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Posts posted by Grover

  1. I thot meditation is about letting go!

    So I don't understand "The very high levels of concentration and mindfulness needed to break through to the higher levels of consciousness."

    Sounds like the opposite of letting go!

    Anyway what is this enlightenment? Anyone has experienced this before?

    And if you did? Did you put in a lot of hardwork to be enlightened or did you let go?

    Have a read of the story of the Buddhas enlightenment, he was quite determined and focused on his goal. And, he did let go, as a monk when he gave up worldly things and finally when he "gave up his life" in a do or die meditation marathon.

    I have never heard any account of any profound spiritual insights/awakening from lucid dreamers, they just seem to engage in sensual delights of one kind or another. And as far as I know, lucid dreaming is not mentioned in the Pali Buddhist scriptures.

  2. The very high levels of concentration and mindfulness needed to break through to the higher levels of consciousness towards enlightenment can not be achieved through the lucid dream state as far as I know.

    I'm not at all sure that high concentration is conducive to enlightenment.

    I'm gonna look up someone who I remember quoting him quite some time ago and I'm sure it's in capitals. He's got pretty good credentials.

    Here it is:

    "DEEP CONCENTRATION IS A MAJOR OBSTACLE TO INSIGHT PRACTISE" p74 Handbook for Mankind, Buddhadhassa Bhikkhu.

    yes, I think he is referring to the specific practice of insight meditation which is based on mindfulness, not concentration.

    In the account of the Buddhas enlightenment, he needed very high concentration to reach the 4th Jana and from there to enlightenment.

    I always remember being advised that if meditating (a poorly used word BTW) one should be ready to catch a ball at any moment.

    The reason I stick my oar in is because I think it's worthwhile questioning this attitude of how "high" one has to be, how "advanced". "IT"'s always called marvellous things like "the sublime state". But isn't one there all the time? Isn't it just a matter of pulling aside the gossamer to see it? Isn't it just an understanding? The terms commonly used always suggest some terribly difficult advance. But isn't it in fact a reversal?

    (ps it is also well known that insight under the dhyanas may well be invalid. It can in fact be ridiculous.)

  3. But.................if Thaksin had come up with a plan that alllowed Farangs to own thier own property, you would all have fallen head over heels in love with him.

    He did!.... His personal baby, the Thai Elite Card, promised that as one of its main selling points.

    How will he be remembered? How far in the distant future are we going? I had a group of students (COLLEGE STUDENTS) in the USA that did not know who Adolf Hitler was. Incredible but true.

    My guess is that he and his memory will fade away as time goes by.............like most of us.

    It depends who writes the history books. Historically its been the winners.

  4. Don't see too many poor politicians in The West, I doubt that US senators are queueing up for foodstamps, but that's acceptable to Farangs, it's a Thai guy who's a Billionaire that is unacceptable to many Farangs, especially now he lives in UK and has purchased a Football Club. Probably owns a Dream House and an Apartment in Kensington, whilst Farangs in Thailand have to jump through hoops just to stay legal. This really pizzes them off!

    LOL. what rubbish. :o

    I suggest you have a read through this thread and find out why he has pissed farangs off. Reasons are given.

  5. You are only entitled to your opinion if the argument which formed that opinion in your head is deductively sound or inductively sound. All other types of opinion are bad, wrong, annoying and in many cases downright dangerous (Nazis, Fascists, Anti-gay, Anti-muslim, etc etc).

    You have to really think about what it would mean to entitle everyone to their opinion. You would have to start listening and giving time/respect to all sorts of nonsense.

    Im sure someone will reply saying "Well, Oxfordwill, you're entitled to your opinion!". Ha ha.

    Well, I am sure that others would come up with some other criteria by which to deprive people of their opinions. What a shocking idea, giving time and listening to people you don't agree with. Imagine what disasters could happen to the world if we all did that? :o

    brainwashing ? :D

  6. I believe the rule is that, in addition to a prohibition on killing, monks cannot receive meat if they know it has been killed specifically for them. But if wasn't, or they don't know that, then monks can accept meat as part of their alms.

    yes, and to add to this, certain types of meat, eg meat from a human, a tiger, snake, and several other animals is prohibited.

    There is a group of monks in Thailand from "santi asok" temples that are vegetarians.

  7. I've been using DTAC's GPRS on my mobile for several years now. Recently, since getting MaxNet ADSL, I only use it when travelling or as a backup for when MaxNet is down, but at 99 Baht for 20 Hours (postpaid deal), although slow, it still serves a useful purpose. Now I'm wondering whether it would be worth buying a new mobile phone and upgrading my DTAC to EDGE.

    Has anyone any experience using EDGE in the Chiangrai area?

    I'm interested to know whether it works fast enough to support VOIP on Skype or SIP phone. Also what about EDGE tariff? Since it's supposed to be a lot faster, do you have to pay more? I couldn't see any seperate tariff for it on DTAC's website.

    . + SJ

    Balls to EDGE. GO to CAT telecom and buy a CDMA aircard. The speed is usually about 500k / 64k. Similar to broadband. The cards are about 13,000 baht and you only pay about 600 baht a month. This can not be used in Bangkok though. You get great coverage all over Thailand (except Bangkok). Basically CAT are teamed up with Hutch so you can use their network.

    If you prefer to use CDMA in Bangkok (bangkok only) you can get a Hutch aircard from Hutch, but it is more expensive per month.

    If you are in Chiang Rai or northern Thailand CAT CDMA is really the way to go. It is much more reliable than rural adsl conncection. The speed is really very good!

    EDGE is a waste of time!

    P.S I have second hand EDGE card for sale if anyone interested - as I am now with CAT :o

    whats the coverage like on the CAT/hutch network?, is it just in chang rai city or does it extend all over the province ??

  8. My first visit to the Buddhism forum and had a few questions as it relates to Buddhism and my girlfriends family. My girlfriend has 5 brothers, several that are now married. She told me that none of her brothers served as a monk for any period of time. I thought it was pretty much a given that Thai men spend some time as a monk or is that no longer the case?

    I asked a good number of Thai males studying in OZ and none I can remember said they have been monks, which I found suprising at the time. I think the new generation, especially middle class types are no so interested in Buddhism, and a good number that do become monks do it to satisfy their parents.

    Also, when a Thai man serves as a monk for a few weeks or months, is it expected that the Thai family contribute financially to where he is serving to help support the temple where he is at or will the monks just welcome any Thai male that wants to serve, without question?

    It is not really considered a financial contribution to the temple, it is considered to be one of the best types of donations a Thai can do in their life, that is, to sponsor their sons ordination into monkhood. Most Thai males will be received easily for ordination, the richer you are perceived to be the more money put into the ceremony.

  9. After 500 posts you can change your member status. Like mine. My member is hidden by my kilt. Or JDs Star member etc etc.

    Star Member is actually the forum default setting for members with over 10,000 posts.

    didn't know that either... so i think i'll try it for awhile..... there's only 9 of us.

    make that 10 :o

  10. Buddhist Social Ethics: A Structural Analysis


    In order to overcome greed, hatred, and delusion, a person needs to change not only his or her personal conduct or lifestyle, but also the system that creates them.

    Well, what do you think ? Is he right and can this approach succeed in contemporary Thailand ?

    Well, I think the author missed the target completely. The "system that creates" is not society but the mind, and this is what the Buddha emphasized repeatedly.

  11. many good suggestions so far I think.

    And, if the son is at least warm to the ideas, its a good start.

    I suggest that consideration be given to the possibility of getting him some private time with a few monks

    Yes, I agree, not just any old monk but what you might call a 'spiritually advanced' one that may make an impression on him in a way other forms of teaching can not do. You could organize a translator if necessary.

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