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  1. Not interested and yet you reply? But I do believe that you lack enough interest even to look at those polls and how they were conducted.
  2. Certainly people who couldn't afford health insurance before should be grateful to the Democrats.
  3. Given the extraordinarily high cost of insurance in the USA, coupled with fat deductibles, health insurance isn't affordable to millions of middle class Americans. Obamacare, especially as augmented by the previous congress, has made it affordable or even free to people who previously would have had to pay.
  4. It is. You have to work really hard to read this a "Biden has already vastly lowered the cost of Obamacare and made it far more affordable to middle class Americans." s referring to anything but the cost of it to Americans eligible for it. Your comment is characteristically ridiculous.
  5. Well, I go with what there is. And these polls are done at a very high standard. If you go to the reports you can read all about the protocols. Anyway, the point is what you['re doing it handicapping political parties and their prospects. It seems dubious that there's going to be more of the same. If elections ever are held.
  6. I will post this again in the probably vain hope that you will either finally read it, or, if you have done that, finally understand it. "Biden’s Covid relief bill, the American Rescue Plan, “dramatically expands the financial subsidies” available to help Obamacare enrollees purchase private insurance plans on ACA exchanges “both in terms of those eligible and how much they receive,” Gaba noted. An estimated 2 million more people became eligible to purchase Obamacare plans at low cost because of the ARP. The law also eliminated the cap that zeroed out subsidies for Obamacare plans for households that earned more than four times the federal poverty level." https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/18/obamacare-enrollment-hits-record-high-after-biden-makes-changes.html
  7. You've got less than nothing. Well, except your obsession with Biden.
  8. I cited a fact. It's a fact because it has already occurred. What you offer is a prediction. Now, if you have proof you're a time traveler, you've made an excellent point. Otherwise, you've got nothing.
  9. /ˌwepənəˈzeɪʃn/ (British English also weaponisation) [uncountable] the act of making something suitable for use as a weapon. https://www.google.com/search?q=weaponisation&oq=weaponisation&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDUxNDhqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  10. I can't say whether you read the articles or not. But if you did, you clearly didn't understand the plain English of the text. "Biden’s Covid relief bill, the American Rescue Plan, “dramatically expands the financial subsidies” available to help Obamacare enrollees purchase private insurance plans on ACA exchanges “both in terms of those eligible and how much they receive,” Gaba noted. An estimated 2 million more people became eligible to purchase Obamacare plans at low cost because of the ARP. The law also eliminated the cap that zeroed out subsidies for Obamacare plans for households that earned more than four times the federal poverty level." https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/18/obamacare-enrollment-hits-record-high-after-biden-makes-changes.html
  11. No, I'm not looking at it from a wrong angle. I'm just not looking at it from just a political party angle. I'm looking at it from an angle of where popular sentiment lies. And the populace has clearly moved away from supporting the core positions of Hamas and Islamic Jihad. It used to be that Hamas was reckoned to excel at providing government services. But it has lost its support even in that. Granted, as a report from that organization shows, there usually is an upsurge of support when Israel attacks. But even at the height of the upsurge, the support isn't what it used to be. The trend is downwards no matter what the fluctuations may be.
  12. I asked you for evidence. You replied "After you". But I already have provided evidence. You've provided nothing. Which is because you have nothing.
  13. In most countires, developed and otherwise, health insurance isn't tied to employment. That's in countries that offer health insurance. In some countries health care is government financed.
  14. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/07/07/fact-sheetpresident-biden-announces-new-actions-to-lower-health-care-costs-and-protect-consumers-from-scam-insurance-plans-and-junk-fees-as-part-of-bidenomics-push/ And Biden has already vastly lowered the cost of Obamacare and made it far more affordable to middle class Americans. Obamacare enrollment hits record high after Biden makes post-Trump tweaks to health insurance program https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/18/obamacare-enrollment-hits-record-high-after-biden-makes-changes.html
  15. How Trump gave insurance companies free rein to sell bad health plans Obamacare wasn’t repealed. Trump’s deregulation is eroding it anyway. https://www.vox.com/2020/6/30/21275498/trump-obamacare-repeal-short-term-health-care-insurance-scam
  16. Really? And what should she do until she gets a job? Hope that no health emergency arises? Is insurance mandatory for employers to provide? Do employers of low wage earners typically provide medical insurance? It's true that employer provided insurance has improved since, thanks to Obamacare, employers are limited to a maiximum 90 day waiting period before an employee must be covered by insurance. And right now, unemployment is at record lows. Sooner or later there will be a recession. What happens to laid off workers then? And thanks to Obamacare, people with pre-existing conditions can't be denied insurance and there is a cap on how much they can be charged.
  17. In this article an expat describes her travails in getting decent health care insurance. After being duped by 2 organizations - the kind that the Trump administration fostered - she finally gets insured by Medicaid.
  18. I Lived Abroad For 11 Years. This Is The Thing That Shocked Me Most When I Moved Back To The U.S https://uk.news.yahoo.com/lived-abroad-11-years-thing-123039252.html
  19. Once again, you make the unsubstantiated claim that I've been quoting some zealot or zealots. Honorable people back up their claims with evidence when called to account. You on the other hand just continue with touting a falsehood. What I did claim was that you were using faulty evidence to show that hurricanes hadn't gotten more severe in the eastern Paciific. I took no position on the issue.
  20. More nonsense from you. I never said that hurricanes were getting more severe. You, questioned ihs assertion, "Oh, so when you stated as fact that: "Severe hurricanes in the eastern Pacific used to be rare." it was just based on your own anecdotal observations of the last fifty years, got it." and then posted data that included loss of lives. Why did you even copy that mortality data if it was irrelevant to the point you were making? Why not simply post a list of hurricanes with dates if that was the only issue you were addressing? And if your definition of "zealot" is a climatologist then I'm guilty as charged. If you're referring to another class of person, please share the evidence that I've done that. Good luck with finding that. But I won't accuse of you lying because, as you now finally know, lying goes to intent. And you may just be badly confused.
  21. Thanks for the info. I wasn't aware the rare earths were used in petroleum refining.
  22. The thing is that support for Hezbollah has been on the decline. According to the latest poll support for Hezbollah dropped by 8 points. Given that, and the low level of support for violence, it doesn't seem likely that the 15% Other, was much of a potential reservoir of support for Hamas and/or Islamic Jihad. It seemed unlikely that Hamas was in a winning position. I put that in the past tense because who knows what the consequences of the Israeli invasion will be? Decreased support for Hamas because no desire for a repeat of the damage inflicted on the locals, or increased support out of a desire for vengeance.
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