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Posts posted by Grover

  1. To delete the file, use a rescue boot cd-rom that can read & write NTFS and FAT file systems, then navigate to the directory & delete/rename the file. I've used this technique for stubborn virus files. And, I take no responsibility for destroying your computer. :o

  2. There's a difference between lying and being diplomatic, for example:

    HER: "Is my bum big?"

    He has three choices:

    LIE: "No, its not."

    TRUTH: "Yes, its as wide as the Rama 8 bridge"

    DIPLOMACY: "I haven't noticed any change."

    Liar. No bum is as wide as the Rama 8 bridge.

    If it looks fine, ok, tell her. If it looks a bit big say it. If it looks too big, say it. If they ask a stupid question, tell them that, etc.

    Some real honesty is refreshing.

  3. I picked my F30 up a few days ago. The many top web reviews are spot on. As for rapid shots, it is not so great, but does have a useful feature where it takes 3 in a row in about 1.5 seconds (i think). However, when you press the button, it takes some time for it to focus before the shutter opens, so there is some lag there. Dont know how this compares to the comp. There is another similar feature where it takes the last 3 frames (1.5 secs) from the point where you release the button (after depressing it and waiting for the action).

  4. I am a woman, would it make a difference?

    Not really. But you will have to initiate the converstation, its unlikely a monk will come to you and start talking. And when you talk, there should be another person around that can understand english.

    And the most important rule, don't touch the monk ! :o or even hand him a something (a book) directly. Just leave it on the tree or table. Apart from that, should be fine.

  5. generally Japanese chicks have bad teeth. Quite a few have big bugs bunny teeth, often with a large gap in the middle (of the front teeth :o ) The last one I knew - a nice lass - had a blackened front tooth from too much smoking, coffee and wine drinking I suspect. Bad teeth is not attractive.

  6. I'll add my 2 baht.

    I'm subscribed to the jokes forum, an email for every new topic, sometimes i get them sometimes not. All new topics by member=jamesyboi were never emailed. It doesn't worry me too much, just reporting it.

    I'm using Gmail, just 1 TV mail into junk in the last 30 days; ISP in OZ.

    // edit, ill see if the server changes made some diffenence

  7. If his intent was to unite Thailand I would agree with you, but it is not. He is totally self serving and it is good that it was blocked as for sure he would have pissed a lot of people off again by putting them down again. I agree with the call to block him.

    By your reasoning, the CNS should also be banned from public broadcasts. It is debatable whether their intent is to unite Thailand or not.

    I am not a fan of Thaksin at all. But that does not mean that he should be censored in Thailand. Censorship is practiced by those who believe they are morally better than the people they claim to be protecting.

    then lets do away with all forms of censorship and let all people including children watch whatever they wish......

    like hel_l. You can see what the violent video games are doing to them.

    I think the kiwi all-black haka should be censored, especially the throat cutting bit at the end. :o

  8. Rivers: This is the first time you've spoken since the coup of September the 19th, first of all, you were in the United States, in New York at the U.N., when this happened, how did you find out that this was going on?

    Shinawatra: Well I find out just

    ummm... ahhh... ummm [snap]


    ... ummm ... ahh...

    about four, five hours before, before it happened,...

    He is fuming.

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