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  1. If by humor you mean laughing at you, then I do get it.
  2. I know I've been accused of being a Hamas sympathizer because I pointed out the a growing backlash against the Israeli invasion was inevitable. It seemed obvious. Anyway, here's another Hamas sympathizer to add to the list, the epitome of an appeaser, former PM and Defense Chief Ehud Barak: Israel has only weeks to defeat Hamas as global opinion sours, former PM Ehud Barak says Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may be digging in for a “long and difficult war” but former leader Ehud Barak fears Israel has only weeks left to eliminate Hamas, as public opinion — most significantly in the U.S. — rapidly swings against its attacks on Gaza. In an exclusive interview with POLITICO, the former prime minister and chief of the Israel Defense Forces also suggested a multinational Arab force could have to take control of Gaza after the military campaign, to help usher in a return of Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority to take over from Hamas. Even with that change of the political order in Gaza, however, Barak stressed the return to diplomacy aimed at the creation of a Palestinian state was a very remote prospect. https://www.politico.eu/article/ehud-barak-israel-palestine-war-hamas-global-opinion-sours/ I do wonder why the Arab countries would want to immerse their armed forces in this mess. Still, this is Ehud Barak.
  3. What does launching military strikes against drug dealers have to do with "the flood of illegal aliens?" Do you think they're going to carpet bomb the border?
  4. Well, if you don't give a shhh that's because you don't have shhh.
  5. To support your claim that The mainstream media (at least in the US) is hard-left, and the hard-left loves them some hamas.
  6. You may have explained why you made your claim about inflation but you have offered no evidence that can explain why inflation was a worldwide phenomenon with most developed nations experiencing more inflation and much worse economic performance including and especially employment levels.
  7. Come up with some actual evidence of why Biden is partly responsible for higher inflation. All you've got now is an assertion. And make sure your explanation also encompasses why US inflation was and is lower than most other developed nations. And actually it's nonsense that he completely failed on childhood poverty. Actually childhood poverty fell sharply thanks to his the expanded child tax credit. Unfortunately, he couldn't get it extended.
  8. Lawrence O’Donnell Reveals The 1 Word From Trump That ‘Destroyed’ His Defense Because Donald Trump is one of the very stupidest people to be charged with business fraud, and because his demonstrably ineffectual lawyers obviously do not have the skills to prepare their client for even the simplest and most obvious questions, Donald Trump incriminated himself and his children with the only one-word answer that he gave all day,” O’Donell said on Monday night. The word came in response to a question about who in the Trump Organization was responsible for preventing and detecting fraud. “Everybody,” Trump said. https://news.yahoo.com/lawrence-o-donnell-reveals-1-071044456.html
  9. As I pointed out, the Democrats had a 51-49 edge in the Senate with 2 of those Democrats being dubious. Do you think Biden has dictatorial powers?
  10. Nonsense. Is 25% to 50% of most of the rest of the world due to Biden's decisions? A rational view would have to explain why most of the world experienced serious inflation. Assigning the blame to Joe Biden just doesn't cut it.
  11. The PA is already suspect by the locals as a collaborator with Israel. Were it ti crack down too hard on the locals it would lose what little legitimacy it has.
  12. Actually, it began when you claimed that the S&P showed that the US was experiencing economic decline. And now you're claiming that heybruce claimed that everything was fine. Where did he claim that? He just notedt that your claims are false. Biden actually did help Americans in trouble by making Obamacare a lot more generous and financing it with a tax on the wealthy. Other measures as well. Given that he had a 51-49 percent majority and 2 DINOs among the Democrats, it's amazing that he accomplished all that he did in the first 2 years of his term.
  13. Please, Israel's anti-Palestinian policy is authorized by the Israeli government. Is terrorism on the West Bank the official policy of the PA? Does it even have the means to stifle it?
  14. You're not going to take the word of anonymous member of aseannow.com? Someone who has provided absolutely no independently confirmable evidence?
  15. If you got it right, then yes, that would be a paradox. But you got it wrong. What I have written is if the Israelis were to cease the oppressive measures that they rule the Palestinians with in the West Bank, then the Palestinian people could support negotiations. But, as I've repeatedly noted, why negotiate with someone whose beating you over the head and gives no indication that they plan to stop?
  16. Now you're switching to work conditions? The fact is that the people whose wages have increased most quickly are those in the bottom 10% of workers.
  17. Was Biden's spending responsible for the even higher inflation that took place in most other industrialized nations? Is it also responsible for the fact that it's decline faster in the USA? How does that work? Sensible people would try to find a common cause for the nearly worldwide spike in inflation.
  18. You are confusing the stock market with the economy https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/gdp https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/unemployment-rate what Ohh OK. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/job-openings-creep-up-to-9-6-million-still-lots-of-demand-for-labor-7771c66a
  19. Really? https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/inflation-cpi
  20. I believe that's the case. I wonder why. It seems to be very successful elsewhere.
  21. Recently someone told me that I don't like Jews. I said that he had called me an anti-semite. He claimed that calling me someone who dislikes Jews is not the same as calling someone an anti-Semite. At any rate, not just Ramaswamy, but several other Republican candidates have called for US armed faces to take action against drug dealers in Mexico. This seems like lunacy to me.
  22. Here's how health insurance costs have increased over the last 20 years https://www.kff.org/report-section/ehbs-2022-summary-of-findings/ I don't see any evidence of a surge in costs since Obamacare was implemented.
  23. Sure. The one where Trump refused to turn documents over to the National Archives when they were requested was already a clear violation of the law. Despite which, rather than call in the Justice Dept the National Archives negotiated with Trump and his lawyers for months. He was treated far more indulgently than he had any right to expect. It was only when the National Archives had reason to believe that Trump had lied when he claimed he had turned over all the documents, and, what's worse, that he had retained classified documents, did the National Archives call in the Justice Dept.
  24. Gogoro’s latest move to roll out thousands of new battery swapping stations Battery-swapping leader Gogoro has just inked a new deal to see thousands of new battery-swapping GoStations added to the company’s existing force of swap stations already operating around Asia and the Middle East. The announcement is part of a Memorandum of Understanding with Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. (HPCL), a prominent Indian oil company with over 21,000 retail outlets... Gogoro’s existing network of thousands of battery-swapping stations spread across over a half dozen countries allows users to quickly exchange depleted batteries for fully charged ones, facilitating more convenient and efficient urban transportation. https://electrek.co/2023/11/06/gogoros-hpcl-thousands-of-battery-swapping-stations/
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