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Posts posted by Grover

  1. I got one Thai neighbor who gets drunk every night, comes home, beats the wife, early each morning goes out in his underwear and pees on the front porch.

    Another neighboring Thai family that gets a new tiny dog every 10 weeks. Oh, they're oh so cute when they're tiny pups, but behold they grow to become incessent barkers - and the family doesn't have a clue how to discipline them (I do it for them).

    Another neighbor who sprays pesticide all around his shallow water well every to often.

    ....... SO WHO'S THE DOPE?!?!

    ...well, your being a bit harsh on yourself, but I guess you should of picked a better neighborhood.

  2. Having read the entire transcript, I can't see anything untoward. If anything he goes out of his way to say he's reverential several times.

    I guess you have to read between the lines barney the dinosaur. In Thai style. :o:D

    Yes, he went out of his way several times, but he also went out of his way several times to proclaim national reconciliation whilst sueing his opponents.

  3. bendix you bring up a point about the psychological factor in obesity. Deep down some obese people need the psychological security of feeling physically 'big'. Thus any attempt to lose weight etc will not work because the unconscious structures in their mind will not support this change. If this is the case, they probably need to address some of these issues before doing the diet/exercise thing.

  4. Medical Solutions are in the Pipeline

    There is a medical solution for this problem, or rather a surgical solution. It works by shrinking the size of the stomach to the size of a fist. It works wonders apparently and is reserved for those who have not succeeded in other traditional approaches. :o:D :D

  5. Thaksin's ploy is obvious. He wants to return and will continue to embarrass the country internationally until they bring him back. What happens then is anybody's guess.

    He may be embarrassing the country but he is embarrassing himself more.

    The CNS dont have to do anything about Thaksin - he seems to be shooting himself in the foot just fine.

  6. Has anyone assembled their own external hard drive? Any suggestions/advice?

    I've assembled probably 15-20 external drives and this is my preference and cautions. Be sure it has an internal fan for the drive. I prefer the ones with the internal power supply, just uses an AC cord plugged directly in with no external brick. Have the shop assemble and verify it. I've had problems with boxes that could not handle large capacity drives (power supply not sufficient). An example, two boxes worked fine with 80GB but putting in 250GB, disk would not spin up.

    these issues can be avoided by getting a 2.5' hdd (laptop HDD) and external case. Heat is less and can be powered from USB.

  7. About the thai laws, they seem to fit in with the evolutionary view that men want to avoid spending resources in support of another male’s genetic offspring (if the wife get pregnant from mr x), and for females as a mechanism for guaranteeing protection and resources for biological children by having a steady partner (husband who doesn't redirect resources to the mia noi)

    But on another level it smells of inequality.

  8. It would seem Thaksin is in for a reality check that only the people who’s pockets he lined like him. That alone leaves a big question, if you need to give money to people to be your friend what type of person are you?

    hint :o

    In one sense I think he was using money and power to buy love.

    Ouch! reality check! :D

  9. Hold it a sec. Didn't Thaksin employ some lobby group in the USA? I wonder if their tentacles of power reach all the way to Australia. It certainly seems to have conveniently redirected some heat off Thaksin. And the timing is impeccable.

    here is a quote from BKK post that gives weight to this theory, the keywords here being "monitor news"

    Mr Thaksin's legal adviser, Noppadon Pattama, said Mr Thaksin hired American consultants Barbour Griffith and Rogers to monitor news in the foreign media about him after the coup on Sept 19."
  10. I work with a U.S. firm that specializes in providing, securing and renting bandwidth on secure systems and am available as a consultant whould someone need to rent rather than buy. Actually no need to change Satellite systems, just make sure that the delivery method is secured.

    I think this thing has more to do with the kickbacks connected to a B6G deal rather than secure communications. Surely they are well aware of VPN technology...

    With a powerful super-computer that stuff can be probably be cracked. And if it cant now, tomorrow it will.

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