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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. Ukrainian embassy most welcome you too as a cannon fodder to defend complete strangers. They might even pay you for joining their information campaign, as they pay those thai losers out jobs and life prospects in their homeland
  2. I can see from this picture a real improvement from a year ago, when the very same call centre had some 10 desks with phones with 2 medical volunteers manning each. One was holding receiver and the other was doing writing. There were no any computers in sight. Dr Anutin was begging for volunteers come forward after their shifts on hospital wards. The lines were so overwhelmed that practically it was impossible to get through. And that in situation of emergency, dying patients searching for spare hospital beds. Situation is different now, but memory stays.
  3. So real number of infections is 55k and that's why daily perished count now over 40. They should think hard now about songkran and what situation will be after festivities. Right now they should warn if daily count of deaths is over 100 holiday will be postponed. that would be fair and rational, rather then the last seconds jerks
  4. Does it mean an early warning of songkran cancellation? i do wish songkran was cancelled now and give population proper timing to arrange that holiday. The last year cancellation was on 10.04, when large part of holidaymakers were already on the move and were forced to pay for PCR tests on entering their home provinces, some were hospitalised because of testing positive, some were quarantined or told to self- isolate at homes. Thats 10 days od festivities ruined for them and their families
  5. I dont remember ever condemning birma's military coup. contrary to opposing civil war in birma, they do supply their army with supplies over the border and stand together with russian military counterparts on a defilade in Rangoon
  6. Yes, it is. yet it comes from the government rooted in 2014 and 2006 military coups, which murdered 90 its own citizens in 2010. and spends many percent of GDP on military hardware from the usa, russia and ukraine to subjugate its own population with a threat of using live rounds on the streets and at student campuses, as their predecessors did in 1976 at thammasat university and so many other mass murders. thai forces are responsible for 10 500 extrajustic killings since rhe beginning of rhe Cold War (not counting 2500 thaksins war on drugs)
  7. They are waged workers. Their country is there, where they can get decent wages. thailand is not one of those countries. nobody wants to be killed for somebodies else military, political and monetary interests, gains. Its not their war. Class war might be closer to their particular class interests
  8. Ukrainian government has promissed thai to pay $3300 monthly mercenary wage. surely thai government would have full right to stop those killers getting killed by withdrawing their passports. most of those ex-military as social losers, unemployed, unqualified for civilian life, but still they suppose ro take care of their families and not become cannon fodder and put their families of mercy of thai government handouts
  9. I dont think in war torn country there is much space for freedom of speech, democracy and justice, for which they strove. That until they join peace corp - but that is volunteering, no payment
  10. Looks, like those workers have voluntarily contributed to this fund and they are entitled to this compensation. that amount is good monthly wage in thailand which would tide them up until they find new work. most of those workers are highly qualified, educated, speak languages, are mobile and able to reasonable easy find work in thailand or anywhere in the world (getting all the paperwork takes some 2-3 months, depending on an agency, and costly, some 25k).. So now they have well deserved holiday with families before disappearing for 2 years contracts on a reasonable well wages
  11. Nothing to do with democracy, which can only be raised by political education, conscious organised action and not by gun barrel (which contradicts thinking and rational solution to problem, including diplomatic once in case of an international conflict). any war is antidemocratic, order given by a leader to kill the others, thinking, looking different. nothing as spanish international volunteers corp, who were ideologically motivated, nothing as those thai mercenaries, brainless, unconscious killing machines, guns for hire, assassins, for whom only money matters and they dont have a clue about the country, conflict, politics
  12. There is nothing updated in this article which wasn't know for the last week or so. but the headline grabs attention. Lets see how many hotels will be refunding the 5th day stay and test, which some already booked for the last month
  13. I bet non of them know where is Ukraine, name countries surrounding her, name 5 major cities. even more so about its history, that includes during the 2 ww. Same goes for their knowledge about russia. ukrainian and russian military conscripts, recruits are running away from their own countries over the land borders to neighbouring countries and claim refugee status. Some wealthier once are already in thailand for the last several months. Russian being a large part of those entering thailand
  14. Looks this leaked messages prove, that she jumped into water escaping from rape from some high ranking general, for whom this trip was arranged. if he is from the family who "cant be named" this investigation will lead to nowhere and those messages would be dismissed as fake. she should publish them immediately on social media, that before court puts injunction on disclosing them. At least she will have moral satisfaction that she did the most she could under circumstances
  15. Their accounts were blocked, whether cc or by bank transfers. Also they cant use anymore insurance bought at their countries. They were coming before war in large quantities, also by travel agencies charter flights. Especially recent months, when conflict escalated. still, they might be coming from the third countries in europe, where they escaped over the land borders. They dont need visa to thailand. Possibly they might claim an asylum, if run out of visa extension problems. there is a large trade between thailand and russia, ukraine - that includes also armaments to thailand. But it's mostly export from thailand. Agricultural products, especially winter time. with all different sanctions and blocks thailand will have to find new ways of trading
  16. Thailand Pass website was hacked several times, the first on 28.01, so already a month ago. the Ministry never admitted to data breach and never apologised, but put pop up warning on their website each time
  17. Yes, its rather what would after songkran. so far its promissed not to be cancelled. but i do wish it was. Rather already now, so people can plan accordingly, then just on the eve of mass exodus, as the last year.
  18. Get any as soon as possible. Might protect you from covid complications
  19. Dtap - red cross, travel clinics (including in hospitals), around 800b. pcv20 not available in th. Your first should prevnar 13, around 2.5k. After a year prevnar (or similar name) 23. Prevnar is for over 60, with underlying or smokers.
  20. The only difference now is ark instead of pcr. since june the last year, at the end of the uk variant and beginning of delta, hospitals were over stretched and were not admitting even serious cases. Some people died at home. All of them were diagnosed and supplied with medicines, also food and health volunteers were taking their daily temperature and monitoring symptoms.
  21. For the last month they say will go on. But the last year was the same. Also 2 years ago it was sudden and radical cancellation of holidays. Only around 2 weeks advance. Certainly they should shorten songkran and give some long weekends, to slow this wave. That worker 2 years ago
  22. The last year they did bar travel on 10.04 saturday, Many started their journey on friday, to avoid traffic. Many booked their tickets, hotels. That was already too late to change travel plans. At entering their province they had to take test for 500b. The third wave was already underway, with z daily jump 100% on 5.04 from 100 to 200 infections. From there figures rose within days to thousands. Almost nobody was vaxed yet. Too early to predict how long this wave will last. And what would be infection rate at time just before songkran. If in hundreds of thousands and around 100 hundred perish daily, they should cancel songkran. They should have clear plan made public what restrictions there would be depending on level of infections. So people wont be that disappointed with sudden changes
  23. Looks similar as the current prime minister who wants to run for his 3rd term. Ruling since 2014. If elected the next year, he might end rule in 2027. Both have full support from the dinosaurs more powerful, them themselves
  24. TR application might be only for tourist visa. Thats why applied at embassy and not Thailand Pass. I have asked the OP for clarification if indeed tourist visa TV
  25. new rules only from 1.03 so new prices might be only around that time. price for the cheapest hotel 1st night 3600b includes 2200b for PCR and around 500-600b for airport pick up. So room is only from 900b. PCR might be capped to 900b, but still not introduced. That price might be only for domestic and the government hospitals. Not necessarily for incomers and private hospitals. The cheapest PCR test I have found in europe start from e37, with average e50. So 2200b is around what can be expected
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