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Posts posted by Grover

  1. OK...just think of a word(s) that is associated with each last response

    for example.

    Word: Football

    1st reply: Davids

    2nd reply: Drug Cheat

    3rd reply: Streoids

    4th reply: Palmiero

    5th reply: Illegal

    get it?


    1. One or Two words max

    2. don't think about it, just the first thing that pops into your head

    ok, first word: Thai Visa

  2. great idea. it is like deciphering code sometimes with these newspaper headlines.

    ยิง ดับ = ยิง 'ying' = shoot, and ดับ dàb = switch off, turn out. When I have seen ยิง ดับ before, it has meant 'shoot dead', but the article claims he was just seriously wounded and brought to hospital).

    perhaps the meaning of ดับ in these cases could mean "to xxx his lights out" as in "to knock his lights out". So the combination of ยิง ดับ could have the range of meaning from shoot and kill to shoot and make unconscious or at least totally incapacitate.

    Thats my 2 bahts, still trying to put the rest of the jigsaw puzzle together.

    • Like 1
  3. IMO it's a stupid idea to put the news clippings in a seperate room. There's already far too many rooms on this forum.

    What's next? A Pattaya restaurant forum?


    I agree too. If it can't be good news, bad news, turn about, then best to keep it on Pattaya Forum where it soon disappears from view unless its sensational and then why shouldn't it be on the front page!

    Exactly right. If there is no interest in the topic it soon disappears off the front page. If there is interest in the topic, it stays up and therefore deserves to be there.

    If they start putting up a seperate news clippings rooms for each regional room, they'll have to add dozens of news clippings rooms. We are being disadvantaged here because we have a member who is good enough to post all the breaking news of the region as soon as it comes to hand.

    I disagree. Any topics that disappear of the front page are replaced by 2 or 3 more of the same nature anyway.

  4. Filled in the blanks:
    rough and incomplete translation:

    Thai girls who want a farang - come this way!

    Farang boyfriend

    I love farang

    Farang Husband...

    - How do your stars look for catching a farang husband, by Dr. Phaisan Soiphibunwet

    - The best locations to look for a farang husband

    - Some characteristics/personality features of men of various nationalities

    - The steps to getting the farang boyfriend/husband

    "This book has the answer!"

    The next bride...

    ...could be YOU!

    Written and researched by

    The Farang Wife Society

    cheers meadish :o

    i was wondering what it said. hoping someone would fill in the blanks.

  5. he is probably basking in your approval. :D

    so what else is wrong boss ?

    Other than that this thread consists now of already three pages of mostly very rude personal insults against a first time poster?

    :o no one seems to be listening to you anymore, boss.

  6. Dude, helluva long post.

    I commend you for having the patience to write it and myself for having the patience to read it!

    I fear there is no right or wrong answer here and only you can truly decide what is the right to do. There are plenty of us here who will tell you that you'll never change the inherent nature of a bar girl (the old "you can take the girl out the bar..." scenario) while there are others who have married them and undoubtedly have loving and mutually beneficial relationships. I'd suggest you spend more time with your girl in Thailand before you think seriously about marriage, you can't possibly get a real idea of what she's likes by taking her out of her natural environment. If your current life doesn't allow for that then I'd say you're just taking too great a risk by jumping into wedlock and trying to get her into the UK. Are you ready to deal with all the cultural differences between you and do you know exactly what they are? Furthermore, do bear in mind that pretty faces, kind-heartedness, attentiveness and undying devotion are characteristics found in women across the country and it's unbelievably easy as a western guy to get hooked in by them without considering the bigger picture.

    Congratulations for the first answer here to the OP's question that is neither rude, nor besides he point. :o

    he is probably basking in your approval. :D

    so what else is wrong boss ?

  7. rough and incomplete translation:

    Thai girls who want a farang - come this way!

    Farang boyfriend

    I love farang

    Farang Husband...

    - ?

    - ?

    - some characteristics/personality features of various nationalities

    - the steps to getting the farang boyfriend/husband

    "This book has (the correct) answers/responses"


    It could be you.


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