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Posts posted by Grover

  1. Is it a white person (like pure white like white english) or what

    lets discuss

    just check out their nipples. If they are pink, they are "white" if they are a darkish color they are something else.

    I have no nipples. So who am I?

    in that case, you can check the color of your scrotum skin using the same criteria of assessment.

  2. he is doing an interview tomorrow night (tuesday) on Australian ABCs "foreign correspondent"...

    ill get the barf bag ready

    Ok great visual here:

    ABC: Today we are interviewing Thaksin Shinawatra, good day sir.

    Thaksin Shinawatra: Good day.

    ABC: Today we have a bit of a surprise for you, I will be giving up the interviewers seat to journalists from Thailand. (In walk several hard hitting journalists from Thailand)

    Thaksin Shinawatra: (wispers to ABC) How much money do you want to make them go away?

    ABC: We report the news here sir, and the Thai journalists are much more familiar with the issues than I.

    Thaksin Shinawatra: I need to use the toilet, I will use the one in my hotel if that is OK with you.

    he could always pull out the little X sign. That would bring a smile to my face.

  3. As the car I was sleeping in left the track and began shaking violently, throwing several people from their berths onto the railcar floor, several of the Thai passengers got on their knees, closed their eyes, wai-ed skyward and began 'chanting'.

    Hope everyone was ok, but thats a funny story.

    Its amazing that they were so well composed during the violent shaking & what could of been their imminent death, rather than being out of control, holding of for dear life, screaming etc.

  4. Grover, your reply is similar to what I have heard... the problem is it does not ring true with my personal experience of what the vast majority of people do in the temple - unless you disqualify these people as not being Buddhists.

    It's not that they are not Buddhists but they have mixed some other external belief with Buddhism (its all Buddhism to them). To put it another way, praying is not Dhamma (teachings of the Buddha), but if they do it, it doesn't disqualify them from being Buddhist. At least thats my impression.

    I have seen chanting performed by monks and occasionally by older men with an honorary function in the village - but most villagers you never hear chanting - they just wai while the monks are chanting.

    Lay people can chant too, but since most people find it a mind-numbing activity you won't see it often. But lay people can definitly do some chants - but many are exclusively for the monks

    The most common way of paying respect to a Buddha image seems to be to prostrate oneself three times in front of it and then sit in front of it with hands together in a wai, and once whatever they are doing is finished, they again prostrate themselves three times, and be on their way.

    its just about showing your respect and awe for the Buddhas high spiritual state and compassion, teaching ability, etc. It is not prayer.

    While you also see people meditating in the temples at times, this does not seem to be what most people are doing.

    yeh most are sleeping in the sitting position

    I guess I should ask more people what is actually going on inside their minds when in this wai posture in front of a Buddha image in the temple. Perhaps they are chanting internally.

    i've seen that too, I think they are professing their respect etc, but perhaps some are "praying" eg asking to win the lotto etc.

    The buddha emphasised karma, that is taking responsibility for the intention behind your action rather than placing faith in something or someone to answer your prayers.

  5. Buddhists "chant" not pray. Chanting is a recommended practice in Buddhism. I think the difference is there is not god or "buddha" they chant to; they are just doing it to pay respect to the Buddha by praising him and reciting his various sermons (even though the chants are in another language most cannot understand). There are some "blessing" chants but they are done by the monks to the lay people.

    Maybe someone is "praying" to the Buddha but its strictly not Buddhism, more likely something other belief being confused or mixed with Buddhism. The buddhas last words was "strive on (by yourself) with diligence."

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