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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. register on the first symptoms and they will put you in hospitel (10 days from 30k). if worsening at anytime, you will get hospital. You get ambulance transport to the nearest available one. They are opening new wards with common rooms with 20-30 patients (closing down wards with geriatrics). Also they are releasing the other patients with other conditions, to make space for covid wave
  2. large pharmacy. I have got my on ebay from china at the beginning of covid. $2. The problem is, at cold environment, like going from the street to hospital, bank, where air con is on full blast, within 20 seconds you can't see through moisture on glass. Need to cool down skin and body before putting them on
  3. 65mln passengers per year is still within BKK capacity. DMG with previous 20mln is underused. Also utapao is being developed into a civilian airport, but also heavily underused. Now there is already a motorway next to it. There suppose to be a fast rail link connecting all those 3 airports
  4. the PPP is disintegrating, with pravit-prayuth open war since the last censure debate. They lost this by-elecion, even they have send the flower minister thammanat with all possible cash to oversee it and prepare strategy (bribing network) for the general election. possible thammanat is in a limbo and he didn't put much effort into his task. Possible "campaigning" at his own province for re-election. the democrat are not sure about the future coalition (not likely to be included, if deal between prawit and taksin will go ahead), so they don't have to play game and just carry on with their rhetoric
  5. there is no way that 14 ASQ will be back. At that time it's only 7 days AQ or 7 days sandboxes in 4 provinces (and it will be growing to over 10 within months - so you can chose one next to your house). I had to top up my yearly health insurance by 10k over my previous premium to meet $50k entry requirement. That is not any burden at all, covers all medical conditions in thailand and abroad. Flights are cheaper than pre-covid. With the best airline, emirates, on a fully flexible ticket, it's 21k (pre-covid was over 30k). They throw in free covid insurance $200k for 30 days. Just on testing positive $100 per day for 14 days - so you have for hotel. Or pocket this money, if staying with family, friends. Flying to europe doesn't require testing. Not even filling 2 minutes online locator form. On way back pre-departure pcr e50 (results in 24h). Landing pcr 2200b (included in T&G hotel booking). Second test free, courtesy of thai government. Doing T&G or sandbox is a 5 minutes work - attach insurance, hotel booking, vax. And wait a week or two - just a matter of proper planning and patience. Testing positive on entering thailand can be nervous experience. Get an additional covid insurance for 1k per year. I have 2 - cover 300k. I expect to pay 100k for 10 days. Another 200k I will pocket for self-insurance for future travel.
  6. if vice minister attached to the PM is the main organiser of this signature action, it does mean he works in an official capacity and with approval of his direct superior. that does expose an open fight of state against human rights organisation
  7. foreigners were owing to hospitals just 340mln per year. That is less than 10b per tourist (pre-covid almost 40mln per year). Now the government wants compulsory 300b tax on entry to all foreigners. Will include 60b (20% of total) for health insurance. All foreigners require minimum $50k to enter country in order to get thailand pass. Surely insurance in thailand is a big scam
  8. only 20% from 300b goes to insurance, so only 60b. That is absolutely nothing, this premium might cover 10k, but not alleged 500k and death 1mln. My health insurance is 47k. Many expats have insurance many times that. That insurance is absolutely nothing for me and for the great majority (all) travellers. It's just a form of tax. I don't see any reason to pay it.
  9. "While Thailand has never charged an entry fee before, many other nations have" That is a lie. Each international air exit is 700b (included in price of ticket). Before BKK airport was moved from Don Muang that was 600b cash on departure. That is a special airport tax, on top of all others calculated by airline. Never heard about entry tax to any european countries. Besides, the EU travel can't be taxed by each country separately. Each and every entering thailand has minimum $50k health insurance. That's condition to get the TP. Insurance policy is checked at departure airport, on landing in thailand. Even stupid hotels require it before booking T&G, Sandbox, AQ. How 20% (out of 300b), that is 60b premium, might help? Premiums for travel and health insurance are hundreds and thousands $. Those 60b (less than $2) is absolutely nothing to upgrade insurance policy in any way. That is just a con.
  10. cancelling flight is not an issue anymore. Since covid many airlines offer full flexibility even for all tickets, even the lowest in economy. You can change date unlimited times, get voucher or full refund. The issue with travelling to thailand is asymptomatic hospitalisation. That is in range 100-300k, international insurers don't pay for it. The thai one might, but don't have to
  11. you can travel after 14 days from the first positive. No need to wait for negative
  12. how much they have payed? why they refused part of treatment expenses? what were those treatments? what hospital?
  13. twice paid. smart move. the PPP is sinking, no time to re-brand itself before election. prayuth-prawit alliance is broken, with thammanat rebellion during the last censure to be torpedoed, but drift is growing into war. prayuth won't be nominated by the ppp. Possibly by the bumjathai, with the right portfolio for them. If at all he will be able to stand. those 2 did not quit the parliament. After leaving the mother party they have 90 days to join any, including newly formed one, before loosing their seat.
  14. do 5th day and reduce chances for +. Just walk in everywhere, doesn't have to be the same hospital. In bkk all hospitals do. Free with pink paper health order
  15. I have 2 covid policies which should pay up to 300k. But I would like to pocket this money (royah gives 200k just on testing positive, no need for hospitalisation). If my bill exceeds 300k, I will use dhipaya + my insurance with 300k deductible. It's 3mln (almost $100k) - so it's a better than those you mentioned just $50k. Covers all medical conditions, accident - not just covid. And is worldwide (except the usa)
  16. yes, but insurance doesn't pay. Besides, I have 2 thai covid dhippaya 100k and rooja 200k (cash). Both expiring shortly. I would prefer to spend only dhippaya and put roojah to the bank for self-insurance for future. My health 3mln has 300k deductible.
  17. I am now choosing hotel for my AQ stay. With omicron chances of positive are high. Now around 1%. By the time I will be coming in many weeks that might be 5%. Hotels do state with which hospital they run tests, and in which a positive guest would have to end up. But they refuse to give any info on hospital charges, even if they charge for the whole health package. Hospitals also refuse to give them. One can only suspect a faul play. How to find out their prices?
  18. not the first time the governmental twitter accounts are hacked. That just 13.01. As a proof I have posted a screenshot, classified as troll. "NBT WORLD News @NBTWORLDNews 13 January Our account was hacked, system is now back to normal. We apologize for the racy content. It was never our intention to publish any inappropriate content. We now have our cyber security reinstalled & this should prevent future hacking & cyber-criminal activities on our account."
  19. As a back up to his tests he should have with him a medical document which states he cant be vaxed. make several copies of it, put in a clear plastic bag or even laminate one, keep inside passport, attach to ID. He should buy a box of atk tests and do them on the spot, when required. it would be cheaper and more convenient, than going each time to clinic. he should avoid risk risk of mixing with people in hospital. But if he is forced to have certified vax document, he can try to bring to clinic his own kit and ask them to use it, that might be cheaper option than using clinics atk at inflated price. his travelling will cost him, those hospital issued certificates are only 48h. Those done on the spot cant be shown in another place even within hours - they wont trust his word that they are very recent. trains, buses, airplanes, museums might all require them
  20. If you dont get outside home tested, you are not at risk of forced quarantine. Dont go out mixing with people, do home atk, self-isolate for as long as tests are positive. prepare home stock of medicines, keep pantry restocked
  21. It had sense at the time. It was a long time ago and since then not followed. you do put mask at checkpoints for driving license check, but otherwise nobody bothers
  22. Almost all country is orange, so only essential travel. do expect vax check on the train. in germany railway police patrols trains and checking all passengers certificates. here to stay for years. For hotel receptionist just a few second glance. Possibly there would be vax qr readers at the train stations, hotels
  23. My certificate doesnt have qr code, impossible to morchana. keep inbox till the next leaving the BKK, just in case health officer has issues with it
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