10 minutes. all depends on luck
  15. absolutely impossible to get back. there is no signing. the last is at 20:00, sometimes waits 5-10 minutes for delayed passengers. Buy ticket at booth. I think goes ever 1h
  16. with regret, but I rather would not give them any more chance. I have spotted just recently they have started to offer refundable flights, and that without premium. I see, also recently, many promotional prices to Europe from them
  17. that is high percentage of deaths. In thailand it's around 1/1000 infections. So far deaths in thailand are 2, that is from the beginning of the year (not from the beginning of wet monsoon). looks like a huge difference between those countries
  18. but his symptoms disappear from azythromycin and ceftriakson. They worked in this combo. The residual bacteria was completely removed by amoxicilin. On top if it there are another 2 experimental antibiotics, which should be available in the near future. So it's not all bleak as title states
  19. that is just a xenophobic warning to foreigners to behave. I would think proper training should take place in the barracks, where they can comfortable work under instructor and do it for a whole day, mastering new skills, learning from mistakes. Doing it in the middle of city is a propaganda exercise, for show, photo opportunity, but not proper training.
  20. as he was fully treated with amoxicilin means this bacteria is not drug resistant. It's a matter of finding a proper antibiotic. Doctors can also combine 2 or more antibiotics at the same time. Memorable holiday in cambodia for him, his wify and kids will also remember well
  21. sorry for cutting your post - if you lived in tropics over 9 years or had alredy dengue, there is dengvaxia for some 2-3k per shot, 3 are required every 6 month. Too late for you to get all, but at least one might do
  22. between the cheapest health 270k and the most expensive 60mln available from thai insurers (there are more from an international, and probably even more expensive) there are those in the middle. And those the best value for money - not all insurance are equal. Art of insurance is to save money for times, when you need help. Paying the highest premiums, when you are young, healthy, is pointless. That email is from an agent about exactly those 2 policies, which I have mentioned: "Thank you for your email. As a broker we work with many insurers in the field of health insurance but a bit more with Pacific Cross then we do with Dhipaya. I have had a look and made a highlights overview between the two Inpatient plans you have considered (if you are looking for this type of a policy and premium, these two are hard to beat in comparison with other insurers on the market). Please see this overview below. Overall I think we can agree that the Dhipaya policy offers better value for money than the Pacific Cross policy. The Pacific Cross policy might also provide medical emergency cover overseas but to be honest, I would always recommend to take out an additional travel insurance policy as the medical expenses overseas might be a lot higher than your Thai insurance policy would cover (which would lead to large amounts of co-payment for you). The complete and most up to date information of the Pacific Cross plans may be downloaded via the following link: https://www.aainsure.net/pacific-cross/ I have also attached the benefits table of the Dhipaya policy to this email for your convenience. Should there be any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Warm regards, Jenny Premier Plan Pacific Cross Dhipaya Maximum Limit per Policy year 1,200,000 per disability / year 5,000,000 DEDUCTIBLE None None Hospital & Surgical Benefits * Room & Board: include general nursing service up to a per day limit of 5,000 10,000 Maximum limit per day and maximum of days per disability Max. 45 days / disability Max. 90 days * Hospital Services and Supplies : 200,000 150,000 Theatre fees : X-rays : Laboratory Tests : Surgical Appliances Intensive Care : Medicines and Drugs : Emergency Ambulance Service * Anaesthetist’s Fees Incl. in hospital expenses Incl. in hospital expenses * Surgeon’s Fees 100,000 200,000 * Organ Transplant and Kidney dialysis 100,000 Not covered * Inpatient Phychiatric / Mental disorders / disability Not covered Not covered * Physician’s Daily Hospital Visit 2,500 1,500 Maximum limit per day and maximum of days per disability Max. 45 days / disability Max. 90 days * Emergency OPD within 24 hours, maximum per accident 10,000 40,000 * World-Wide Emergency Assistance Fully idemnified Not covered * Emergency Medical Evacuation Fully idemnified Not covered Outpatient Not covered Not covered Personal Accident 150,000 200,000 Vision Not covered Not covered Dental Not covered Not covered
  23. yes, I have stated that clearly already 2x. I was happy to pay it, just wife didn;t want to risk covid test and forced stay on the word for many days. I was not in serious condition, just needed 12h drip and than also IV antibiotics every 3h. Private would cost 2-3x higher. Thy surely will charge 10x for medicines. When at piyavate private hospital for covid they wanted 350b per pill of antiviral, which cost 35b at pharmacy (and in india 4x lower below thai pharmacy). So I refused any treatment
  24. that was only for 1 night. Nurse at the desk quoted 5k, but later on dr increased it to 7.5k (probably because wife was required with me). On 4 nights stay I have saved 22k
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