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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. no, they are not for thailand pass. Just room. for t&g start from 3800, includes transport and pcr.
  2. but just from 15.02 policy change - no compensation for asymptomatic or mild symptoms. Only those with 39.5c for over 24h and those with breathing rate over 25 per minute are to be treated and compensated by insurance
  3. no, average hospitalisation for covid is some 300k (thai includes the governmental and private) - according to dr Anutin. If symptomatic with intubation, ventilation or ICU, and for weeks, that might exceed 700k (some $20k). Light version was good enough for T&G (covering $50k, instead of an earlier $100k). if you are staying in thailand for long/permanently you might think of 1 year policy for 4200b than just one month for 650b.
  4. insurer in FWD. The TQM are just brokers. Buy directly from FWD or some other, reputable broker. FWD doesn't quote covid policies on their website, to have to send them enquiry https://www.fwdgi.co.th/product_covid.php I got reply from my insurer: "... the plan from FWD sounds good as that is a good price. We unfortunately do not sell any plans from FWD. We only have MSIG and they are more expensive than FWD."
  5. there was on the boat some high ranking officer, possible that one. Possible with some generals. It wasn't just a river trip of a few friends, but watermelon was there as an entertainment. This entertainment went too far for her
  6. this FWD is 4200b per year and 700k covid hospitalisation. Their competitor, Tune, use to be 15k per year for $100k, later lowered to 7.5k per year in Light version and for $50k cover. They had a catch - you can enter thailand only once. I would think this policy has same catch, probably more. I have written to my insurance agent to see their comment.
  7. that suppose to be health insurance, all medical conditions and accident. They haven't published the whole policy. Even when downloading brochure, there is only 2 page info graphic. Probably good enough for entry (if listed on this side), but probably very limited in practise. I have written to them about 1 year policy, asked for brochure
  8. starting from 3500b (but for that price the only one and away from bkk) https://asq.in.th/
  9. medical certificate/recovery certificate covers you for 90 days - so even if you are positive, you show them at the airport check in, in transit, on arrival and at testing hospital/hotel. You still need to do Test&Go. Very little chance you will still be positive in 2 months time. I was detected positive on 1st February. On 23rd ATK negative. PCRs on 26 and 28.2, also 3.03 all negative. Entry rules will be liberalised almost every month, one of the PCR's will be scrapped, possibly replaced by ATK.
  10. this 1500b is rock bottom. Can you name this place? even at the governmental hospitals it is some 1800b
  11. why have you booked 1&5th days? it's known from around 23.2 that from 1st March only 1st night needed.
  12. only very young ellies eat poo, for their gut bacteria. Ellies poo doesn't smell, doesn't have that many bacteria. But because it's digested only in 40% can still be nutritious for babies and for many other animals
  13. if they took side of coalition Hitler would invade them. If they took Hitler side there would be no more big money and gold deposits coming to banks from all over occupied Europe. Many/most of those account holders were murdered during war, with funds unclaimed. Now days rich people keep money in bitcoin. No need for swiss banks. So this time it was easy to take side.
  14. From the title transpires, that because russia is powerful, thais should be neutral in this conflict. but the whole article is contradictory to the title. most speakers concluded that thai should be aware of russia imperialism, authoritarian rule, propaganda etc. But the second Cold War has started already several years ago with Trump taking stance against china. He did employ all the tools, including embargoes. He shifted the whole world into an authoritarian mode, copied by the other states. Earlier on, from around 2014, there was border tension on the east NATO flank, with thousands of american soldiers send there. Americans also set up bases with ballistic missiles. They did claim defensive purpose, to shoot down incoming missiles from Iran, but it was just a pretext to escalate conflict in europe. Russia was at the time in defence mode, in economic crisis
  15. He is talking about direct threats to thai websites - 12 since 13.01. He gives exact numbers and details of each. Those are the most dangerous, because aimed at the government or banks. i would think many hackers around the world are employed now by different governments towards war in ukraine. Russians has warned that any hack attempt to their nuclear capabilities will be treated as an act of war
  16. To strictly protect means cancelling or postponing songkran. that decision can be made by the DDC itself, to take heat from the other fovernmental bodies, which so far promised, that the holiday goes on without any restrictions
  17. Thai diplomacy is changing fronts every week. how long that "friendship" will last? there are still pending armaments orders from russia and ukraine. Need for an ammunition might force thai to beg russia for speeding up opening factory on thai soil, to avoid embargoes. Otherwise already bought guns will become useless toys
  18. Thai, as well as the UK government, can and should refuse passport or revoke it, to protect lives of its own citizens, motivated by whatever irrational motions they have. Any war, but the class war, hasnt got anything to do with democracy and human progress. Contrary, it destroys democracy, civil society, replaced by arbitrary orders from always mad politicians and even maddier generals. War escalates nationalism, racism, divides continents, countries and families. Brings destruction and misery. Humanitarian response to any war is to keep as far as possible from military involvement, but helping civilian victims
  19. I dont see any connection of this war to thailand. possibly ukrainian hackers targeting thai government for not condemning aggression. But than they have more important targets now. This "fake news" warning public of malware is just another way of censoring news by the government. So they will flock back to the official governmental disinformation channels. How multiple leaks of hundreds of thousands Thailand Pass applicants were possible? All within the last month. What about multiple leaks of vaccine applications? Multiple Immigration leaks? Every few month there is a major breach of expatriates data. How are they connected to war? After their failed attempts to shut down exiled opposition figures and domestically losing cyber war against enlightened young generation, they are reviving one gateway idea, to tightly control net, as in china.
  20. Looks like thailand is catching up with telemedicine. Even a year ago this hotline centre was operating by traditional phones, not headphones with microphones, so 2 medics were necessary to do writing and searching through piles of papers with empty hospital beds. They were not using computers for it, all manual. Also this centre was manned by untrained volunteers and was permanently understaffed - understandable, if medics were doing very long shifts in hospitals on their payed job.
  21. My reply was for the poster who claimed that thai pro-democracy individuals are volunteering to ukraine as mercenaries in defence of democracy. situation now in ukraine war is much different than during spanish civil war, when international brigades from all over the world come in defence of republican democracy against fascist Franco and catholic monarchy. They were volunteers, not payed by the state mercenaries. ukrainian state and its political system is very much alike that one in russia. And its not democratic, progressive, libertarian at all. Nothing to compare to western political system, where opposition can freely speak. "Ukraine isn’t the “democracy” that Western politicians and media like to give the impression it is. In fact, the political and economic superstructure of Ukraine is not very much different from that of Russia. So the argument that it is “democratic” while Russia isn’t and that “we” must support it to defend “democratic values” is false." https://socialismoryourmoneyback.blogspot.com/2022/02/another-war.html?m=1
  22. O yes, a leading junta apologist, deranged "journalist" Tulsathit Taptim, now became marine expert and clearly explained that she killed herself by her own fault. that would be also a script used by police "investigators". not so. nobody would believe in their lies. after some years the case will be opened as homicide
  23. Time to convert car to lpg. Macro is my choice and my first stop there are discounted fruits and vegetables, less than half price. Also large 5kg bags for traders. I would stop at makro whenever passing by just to look for special offers, to top up my 2 large fridges. Frozen fruits are always cheaper than fresh and can keep them long. Same with 100% juices. So I need to get them only once a month. i do also buy food on lazada
  24. I think they are warming up to seriously curtail or postpone songkran, exactly as they did a year and 2 years ago. better to make this decision now, before people start preparing their journey, with bus and train tickets going on sale 30 days in advance. Air travel would be always on a small scale and with rules much easier imposed
  25. How convenient to stall investigation and losing more evidence into depths of the river. body was finally recover but the murderer would never be found and prosecuted. Too high in the feudal pyramid
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