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  1. Here's a link to an article about advice from a lawyer who once deposed Trump. Her major piece of advice is to let him talk. She also noted that he was absurdly responsive to flattery. And that he was completely unprepared for the deposition. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/11/06/tips-questioning-trump-under-oath-00125439 She Tangled with Trump in a Deposition. Here’s Her Strategy When He’s Under Oath. “Just let him talk. I got exactly what I wanted by letting him talk.” https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/11/06/tips-questioning-trump-under-oath-00125439
  2. What don't you understand that virtually the entire was afflicted with inflation following the covid pandemic? Is that Joe Biden's fault? Or that the United States is doing far better than the other major economically developed nations an most of the lesser ones too? If you're claiming that the inflation is Biden's fault, then shouldn't he get credit for the faster pace of the recovery, too? The only major nation that isn't suffering from inflation is China and their economy is a mess.
  3. More nonsensical claims. Please, share with us a video that shows her cackling. Interesting how this anti-woman bigotry creates fiction.
  4. Vivek Ramaswamy Explains ‘Morally Justified’ Plan To Invade Mexico If It Doesn’t Stop Drug Cartels: ‘Shoot That Dog’ https://www.mediaite.com/politics/vivek-ramaswamy-explains-morally-justified-plan-to-invade-mexico-if-it-doesnt-stop-drug-cartels-shoot-that-dog/ GOP Calls to Invade Mexico Are More Than Just a Political Stunt https://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/us-border-crisis-mexico/
  5. Well that's true. Recently there was Jean-Marie Le Pen and his Nationalist Party. An, of course, to go a lot further back, the Dreyfus case. But, that said, the fact is that anti-semitic beliefs are now rife in most of the Muslim world and that fact has to be faced.
  6. This is coming from the party who claimed that the Guardian is Marxist because it had a Marxist columnist. Yes, some on the left are anti-semitic. But all? Most? Got any evidence for that?
  7. Well, he wasn't proposing that US troops take a vacation in Cancun.
  8. An ominous poll for Democrats, and what it says about a Biden alternative The poll shows Biden trailing Trump by four percentage points in key swing states, but an unnamed Democrat leading by eight https://archive.ph/qWnAS https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/11/06/an-ominous-poll-democrats-what-it-says-about-biden-alternative/
  9. I've looked at youtube videos and have seen no evidence of screeching. And now you're imagining her in a situation where "she would bitch at her husband'? Not complaining to political associates and such but bitching to her husband. It's like you're purposely engaging in a parody of yourself.
  10. This comment shows how deeply ingrained sexism is among the right wing. Kamala Harris would be screeching? And why the mention of "household"? Because a woman's place is in the home and that's where you imagine her spending her time?
  11. And the point you missed is a tad obvious...but "to each their own."
  12. Maybe to him, the innocents are the newly armed settlers on the West Bank. He and his government certainly are taking a hands off attitude towards them. Over 120 Palestians killed, most of them murdered, and as far as I know, 800 at least forcibley evicted from their homes, and the government hasn't issued a word of condemnation.
  13. Given that the only time you don't reply is when you're flummoxed, I do have the impression that you need to get the last word in. Not saying that I don't suffer from that condition myself. Well, their own respective leaderships know that if they were to offer the Israelis something first, their futures, if not their lives, would be endangered. They tread very carefully.
  14. Is your link finger paralyzed? https://thehill.com/people/david-axelrod/
  15. The thing is, accountants don't make up figures out of thin air. They rely on the figures provided by their clients.
  16. I'm sure that to you your comment is not a non-sequitur.
  17. Thank you for your Pavlovian response. Evidence?
  18. That's the one who wanted to have US troops invade Mexico?
  19. Well, at least the war has sobered up Netanyahu about the danger of appointing thugs to politically flammable portfolios. Oh wait a minute... Netanyahu appoints far-right MK as chairman of West Bank committee Religious Zionist Party MK Zvi Sukkot was appointed as chairman of the Foreign and Security Committee's Judea and Samaria Sub-Committee on Wednesday. Sukkot, who identifies with far-right politics, lives in a settlement and has been suspected in the past of involvement in Jewish terrorist attacks on Palestinians. His new appointment was immediately condemned and criticized by other politicians and activist groups who demanded he be removed from the position. https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-771210 Good thing there are no other thugs in the Israeli government who want to pour gasoline on the fire: Oh..wait another minute... U.S. Officials Fear American Guns Ordered by Israel Could Fuel West Bank Violence Israel wants 24,000 assault rifles. Itamar Ben-Gvir, a far-right minister overseeing the police, has given rifles to civilians and is forming “security squads.” An Israeli government request for 24,000 assault rifles from the United States is drawing scrutiny from American lawmakers and some State Department officials who fear the weapons might end up in the hands of settlers and civilian militias trying to force Palestinians from land in the West Bank, where violence has been surging, U.S. officials say. The three proposed tranches of semiautomatic and automatic rifles are valued at $34 million and are being ordered directly from American gunmakers, but they require State Department approval and congressional notification. Israel says the rifles would be used by the national police force, but has also indicated that they could be given to civilians, people familiar with the weapons orders told The New York Times. https://archive.ph/hc7Ub https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/05/us/politics/israel-us-weapons-west-bank.html#:~:text=An Israeli government request for,Bank%2C where violence has been And this despite the Biden administration's admonition to crack down on the settlers. Youj'd think if Biden is putting Americans in harms way for the Israelis, the least the Israelis could do would be to honor his request and not to further enable settler violence in the West Bank.
  20. I think an excellent candidate would be Gretchen Whitmer, the popular governor of Michigan. And, even though it shouldn't make a difference, it doesn't hurt that she's easy on the eyes. Right now she's co-chair of Biden's reelection campaign. Which would make it awkward for her to rebel, but should Biden decide to step aside, would be a boost.
  21. Clearly, you didn't understand what I wrote so let me put it another way: get over yourself. Your degree of conviction or lack thereof has no objective value. It's not an intellectually respectable piece of evidence nor argument.
  22. I agree. Oneway to keep workers from asking for more is to keep this information confidential. There are many companies where discussing your income is a fireable offense. This is actually illegal but that doesn't stop employers: It has long been illegal for employers to ban their employees from discussing pay. Yet these workplace "gag rules" continue to thrive. About 50% of American workers report that their employers prohibit or discourage discussions of wages and salaries. Gag rules can open the door to wage suppression and pay inequity, which can have a particularly damaging effect on women and people of color. If employer policies requiring pay secrecy are unlawful, why are they still so common? One reason is that workers don't know their rights. https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/can-my-employer-prohibit-me-from-discussing-my-pay-with-my-coworkers.html The article does go on to note that there are exceptions and they're pretty big ones. Governments, religious organizations, agricultural workers, organizations subject to the railway act such as airlines and well,interstate railroads. Which for the government is clearly self-serving and for the rest, clearly a gift to special interests.
  23. Well, if the degree of how impressed or not you were was an objective thing, I'd be seriously concerned. As it is, I'd say your level of self-regard is a tad ridiculous and more than a tad sad. Or maybe it's more than a tad ridiculous and just a tad sad. I'll check the calibration on my impressionmeter and get back to you.
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