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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. Dr Nut well should know that the 100% increase from yesterday to some 6k means within days tens of thousands infected.
  2. Almost 100% jump from yesterday. so now its really here in full swing. some countries were reporting that high jumps every day, but only at the pick of infections. later it was only some 30% daily jumps. way to go for thailand from now on. Now they will knee jerk and close borders, affecting foreigners, that instead of shutting new year celebrations (didnt want to upset thai that much)
  3. In such case ask the airline to call local consulate emergency number to rectify policies. or point to their website with all explained. also should be on ministry of foreign affairs
  4. It is not hotel which has nothing to say, but the hospital where she tested is responsible. she should have doctors consultation with a written statement. she should have antibody test done from blood. Somebody wrote here that it was performed in the bkk airport at 3000b and person released within hours. That was case, when positive pcr on departure and recovery
  5. As you have thailand pass for aq in bangkok you dont need to worry, yet. Already issued Thailand pass for aq might be cancelled from 10.01, they will confirm on friday. if cancelled you can try to ask airline for phuket diversion or for a voucher. Even if non refundable, most airlines have special covid rules, which allow passengers for changing their flight, just need to give reasonable explanation. if hard luck, travel insurance should cover. If you have only one way ticket i would rather abandon it and do phuket sandbox instead. bangkok aq are around 15k, sandbox from 3.5k
  6. Nothing wrong with backpacking, has nothing to do with sleaze. It was hippies, backpackers, gap year travellers which paved way for a mass tourism in thailand. there is not a deliberate action from the government to hamper tourism. They are wisely running up phuket sandbox and its easy to enter since july
  7. The pink paper from the airport, that you have signed, is an order. So you can be traced and punished under communicable disease act. Go to any possible hospital, maybe they will test you as a priority. Possible there is a separate line for people with this paper. bear in mind what happen to istaeli who did a runner from his hospital. in bangkok all private hospitals have walk in. Maybe in the afternoon, evenings there are less people. The sooner you do test the least chance for a positive
  8. In bangkok some hospitals, as kasemrad ramkanhang, doing both nostrils and throat. All very deep and painful. at yet another, piyavate hospital, the first time were both nostrils, but the second just one nostril. i think yesterday, being holiday, all were taking easy, probably without superiors watch. So more likely negative. And results came fast, because not overloaded with domestic patients.
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