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Posts posted by Grover

  1. What's the most important thing to learn in chemistry?

    A: Never lick the spoon.

    Chemists are the *cleanest* people you'll ever meet...

    they wash their hands even *before* they go to the restroom! :D

    First law of Laboratorics: Hot glass and cold glass look alike

    top ways to get thrown out of chemistry lab

    10. Pretend an electron got stuck in your ear, and insist on describing the sound to others.

    9. Give a cup of liquid nitrogen to a classmate and ask, "Does this taste funny to you?"

    8. Consistently write three atoms of potassium as "KKK."

    7. Mutter repeatedly, "Not again... not again... not again."

    6. When it's very quiet, suddenly cry out, "My eyes!"

    5. Deny the existence of chemicals.

    4. Begin pronouncing everything your immigrant lab instructor says exactly the way he/she says it.

    3. Casually walk to the front of the room and urinate in a beaker. :o

    2. Pop a paper bag at the crucial moment when the professor is about to pour the sulfuric acid

  2. 12. Upon arriving to work, instead of going through the main entrance like everyone else, you often shamlessly enter by forcing your way through the rear exit door, which is clearly marked with a brown dot. This sometimes causing damage to property, and risking injury to others :o

    This constant violation (of the rules) often results in a loud alarm and emergency evactuation and a closure for at least 24 hours.

  3. or dont do what you suggest!!

    do private 1 to 1 lessons on the weekdays and weekends, but do it in a public place!

    that way no one has any proof that your doing what you do. and they cant stop you over it.

    my friend gives private lessons to 1 or 2 people at a time. he meets them in public places, like a mall, or a park etc. sure its not as peaceful as a class room, and you dont have a whiteboad, but use ur imagination! that way, if a police officer comes up and says anything, your simply having a conversation!

    That sounds like a safe option. What do you think are the chances of a grudge-holding student dobbing you in to the cops in this scenario ? Seems less probable than the home setup at least.

  4. You are back in Thailand again. But as ususal, the worst thing happens to you. You have no money and no desire to get a job. Therefore you resort to scamming other tourists for the 500 baht airport exit fee... your photo is pasted on TV, the cops come and drag you at gunpoint back to the airport for your return trip home...

    I wish I could have an arm wrestle with God, and win.

  5. By a strange quirk, when I emailed yabapricequote.com about the source of prices, they responded that their prices are derived from an extensive research project being conducted as part of a PhD doctoral thesis by a criminal justice student at the second best university in Thailand who has interviewed hundreds of contacts in all 76 provinces. Very impressive.

    They did, however, go on to elaborate that none of the research was conducted under the influence of the subject matter being investigated as they felt that would ruin their credibility.


  6. Colpyat, who's paying you to stir the shit bucket? Khun Newin of Buriram and TRT fame? You deserve one another............

    He in it for da love, not da money.

    They say long distance relationships don't work, but Colpyat has proven us all wrong time and time again.

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