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Posts posted by Grover

  1. As for ทะเล้น, it's much less common than ทะลึ่ง in my experience, but often doubled with ทะลึ่ง as ทะลึ่งทะเล้น. For example, the dictionary of "naughty" words I bought (with academic interest! :o) is called พจนานุรกรมฉบับทะลึ่งทะเล้น. When I check the dictionary on ทะเล้น by itself, at least in one sense it's a close synonym of the original meaning of ทะลึ่ง:

    The ทะเล้น in พจนานุรกรมฉบับทะลึ่งทะเล้น seems to emphasis the fun side of naughtiness to make the dictionary more appealing. I think it softens the somewhat accusatory tone of the ทะลึ่ง word.

  2. What I meant by focus is this " The new sect adopted a stricter code of conduct based on the Mon text, rejected the use of Jataka tales for teaching and preaching, down-played the significance of texts based on traditional cosmology (especially the Traiphum), and avoided practices adopted from Brahmanism or spirit worship." From A History of Thailand by Pasuk Phongpaichit and Chris Baker.

    :o You seem to know more than you let on :D

  3. The Buddha taught that any religion or philosophy must contain the elements of the Noble Eightfold Path if it is to lead to nibhanna.


    I don't think Buddhism has the monopoly on enlightenment, nor the 8 Fold path the only path to the top.

    A deck of cards probably doesn't have these elements.

    A deck of cards is just ink printed on paper. Like the Buddhist scriptures - ink on paper.

    Like the pictures, the words are symbols.

  4. This sounds a bit like the function of mandalas used by Tibetan and Shingon Buddhists. Is any sect actually using tarot cards?

    Indeed, from what little I know on the matter they have similarities with mandalas.

    I think only western occult sects are using the symbols in the cards as a tool for 'enlightenment'.

  5. It's not going to lead anyone towards enlightenment.

    Tarot cards (not for divination) apparently, can be used as a road-map to enlightenment. It is clearly not the middle way. It is more like the 'scenic tour'. The cards are said to be doorways into the jungian archetypal collective unconsious and further. The cards are said to be symbols of the building blocks of creation, destruction and the universe. The final stage on this 'spiritual path' is apparently a state of non-returning to the world and union with the 'unspeakable'.

  6. I have heard people say that in the moments before death (minutes, hours, days, weeks), when death is knocking on their door so to speak, they have a better chance of entering into the present moment, in a spiritual way. Their impeding death shakes them out of their lifetime of slumber. Suddenly they realise what living is all about...

    I think this is why some teachers emphasise knowledge and intimacy with the death concept in day to day life. The key to living, they say is being close with death; acknowledging its imminent possiblity in the deepest possible way. Perhaps, at a stretch, this is what the meaning could be in the OPs post.

    I am not sure the Buddha emphasised this and to what extent.

  7. that avatar is your portrait, yes?

    No bronco. Cool looking dude though ! Aliester has got a much better sense of humour !!!!

    The avatar is this fellow. mr crowley

    I finished reading his biography last month.

    Strangely enough, this guy too was a trickster and a huge boaster in real life, in a funny way :D

    Sorry libya 115... keep em coming mate. By the way, what does libya 115 really mean ? :o

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