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Posts posted by Grover

  1. Addicts, even foreign addicts, if they are willing and able to stop are given methadone in clinics where they get registered and a card that protects them from urin tests.

    People like him do need help, but often it takes time until they are willing to accept help. You cannot help people if they are not open. Until that moment comes, the only help you can give them is not letting them starve.

    I'm sure they got methadone clinics in Canada. Ok, I agree, it's best if the guy is open and willing to accept help. But it seems, due to his scamming talent, he is managing his habit quite well, thus he probably feels he does not need help.

    the only help you can give them is not letting them starve.

    Or not letting them OD.

  2. The "law is loose" you claim, but you'd have a hard time having the guy arrested on any charge I'm sure, even if it happened in your home country.

    It's already been alleged the scammer is using the money to support his opiate addiction. If this is the case, his country should step in and do something before he gets into serious trouble with the law. If you don't find his scamming behaviour offensive, and if the drug allegation is true, consider the road he is walking on and where it is leading, ie. a Thai jail. IMO It is preferable he goes home asap.

  3. Last week 2 friends were attacked by stray dogs

    yesterday I was attacked

    today from my balcony I saw several dogs attack anything that moved or went past on a bike

    a dangerous situation has developed and its getting out of hand

    So can anyone tell me who in the local government is in charge of getting rid of them

    If you dont believe take a walk down Jomtien Beach road and if you dont count at least 200 stray dogs then I buy the beer


    anyone can assist then email me


    I had a similar problem with one large soi dog who threatened me when I walked past his soi. After avoiding him I decided to make friends with him and feed him some tasty food when I was walking past. Soon he stopped barking and was pacified. Now he doesnot cause a problem for me. Anyway, this seemed to work for in my case, perhaps it can work in your situation.

  4. After having my troubles with the external DVD, I decided I have serious system problems and need to backup my files on an external Hard drive so I can reformat and reinstall everything... when I first installed the external hard drive, it seemed to work but the speed was inconsistent and sometimes I would get strange copying errors. Again, the hard drive worked fine on OTHER computers.

    A friend suggested that sometimes toggling USB 2 off/on would help. So I went into BIOS and toggled USB 2 from ON to OFF. The drive worked, but even slower... I decided to try toggling it back to ON. Now the drive doesn't even show up in windows at all!

    I checked the USB ports under device manager- the drive is recognized there- I get the little green icon on the lower right showing that a device is attached, and I can "stop" the device to remove it, and it is recognized as USB mass storage- but I can't see a new drive anymore when I open "My Computer" (I did before).

    Sigh. Any suggestions before I throw the thing out the window?


    Try uninstalling the USB controller in the device manager, then rebooting the pc. The original drivers should be detected. This might work if the drivers have been corrupted.

  5. Nothing comes from focusing on the faults of others. You can get more done by looking at your own faults instead.

    - Ajahn Fuang

    This is a good quote camerata, on some occasions it is something I have to keep in mind.

    I wonder, is there ever a 'correct' way of criticising someone that keeps in line with the quote.

    I read a book once, "The Road Less Travelled". It mentioned it is OK to criticise (or discipline in the case of children) as long as it is done with unconditional love and with the spiritual development of the other person in mind. This approach can be easily twisted with arrogance, so, the author explains, thorough self-analysis concerning motives must be made before the critisism is made to avoid falling into the trap of arrogance. This guy wasn't Buddhist (although his first words in the book was the first noble truth).

    I guess the question I am trying to ask is, can critisism of others be made in a proper Buddhist way? If so how?

  6. Obviously Grover believes all the bargirls tell him.

    Grover, just as a service to you dude, please consider this theory: If their (bargirls) lips are moving, they're lying. Read that, understand that and save a fortune and heart break.

    If you consider that a tad harsh, then try this one: Assume they are lying until you've found conclusive evidence to the contrary.

    This might not happen on your first barfine/meeting with your favourite girl, but it will happen. What concerns me is that you think it doesn't. That's dangerous.

    Thanks for the advice mate, but I don't think ill need it because I have no need to get involved with that side of things in Thailand. To each their own. I never dragged that topic into the thread for discussion, and as far as i'm concerned it is a red herring. There is a lot of good postings with mature advice on this thread, but the contributions by you and the other fellow have been rather antagonistic in IMO. It seems to me your agression and pumped up ego is driving you to post more than any supposed sense of moral high ground.

  7. As by legal definition, a bargirl does not provide a "legit" service, because prostitution is tolerated in Thailand, but not legal.

    I think you misunderstood. In case you don't already know, using quotes " or ' mean's the word is not to be taken too literally. Be prepared to strech the meaning a little.

    'Legit' in the sense there is an exchange between two people without deception, unlike the scammer. I think it was clear from the context.

  8. Taking money under false pretences is called fraud.

    Bar-girls provide a service for the money you give, there's no comparison.

    You mean like the service of telling you and several others how much they love you alone and only in order to get as many sponsors as she can so she and her Thai boyfriend can have a good life. :o

    Do you think she could work in this manner several times a day for years ? It's not the same as the ancient profession or the scammer dude in this respect. Like Sir Burr said, bar-girls provide a 'legit' service. The scammer guy is a true fraudster, many times a day, for years.

  9. Lukamar is correct as any reasonably well informed Thai observer could tell you.Further comment is not possible given current forum guidelines.

    It's a legless claim as far as I'm concerned. Anyone can make a story like this then sit back with a smug look on their face, and a smile, knowing they are protected by the forum guidelines.

  10. You guys are too funny... You are so anti TRT that you couldn't even tell I was talking about the military.. So you don't have contacts there either I see...LOL

    Yeh I guess I got that one a bit mixed up. No matter. I'll leave it for now.

    Your enigmatic statements about 'contacts' are rather funny. I don't think anyone is taking you seriously until you give proof. :D

    IMO, I find the emerging reports concerning the killings utterly disgusting. :o

  11. Sorry John.... Sefice it to say some of us have contacts in Thailand that you do not have because you would not have asked the question in the first place, if you did.

    Are you talking about the type of contacts that get paid to spread pro-Thaksin propoganda ? :o:D Because there is no shortage of those people. The recent pro-TRT pseudo-media phenomonen just before the coup springs to mind.

    They may Huff and Puff and point some fingers but they certainly won't blow that house down as there are too many of them in there along with the one they are pointing the finger at.

    The TRT house fell down despite 'too many of them along with the one they are pointing the finger at'. Things have a way of sorting themselves out, even if it takes a long time.

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