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Posts posted by Grover

  1. This is really important so any of you funny guys should read this slowly... you cannot tell a 14 year old girl what to do and automatically expect it to happen!

    Geez mate, good parenting starts from day one. If you neglect discipine at the beginning its only going to get harder in the teenage years. its a shame your mother took the path of least resistance in this important matter. What did your father have to say about all this ?

  2. And having had our little amusement, is it possible that we can move the debate back to the thread topic, please?

    It's getting rather tiring for me, and it must be excruciatingly boring for the rest of the readers having to follow this meaningless tit for tat when they want to know about "Bringing Thaksin to Account".


    Thank you.


    So when are you going to "Bring Thaksin to Account" Colpyat ? It's becoming excruciatingly boring watching you tip-toe around reality.

  3. If she was from a comfortable background and the family had no money issues then my guess is that you would not have got a second look.

    Thats my guess too. I doubt it is because of his charming personality.

    Keep on telling us how handsom and in shape you are and you might start to believe it yourself though i doubt the girl your with does.

    :o agreed.

    sounds insecure.

  4. What Or Who Do People Think Of When Making Love

    Simple......... I focus on the on-going sensations!

    Bingo!!!! Fawn you hit the key to total sexual enjoyment. You have to focus on the sensations of the lovemaking...sights, smells, sounds, tastes and feelings. People who fantasize about someone else or about other sex acts never will benefit from the wonderful sensory experience of lovemaking. That's why they are never truly satisfied.

    Cheers my friend!

    So let me get this right. There is no thinking involved, just percieving sensations and building up sex energy to climax. Ok that is fine. But it would make your question a trick question, no?

    Set a trap, make them fall in, then clobber them over the head with the obvious! sweet!

  5. The fact that they are still together with few problems more than five years later pretty much says it all.

    Couples as in this case are sometimes bound together with more than 'love'. They are on the fringe of acceptance by society, and therefore have invested themselves heavily in their "choice". Doing backflips is ego crushing - societies reaction: I told you so. They have lots to lose if they break up. A terrible confontation with reality. On the surface, it would be essential for such a couple to maintain a "happy and loving" relationship.

    This may not be the case, but I am giving another possiblity to your implication that "five years pretty much says it all."

  6. My buddy married a 20 year old girl when he was 70 ... They are happy and in love and there is nothing "sick" about either one of them! :o

    Assuming their happiness and love are genuine, it seems to be a band aid for a deep, rather serious mental problem, exposed by their huge age difference. Sick, yes, but happy and in love :-)

  7. A younger, inexperienced lady, say in her late teens/early 20s who has not much love experience, and falls head over heels in the arms of a man 20 years older then her, is often looking for a fatherly love 'replacement'. Is it as sick as it sounds? Kind of... but not quite.

    If for example the girls father was obnoxious and arrogent, she will also seek out these same qualities in an older man, to somehow continue her unresolved father/love tension. This has been demonstrated over and over again in the psychological literature.

    This theory can also be applied to the mind of the man. Perhaps this is why age differences of, say, 20 years to a young/girlish woman attract raised eyebrows & uncomfortable feelings in some people - especially, say, the father of the daughter (who is being challenged).

    So, in a way, the cradle snatchers are tinted with this perception.

  8. Okay:

    My wish.... (btw, thanks for completely ruining my previous bordello fantasy.. :o )

    My new wish

    I wish someone would alway be ready to corrupt my wish :bah:

    Your wish is granted, but all your posts from now on are also immediately answered by me, and you never again converse with another member...mmwwhahaha (evil laugh).


    I wish I was being stalked by Lucy Liu.

    Wish delivered to you on a silver platter and in skimpy underwear, from whence you notice two large round bulges and one small, straighter one, slowly getting more solid.... :D

    Edit: I forgot again :D

    I wish for some snow shoes for my wee ariel not to slip on snow again... :D

    No! jsut kidding..

    I wish for a lamborghini Diablo car, always in perfect condition

    The drivers seat of the Diablo car is possessed by a sadistic devil/demon, unknown to you. It is real in all respects. When you are driving and you press on the acceleration, five extra seatbelts spring from nowhere and strap you down firmly, then the devil... ehem.. gets bigger relative to how hard you accelerate. HA!

    I wish there were no rules on this forum.

  9. My wish.... (btw, thanks for completely ruining my previous bordello fantasy.. :o )

    :D I knew what your smiley, this one --> :D was thinking... this smiley is always thinking about that

    sorry cant fulfill your wish right now. i am drawing blanks. mabye when you wake up it will be fulfilled.

  10. This nightly collective howling and barking and fighting seems to release their primal aggressions. The dogs love doing it, showing off, its fun and exciting for them. The night time increases the excitiement. I experienced something similar. I moved a bit further away from the nightly show and wore earplugs. It helped a lot.

  11. what's graaaap? :D:o

    Bambis right. Its when someone wants to show respect for someone else in Thailand.

    They gets on the floor, move to the other persons feet, make a wai, then put their head to the other persons foot... you know? 3 times. Im sure u seen this in Thailand somewhere.

    Its the Thai equivalet of ... im really really sorry, im so ######ing sorry... your the best... i am lowely you are the master... etc


    I wish I could see Thaksin graaaap the coup leaders. (graaap very beautifully, slowly)

  12. I wish I could take a year off and have a huge trip around the world

    You attempt a huge trip around the world but when you get to France, one year later, your bicycle breaks in half & you return home -a defeated woman - by air.

    I wish I could see Thaksin graaaap the coup leaders. (graaap very beautifully, slowly)

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