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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Clearly you want to lump all human rights organizations into one discredited pile. I'm not referring to human rights organizations. I'm referring to one particular organization. Given their track record, and the fact that they openly share their methodology, the odds are overwhelmingly strong that they've got it right. And I guess there's stopping you from referring to alleged past disagreements. I'm just going to ignore them since there's no point in disputing such claims.
  2. Well, at least you're not claiming any longer that the absence of evidence is evidence that the Bidens committed crimes.
  3. "You can go on about Amnesty being pure as snow, and all that" And I'm the one trying to put words in someone else's mouth? So, for the record, Amnesty is not as pure as snow. Who is? The Wall Street Journal recently got it wrong about the hospital bombing. At least I'm satisfied that they did. Perhaps you're confusing what you might see as Amnesty's naive denunciations of all acts of violence regardless of the circumstances. But that has nothing to do with the way they gather evidence. They shared their methodology openly. I have no doubt that Amnesty, just like any other investigative body, can come to the wrong conclusions. But their body of work speaks for itself.
  4. In fact, given the general tenor of your comments, I suspect the tories would be grateful to you for not defending them. But keep bottling.
  5. You think they're bad. What about those alarmsts at the BMA? https://www.bma.org.uk/advice-and-support/nhs-delivery-and-workforce/pressures/nhs-backlog-data-analysis
  6. Including your irrelevant invocation of members' nationality. When the facts are against you, you try to make it personal. You've got nothing.
  7. Actually you're the one doing the bottling. Got no defense for the Tories' dreadful management? And I do wonder how many people in the UK seek medical care because of exposure to the UK's newly polluted waters.
  8. That's your justification? That it's still free? Not if you want timely care. Record number of Brits paying for medical treatment amid NHS backlog crisis Around 227,000 people sought private treatment in the first 3 months of 2023 The NHS waiting list is now the highest since records began in August 2007 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12509757/Record-number-Brits-paying-medical-treatment-amid-NHS-backlog-crisis.html
  9. Might be better if some other country recolonized the UK and got to work on the NH for starters.
  10. It looks like you're just generating insults at random without reference to anything posted.
  11. You start out with a falsehood " You attack GB", and then for some reason you think my nationality is relevant. Once again, I have little use for the Tories or Brexit. But the policies of the Tories or Brexit are not GB.
  12. It's amusing because you've given me such an abundance of clueless material to work with. Thanks for that.
  13. You made a claim that I'm ashamed of my nationality. Where's your evidence? That I refuse to disclose it? As you well know, there's a reason why the moderators disapprove of such stupidity as making a member's nationality grounds for criticism.
  14. More name callling. Your claim to be a source of pride to England because of the deeds of your forebears is patently ridiculous. Did they leave their virtue to you in their wills?
  15. Here you go again, making evidence-free claims. And mind reading, to boot.
  16. Or maybe you're practicing some kind of weird English version of Buddhism. In standard Buddhism, adherents believe they get credit in this life for what they've done in their past lives. In your case, maybe you believe that you get credit in this life for what your ancestors have done?
  17. Actually, the one that absolutely literally provides a retort to his claim is this link: https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/gop-lawmaker-biden-impeachment-evidence-overwhelming
  18. You got any evidence for that? And England is going to give you credit for the for the alleged deeds of your ancestors? I know there's such a thing as inherited wealth. I didn't know that apparently there's such a thing as inherited sacrifice. Borrowing valour much?
  19. Again, with the Pavlovian "nitpicking" response. Amnesty has repeatedly demonstrated its bone fides throughout the world when it comes to armed conflicts. As that article of theirs concerning Hamas shows. Short of a rant, could their condemnation have been any stronger? Or are you going to await some impendent official confirmation of those actions by Hamas as well? But if you think such caution is warranted, I guess you're going to have to wait on a judgement of whose bomb landed on that hospital in Gaza. I personally think the evidence is overwhelming that it was some Palestinian force that is responsible. But maybe that's just me and my low standards speaking.
  20. Given the last sentence in your comment, the sincerity of your sentiments is doubtful.
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