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Posts posted by Grover

  1. Libya's Jokes are like ... well, you KNOW they will be bad, yet as that very thought is going through your head, you've already clicked the link and are awaiting the immensity of the groan that the "page loading" is about to bring you.

    Tis a weird Phenomenon!

    I know this feeling. :o I have a similar feeling after being swindled.

  2. In Thailand, monks never wai a lay person - not even the king. That's the custom here. On his visit to Thailand, even the Dalai Lama found this difficult to get used to. But it is the custom, not arrogance.

    Not exactly... did anyone notice the HMK 60th aniversary a few months ago? There were some very high level monks chanting for the King. Then the King gave some gifts to the monks, as is usual. The interesting think was the Wai the King made to the monks and the small wai given by some monks to the King! I was stunned ! :D:o In these cases, the wais were almost simultaneous.

  3. From my experience, some people can 'read the future'. I don't know how it works, (and that makes it strange), but in the hands of certain people it works with remarkable accuracy. Strange, mysterious, yes.

    The truth be told, many people are frightened by the tarot cards.

    Did you consider, the monk may have been right in his reading? Perhaps there were bad things in the cards about the Bank job. He may have prevented some serious problem for the girls future.

    This is Thai Buddhism. Thai culture mixed with buddhism. Monk fortune tellers have been around, and accepted for awhile. No, not pure Buddhism, but 100% normal for Thai Buddhism.

    My advice is to relax. IMO your huff & puff in front of the monks only looks bad in the eyes of your friends.

  4. I feel just disgusted about those monks that are claiming to be Budhist and say that they have the ultimate knowledge by using a deck of cards at a few poorly educated people.

    Did the monks say they have "the ultimate knowledge" or are you breaking one of the five precepts ?

    The arrogance showed by these monks when I wai them (they not wai back) told me already something.


  5. Its not a disapproving statement; its an approving statement regarding the consequences for their action. Saying "I approve of what happened to you because you deserved it."

    It sounds like your inability to comprehend English both grammatically and culturally are impeding your understanding of this one!

    Its a bit harsh, and you are incorrect.

    There are two actions involved before the statement "serves you right" is made. First there is the initial action, then there is the resulting action. Like a cause and effect. So, the dissaproving is associated with the initial action & the 'approval' (wrong choice of words, trout. It is something closer to satisfaction that justice has somehow been served), or sense of justice comes after. Then the statement "Serves you right" or som nam naa is made.

    I think baennaenae is closer to the meaning.

  6. To stop it swinging, attach the ring at the top of the bag directly to the bolt it is to be hung from. Any extra chain or rope will make it swing more.

    I heard sawdust is a good sand substitute. Should be able to pick it up freely from a sawmill or carpenter.

  7. If hired motorcycle and taxi drivers are involved, I don't believe in a "seeing is believing" or "just wait and see" attitude. They've shown previously that their involvement is purely for a few hundred baht notes, not political. Their only purpose is to provoke, draw bloodshed and tarnish the Council for National Security and the interim government.

    So, what do you suggest?

    Arrest them at their stands before they have actually done something against the law?

    I admit I don't know much about this, but I would assume that the law is broken the moment they get hired, with intention to instigate violence.

  8. And to add, another very real danger scenario in fighting here in Thailand is AIDS. Thailand has a very high infection rate, while fighting you do come generally in direct contact with blood of your opponent, that might easily lead to a transmission when for example you bust your knuckles on your opponent's teeth.

    ok, so now you are trying to tell us a tooth has aids ? huh? :o

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