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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Well, the one factor you disregard is the trend. And that has been moving away from Hamas. According to that poll, support for Hamas declined by 8 points between the last poll and this one. If pitiful was unaccompanied by data, it too would be a weasel word. But it wasn't unaccompanied, was it? And more of your silly baiting on whether or not I read the article.
  2. Hezbollah would be very offended by your characterization that Israeli reservists had no experience of facing an enemy that could fight back. Lots of those reservists were once frontline soldiers who faced Hezbollah and took a lot of punishment.
  3. Your comment is a triumph of misunderstanding. The report simply notes how many participants there were in clinical trials predating authorization. Unless of course you have evidence that these numbers are false. I won't hold my breath waiting for you to provide such evidence.
  4. Here's your reply to Danderman12 in its entirety: "Oh, so when you stated as fact that: "Severe hurricanes in the eastern Pacific used to be rare." it was just based on your own anecdotal observations of the last fifty years, got it. I grew up in California and have been to Mexico countless times and do not remember any hurricanes that made land but we had to run from a few while on the water, so I doubt they are that unusual." If you don't want the purpose of your data to be misunderstood, then you need to be a lot more clear with your wording. You specifically challenged Danderman's remark that "Severe hurricanes in the eastern Pacific used to be rare."
  5. Your concern is touching. Not so touching is your exaggeration of what the polls said. Fivethirtyeight.com, the best poll aggregator, gave Trump a 27% chance of winning.
  6. Comey and McCabe got audited, too. But Democrats accepted an investigation that showed it was just a coincidence. As for Taibibi, it wasn't much of an audit. The IRS said it was concern about identity theft. And what kind of persecution is it that results in a tax refund?
  7. Please, spare me the old wives' tale about the IRS being used for political purposes. https://theconversation.com/the-irs-targeting-scandal-was-fake-but-irs-budget-woes-are-a-real-problem-85310 What they did was use shortcuts to target words that they believed could indicate fraud on the part of both left and right wing groups. Maybe if they had been adequately funded they wouldn't have had to resort to such shortcuts in the first place. As for the GDP being from real growth or government spending, the US has embarked on an sustained investment in infrastructure growth. There's a myth out there that government spending doesn't lead to real growth. The right wing espouses something called Ricardian equivalence which claims that government spending amounts to a wash because potential investors withhold from investing because they fear that taxes will be raised later to pay for the increase. No sign of this happening ever. And the investment in renewable energy is obviously necessary except to those subscribing to conspiracy theories about the motivations behind climate research. So, yes, government spending has increased, but so has private growth. And this despite the fact that the Fed's high interest rates have severely depressed the housing market.
  8. Actually, those forecasts are coming true. The US has way outperformed other other major developed economies and China, too. And remember those predictions of a recession for the US economy? And this despite high interest rates from the Fed. As for deficit reduction... thanks to a few DINO's taxes weren't raised nearly as much as the Biden administration wanted to raise them. While Republicans are still pushing for tax cuts. And they actually to cripple the IRS' ability to go after widescale tax evasion by the wealthy by undoing the funding that the Biden administration secured to upgrade the IRS.
  9. So the way to balance the books is to go after the people who collect the revenue? Does the phrase "Penny wise and pound foolish" mean anything to you? Richest 5% Of Americans ‘Choose Not To Pay’ $307 Billion In Taxes Each Year, Treasury Reports https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonathanponciano/2021/09/08/richest-5-of-americans-choose-not-to-pay-307-billion-in-taxes-each-year-treasury-reports/?sh=2173a21c459d
  10. If aid to the Ukrainians is cut off, it will because of the Republicans in the House. And Trump: Trump urges pause on Ukraine aid until agencies turn in ‘every scrap’ of evidence in Biden probe https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4127166-donald-trump-urges-pause-on-ukraine-aid-amid-biden-probe/
  11. Nowhere did I say that it was not significant. What I have pointed out is that significant is a word that can cover a multitude of percentages. It's a weasel word. It can mean pretty much what the user wants it to mean. I did say that I would call the percentage of support that Hamas commands pitiful rather than significant. And it's clear that you didn't carefully read the entire article, since, if you had, you would have noted that support for violence was lower than the total support for Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
  12. Your methodology is ridiculous. I guess to you, the glass is 1/4 full, not 3/4 empty. When someone has "not a lot of trust", those of us who are reasonably familiar with the English language would take that as a negative response. Apparently, to you, it's a good thing. As for me not looking at it, another of your empty unproveable allegations. You've got nothing.
  13. One problem with that kind of questioning is that it only allows one issue per voter. And, as the bye-elections show, democrats have strongly outperformed the polling. Possibly millenials and generation Z members, who tend to skew left, are being underrepresented in the polls.
  14. Math challenged much? I guess other parties don't count? And even if the total comes to 37%, does that come anywhere near a majority? What's your point?
  15. If somebody tells you that they have not a lot of trust in you, would you reply "Thanks for your support."?
  16. Another typical Pavlovian response. Nitpicking indeed! Your original claim on the extent of Palestinian support of Hamas was based on how many seats they won in Parliament. Obviously, this is an invalid way to guage support. The accurate way, if you're going to use voting as a kind of poll, is to tally the votes, not the seats. But given that those elections took place 16 years ago, what do more up-to-date figures tell us? You claimed that Hamas enjoyed "significant" support. "Significant" is one of those weasel words that can be applied to a huge range of percentages. But when it comes down to actual percentages, it turns out Hamas support is extremely weak. A majority of Palestinians in Gaza, and not a bare one either, disapprove of Hamas. Another large majority disapprove of violence against Israel. Here's a link so you can acquaint yourself with the numbers. https://archive.ph/7UuRk https://www.foreignaffairs.com/israel/what-palestinians-really-think-hamas
  17. But what we have seen in the off-year elections is that Democrats have strongly outperformed whatthe polls predict. The abortion issue has proven to be a very potent aid to the Democrats.
  18. Apparently, you believe in Superwoman who has powers to eliminate deep voter dissatisfaction with the i conservative performance on the isssues of the NH and economy. You should be posting such comments not here but rather in the fan fiction forum.
  19. You made an assertion that Trump laid the foundations for the recovery. The information you provided here is utterly irrelevant to that assertion.
  20. Please share with me the details of these foundations. You've made an assertion, now provide a link to credible source to support it.
  21. Precisely. And did covid vanish on January 20th, 2021? And is not the entire world economy still feeling the effects of the pandemic? And despite which, is not the US economy doing better than the other major world economies? In fact, better than most of the world's developed economies?
  22. What you clearly are immune from understanding is that almost the entire world economy experienced rapid inflation in the wake of the covid epidemic. America is doing better by far than virtually all the world's developed economies. Unemployment is extremely low. And lower income workers are actually doing better than they did before the pandemic.
  23. What's happening today? In the latest quarter the US economy grew by 4.9%.
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