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Posts posted by Grover

  1. Yes, the author identifies the root problem of corruption in Thailand clearly. It's a good article.

    In my mind, a large part of the solution rests in clean political leadership that sets a good example to the people. Unlike Thaksins leadership style that exasperated the problems described in the article.

    Alsolutely, now that the evil Thaksin is gone we can revert back to the clean political leadership that characterized Thai politics before him, and, in fact, politics around the globe! Please, we didn't just fall off the turnip truck, you know...

    "clean political leadership", is that like "military intelligence"?

    There are different levels of 'political cleanliness', Thaksin being a particularly unclean and influencial specimen.

  2. Yes, the author identifies the root problem of corruption in Thailand clearly. It's a good article.

    In my mind, a large part of the solution rests in clean political leadership that sets a good example to the people. Unlike Thaksins leadership style that exasperated the problems described in the article.

  3. By all means be gay, choose that promotion over a baby, but in 100 years time, nobody will remember you and millions of years of your particualar gene strain is finished.

    Whoever said that seems to have forgotten that Alexander the Great is still remembered after 2300 years. He was maybe the greatest conqueror ever, and very gay.

    Which also brings us to gays in the armed forces. The most successful army of the Hellenic world was the Spartan army, in which homosexuality was actively encouraged. According to Plato this was the main reason for its succes.

    Maybe, if the US army would be a bit more gay, then they would have been able to win the war in Vietnam, and not be loosing so badly in Irak. :o:D

    ahh... now I know why they call you the Colonel. :D

  4. adjan jb

    on pot

    on the plant pot

    there is no grass left

    well i would go with the ghost story.....

    spice it up a bit and then buy the land when the price drops accordingly.

    and just hope some meddling kids with their stupid dog dont show up in a van to foil your plans

    Easily taken care of goldenmile,

    Scooby Snacks!



    scooby snacks, haha.

  5. chucky you know we win the fight and the game but the only ones on your side who can fight are the coconuts not the sheepshaggers

    There is only one player from the South Island in the team,if that's what you mean?

    BTW,What is Willie mason?(Apart from a fine upstanding Australian?:o

    Willie mason is a monster, a classic schoolyard bully, an accused rapist, and a very good NRL forward. So, you have every reason to be scared of him.

  6. Sheep shaggers v Roo Rooters. (We are sooooo glad that you took Willie Mason off our hands...the IQ of both countries went up when he left...)

    BTW, if it comes to a slug fest, we will wipe the floor with you.If you play footie,then you might just sneek through.....

    Wille Mason is back in this game buddy. And its payback time. Remember the look in his face after his black eye? He looked like he was gonna burst into tears. :o

    So, now he wants revenge and wants to regain his lost manhood. He will give 100% for sure. You kiwis are in for a bruising. :D:D

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