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Posts posted by ThaiVisaCentre

  1. On 2/14/2021 at 10:30 PM, Jumbo1968 said:

    I have checked a few hotels, all want full price for our 5/6 year old son, some will give a small discount as he is Thai likewise his Mother but none based on his age ?

    Some hotels do provide discounts for young children (under 10).

    You can try looking into this one:


    We tried searching through the free-text descriptions.

    I think we need to do some sort of structured policy’s where we need the hotels to complete, and then we could provide advanced filtering on these types of conditions as well.


  2. 5 hours ago, steve187 said:

    i think you are wrong there the maximum length of a passport can not exceed 10 years, so no unexpired time added on, but yes the g/f should have renewed in plenty of time, and when not received, should have chased it up as a matter of urgency, and to leave it with only a few days left is asking for trouble.


    The point is there is little reason to let your passport get that close to expiration. Especially knowing the current delays with embassies which have been in effect for almost a whole year now.

    Most officers will not show any sympathy in a 100% avoidable situation, and assuming that you can use the embassy delay as an excuse is just bad planning.

    Rule of thumb at the moment is apply for your renewal 6 months to 1 year in advance.

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, DrJack54 said:

    The OP's friends gf has done nothing. Even after passport along with permission of stay expired (think it was Oct ) did nothing. A reasonable person would have been reaching out to an agent or immigration prior to expiry when it was clear that the issue of pp was perhaps not going to occur. Now 90 days later there is a yelp for help.

    I can't imagine anything that an agent can do in this case. I'm still thinking that this thread is sus.

    Need to be proactive springs to mind.

    Majority of overstay cases are just like this one (assumptions are made, and there is a lot of procrastination), and you are right that as you let the overstay get longer your options quickly diminish (on your own, and even with agent assistance).

    It never hurts to get a second opinion, and to do so ASAP before it keeps getting worse (it's free..).

    • Like 1
  4. 8 hours ago, BritTim said:

    My advice:

    1. Find out from the embassy what kind of emergency passport or travel document they can issue and when.
    2. If a one-year ban is something that you cannot risk, do not try to sort this out yourself. It is too late. Contact a good agent, and get them to deal with this. You cannot reliably predict what immigration will do. A first rate agent can usually tell you on the spot, together with costs, what they can do. At worst, they can find out within an hour or two.

    This is good advice, as this situation is very delicate.

    We always advise not letting your passport get that close to expiration.

    As most countries extend from the last date of the current expiration in 5 to 10 year increments so there is little reason not to do these types of things ahead of time, and not leaving it down to a couple of months while living in a foreign country.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Issanman said:

    Is there a thread that we can use for reviewing our ASQ hotels? 


    There are some things about my hotel that I would like to post that people should know about before making a reservation here. 




    We will soon be adding detailed review support, as well as "verified reviews" (one of the most requested features).

    Another thing that as been asked is advanced filtering based on room features, which we are also working on.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, Jumbo1968 said:

    This article states on average only 346 tourists have been arriving each month, I can’t see how the numbers could be made up of people travelling for business etc ?


    That is under the STV visa.

    Majority of everyone else is entering the country under

    • existing yearly visas that are permitted to enter via multiple entry / re-entry
    • visa exempt entry - https://tvc.in.th/EXEMPT
    • or 60 day tourist visas
    • Like 1
  7. 6 hours ago, Jumbo1968 said:

    Looking at statistics being quoted less than 500 people have arrived each month, there are 122 hotels. I have emailed a few and they weren’t available, do the hotels only have or limited to the number of arrivals they can take ?


    This cannot be correct as even on our site which is new we see 100 to 200 booking requests per day.

    Also many of the hotels which have 90+ rooms are fully booked until mid/end of feb.

    • Like 1

    1 hour ago, jackdd said:

    You didn't say how much it currently costs, but last year agents asked for about 40k for the volunteer option, which would be about 3500THB per month.

    Getting 60 day extensions for 1900THB (so about 1000THB per month) would be quite a bit cheaper.

    For a conversion from ED it could be up to 8k less than the price you mentioned.

    But you would need to confirm with my staff via LINE as it does depend on a few factors.

    Next month our prices go back to normal, so it would make a lot of sense to do it now.

    I'm pretty sure we are the lowest priced at the moment (by quite a bit).

  9. 17 hours ago, freesudani said:

    i have asked several offices about the volunteer visa , they all confirmed they are able to do it , prices varies ,  but today i went to one office and based on my nationality they said immigration will not accept , then i told them all the other offices told me they are able to do it ,  which they said they are cheating me  and will take my money for fake stamps , is volunteer visa restricted to certain nationalities ?


    Each agency has their own rules for what types of cases they can accept.

    Unfortunately we cannot accept cases from all nationalities as well, but that does not mean that another agency cannot help you.


    Just do you due-diligence, and make sure the agent that can assist you has a real office, and has been around for a while.

  10. 15 minutes ago, scorecard said:

    Quite a few of the hotels listed on this site give very little detail and some have no photos of the rooms. 

    Details of wi-fi confusing for some of the hotels listed. One hotel says 'has wi-fi in the lobby'.


    The hotels without room photos we are working on pushing them to update their pages.

    All of the ones with room photos are fully managing their own listings.

    Hopefully we get them all on board, as this is a free service.

  11. 8 hours ago, Jumbo1968 said:

    The prices appear to dropping and also the number of ASQ Hotels ?

    Yes we have seen much better packages.

    One thing to note about our directory is that we give each hotel full control of their listings, and do not charge any commission (so this may be why the prices are lower in some cases). 

    But in general we have seen a lot of "deals" further reducing prices.

    We started this two weeks ago, and are already working with 20% of the ASQ's.

    Hopefully we will be working with 100% of them by the end of the month.

  12. 13 minutes ago, Robin said:

    As someone serving my ASQ, I would recommend getting the best and biggest room you can afford.  There is nothing pleasant about 14 days ASQ so any little luxury will make the stay more bearable.

    Sat TV is almost essential, with English channels.


    Balcony, if permitted,  to get some fresh air 


    Anything to help pass the time.  14 Days is a long time.


    One of the most requested things we have seen has been a balcony ????, second is 7-11 out side orders.

  13. 3 hours ago, TC17 said:

    Be sure to read reviews before you book.  The ASQ my wife stayed at served food similar to a prison.  It was <deleted> 3 times a day.  And they charged through the nose for laundry.  


    You can send us a PM.

    We are also looking into review aggregation, as we have noticed many of the ASQ hotel reviews are spread across many places (mostly facebook groups).

  14. 7 minutes ago, edwardandtubs said:


    February 10th? Where did you pull that out of? What's the relevance of that date? Last time we didn't have to wait 12 days.


    Last time it took up to 10 days after amnesty expired for them to announce that it was extended.

    It may take even longer, but this time most people have already extended their visas, and they all have 30+ days to see what will happen.

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