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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. looks, like there is a whistleblower within the US intelligence, who passed info to an american investigative journalist: "The bombing of the Nord Stream underwater gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea was a covert operation ordered by the White House and carried out by the CIA, a report by a veteran investigative journalist claims. Seymour Hersh, a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter, has claimed that US deep-sea divers, using a Nato military exercise as a cover, planted mines along the pipelines that were later detonated remotely. ... He says that Biden’s decision to sabotage the pipelines came after more than nine months of top-secret planning within the American national security community. “For much of that time, the issue was not whether to do the mission, but how to get it done with no overt clue as to who was responsible,” Hersh has written." https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/us-bombed-nord-stream-gas-pipelines-claims-investigative-journalist-seymour-hersh-s730dnnfz full article was published yesterday on https://seymourhersh.substack.com/
  2. a lenghty interview with roger on topics mentioed in title of this thread
  3. Another small step to 3ww. Germany foreign minister, with declaration of war against russia, might be outdone this time by the british counterpart, which is more hawkish and closer to their master accross atlantic.
  4. china, as well as the usa, have thousand satelites each. how does those low tens of balloons spread over many years over 5 continents make any difference?
  5. did ever democrats put gun ban on election manifesto? will they do it now?
  6. would he learn to slow down before bends? not likely.
  7. a foreigner with that dark suntun and in a car 20 years old (no any car renting company has them on stock) is rather a local expat and not a tourist. Great that tourist police did help, most probably it's in description of their duties. Khun Dan Prakarn Chon dam is in nakhon nayok, near Khao Yai national park, not in sakeo province (which is bordering cambodia)
  8. That to be expected. The harder the junta/jatuporn attack thaksin, the likely voters are pushed into radical reform program political groups. new voters do disbelieve all the old, discredited faces. Older voters are more conservative, by it's nature, but they also expect some positive developments within pheu thai. Especially bangkokians and urban seniors had enough time to think for the last 4 years, that pheu thai is just yet another royalist party, even if they are anti-military
  9. so murderers walk free, but those cops, who pressed charges are now with arrest warrants on them. Institutional Thai injustice system works so well, that prisons are overbrimming with innocents. Is almiost as good, as an american one
  10. at least she is not anonymous, gave her full name. In case of drivers, captains or "witnesses" the most public is able to know is their first name. They can state anything what is required from them from their employer, authorities or police. Now they can ask for some form of compensation. Likely some items were damaged, fo example electronics. At least to hear "sorry" from captain.
  11. unless there is a popular opposition to war, the governments are pushing for war under their military complex industry pressure. also nationalism, which is created by any international conflict, boosts governmental powers. It's not a north korea, which is leading armaments and leading to 3ww, but Germany's foreign minister declaring that they are now in war with Russia. The previous 2 world wars started with Germany moving east. German made tanks are moving now. The next step is the USA-Russia nuclear exchange. Those several small nukes north korea has is nothing to compare with thousands the superpower's have. Just a matter of time, now some 9 seconds to midnight - some in Thailand would survive nuclear winter, but not likely foreigners living here. The UN haven't prevented balcan/Kosovo war or 2 wars in Iraq. In fact facilitated them, under NATO pressure. The UN is not doing anything to revert war, even as offering peace negotiations - in fact Vatican and Turkey did offer them.
  12. did he have any underlying condition, aids/hiv? how can be diangosed with an advanced TB if there suppose to be yearly health check ups, to extend work contract? Advanced desease develops over a long time, probably years. I had TB vax in europe some 8 years ago. They don't have it in thailand for adults, only for kids. I was hoping sometimes for a booster, but they have only antibody tests. That test might be a good idea to have, if some strange lungs symptoms or inconclusive x-ray. But there are pneumonia vaxes - prevnar 1 for 2400b and year later pneumovax 23 for 1300b, they protect only partially, but increase chances of survival. He had a chance to get them after TH diagnisis. Ultimately it was pneumonia which killed him. sorry for his loss
  13. but good cause - wearing nazi insignia or promoting neo-nazi military organisations, handled by an ukrainian embassy or not, should be a no no anywhere in the world. If this item was distributed from bangkok embassy, thai foreign ministry should have a talk with them. russians are quite sensitive with nazi insignia, that from their 26mln dead loss to nazi germany
  14. as you are overweight you should lose some. Either diet, physical activity or combination of them. Whether you will live longer it's speculative, but your quality of life will be higher (you will extend your mobility and many other). You might live another 20 years, never too late to start taking care of your body by whatever means possible.
  15. so legitimate visa agency from Bueng Kum is also supplying forgery items, that including passports itself, to a network of their associates. As visa agencies are very closely connected with immigration officers (that's the only way such agencies can function), it means, that immigration is also implicated in this. Is this arrest somehow connected with yesterday's suspention of 110 Bangkok immigration officers?
  16. If Norad failed to detect balloons, because they don't have capabiliities, how they know now how many really were those balloons, what was their trail, how dangerous were they.
  17. Balloon came on Wednesday, not friday. if it really was spying it should be taken off immediately. Explanation, that they didn't want to harm civilians doesnt justify 3 days delay.
  18. I gave already an answer, which you dismissed. those relations within nato will be strained. It would also negatively effect USA-EU relations, as the usa has stronger ties with UK
  19. as you have many friends there ask them if theyir wifes (close relatives) are able to spare some time for helping your mother. They don't need any medical training. That would be cheaper than agency trained staff, possibly by half. At some stage she become home/bed ridden and will need 24h care, so plan for live in (one extra bedroom for carer). Also garden and large patio/balcony when is too hot/too rainy to go out for a walk.
  20. would UK-EU trade war strenthen NATO or weaken it?
  21. and see how it would strain NATO internal conflict
  22. infrastructure minister Lozinskyi got only some 1% of total funds, but his department took some 15%: "In the summer, the cabinet allocated 1.68 billion hryvnias (€40 million) for the purchase of the power-generating equipment needed to get through the winter – when Russia has been massively bombing energy infrastructure facilities across Ukraine. However, according to the NABU, the public officials responsible for the purchase decided to make some extra money on the deal. They conspired with a group of intermediaries and ensured the conclusion of procurement contracts with pre-determined business entities. The cost of the contracts was inflated by 280 million hryvnias (€7 million), which was a kickback to be paid to the officials for their facilitation,” the NABU said. https://www.politico.eu/article/defense-minister-reznikov-ukraine-corruption-probe-war-russia-zelenskyy/
  23. contracting food for the army at inflated prices, beyond market price. And money laundering of that $110 000: "On 2 February, Ukraine’s State Bureau of Investigation (DBR) detained the country’s ex-deputy defense minister, officials, servicemen, and businessmen on accusations of money laundering on food procurement. ... The arrested former Deputy Minister of Defense Viacheslav Shapovalov faces an even more serious accusation. He is accused not only of lobbying food contracts with inflated prices but also of purchasing low-quality bulletproof vests, helmets, clothing, and other items for a total sum of UAH 1 billion ($25 million)." and similar case, but done by civilians, part of humanitarian aid: "At the same time, in yet another case investigated by Ukraine’s National Police, three officials of Odesa Oblast administration, including its former deputy head, were accused by money laundering for the total sum of UAH 7 million ($170,000), also mainly during food procurement." https://euromaidanpress.com/2023/02/02/ukraines-ex-deputy-defense-minister-officials-detained-for-money-laundering-on-food-procurement/ In January alone dozens of top officials at ministerial level were dismissed, searched, arrested. In August 2022 deputy minister of defence Aleksandr Mironyuk was arrested, with ten's kg cash being retreived from sofa bed by the accused himself, total around $1 000 000. Video released just a few days ago. https://euroweeklynews.com/2023/02/03/1-million-cash-found-in-ukrainian-deputy-defence-minister-oleksandr-mironyuks-sofa/
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