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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Actually, why stop there? Why not do as Sweden does, have a law which allows all citizens to view the tax returns of anyone paying income tax?
  2. What paths would anyone expect them to follow given Israeli exploitation and dispossession. You seem to be under the impression that governments can lead their people in a way that is anathema to them. Actually, you yourself explicitly acknowledged the issue of Palestinian oppression by the Israelis. And I've read a few articles? I've been following this since the mid 70's. Did I get it wrong when I said that that Israelis impose one set of laws on the Palestinians and another far more permissive set on the Palestinians? Did I get it wrong when I said that the Israelis routinely dispossess Palestinians of the homes? Did I get it wrong when I said that when Palestinian commits an act of terrorism his home gets blown up but when a settler does that, not so much? Did I get it wrong when I wrote the Israel allows Israeli farmers to drill wells deeper than it allows the Palestians? Did I get it wrong when I wrote that Israelis make economic development much more difficult for Palestinians than they do for Israelis? And why should there be a dissonance? As, I've pointed out, It was and is clearly up to the Israelis as being the ones continually oppressing the Palestinians, to put at least a pause to their exploitation to signal their good will. Ya think that's ever going to happen?
  3. Actually, what's sad, and not funny, is your lack of knowledge concerning the situation with the IRS. For years the Republicans have underfunded the IRS. It simply didn't have the resources to go after the wealthy protected as they are with teams of high powered lawyers. The GOP Gutted the IRS — and the Rich Made Out Like Bandits For much of the last decade, the Republican Party has branded itself as a champion of fiscal responsibility and the rule of law — while doing everything in its power to help rich people steal from the Treasury. Since taking Congress in 2011, the GOP has forced through a series of aggressive cuts to the Internal Revenue Service budget. Between 2010 and 2016, the number of individual tax returns filed in the U.S. increased by 7 percent, while IRS funding fell by 18 percent. That funding cut was exorbitantly expensive. Every $1 the government spends on enforcing tax compliance, it gets $6 back in recovered revenue, according to Treasury Department estimates. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/10/irs-the-gop-propublica-budget-cuts-enforcement-billions.html
  4. What comer has been saying is that there are no documents concerning the loan. What he isn't saying is that 6 weeks before James Biden sent his brother a check for $200,000, Joe Biden had sent him a check for $200,000. So even if cancelled checks don't count as documents, is Comer seriously contending that between family members formal documentation is necessary? Such a claim would be laughed out of court.
  5. I somehow skipped the part where you claimed that most Israelis were killed by the IDF? Your leap from maybe a few to most is repugnant. Amnesty International, a thorn in the side of the Israelis govt, has strongly condemned what Hamas has done.
  6. It's funny. You evaporated earlier on this issue when I pointed out that I was replying to a person who said he had little sympathy for the Palestinians in Gaza. I think that's a pretty nasty sentiment. Apparently, you think it's virtue signaling to point that out. That it was somehow grandstanding to comment. Or maybe you agree with him? Maybe you have little sympathy, too?
  7. But I have addressed them. They don't need to be answered in detail because they're all based on the belief that there is a shared responsibility to negotiate on the part of the Palestinians and Israelis. As I repeatedly have pointed out and to no avail, it should be up to the Israelis to make the first move. And since they have given no indication that they would back from of their settlement policies, the apartheidlike laws, and the economic discrimination, why would the Palestinians negotiate?
  8. So, you too have little sympathy for the Palestinian? The 40 something percent of Palestinians 14 and under?
  9. But this point goes to the heart of all your entire argument. You repeatedly claim that the blame should be shared. But clearly the onus is on the Israelis. Of course, given that the Israelis have created 600,000 more or less facts on the ground, there's precious little hope of that happening.
  10. Actually, the argument of mine that you never address is why woujld the Palestinians want to negotiate with a party that is actively dispossessing the? . That subjects you to an apartheid-like governance? The Palestinian Authority is already regarded widely as a collaborator with the Israelis. . As would any government be regarded which cooperates with its oppressors. Perhaps unfairly, but inevitably.
  11. I'm not aware that my argument has gone against itself. Rather, what is repeatedly evident, is your reflexive both-sidesism.
  12. What can I say. You clearly don't grasp the impossibility of reaching out to a government that is actively working to displace you. A government tat offers nothing to encourage any such efforts. And you can't help but make it personal by making allegations. Quite a sorry habit with you.
  13. Well, I forgot about Sharon. So you've disproved a minor point only to strengthen my argument. What exactly could the Palestinians have offered the Israelis as some kind of token while settlements were expanding and Palestinians were being dispossessed? Were the Israelis being victimized during this period? While you've acknowledged that the Palestinians are oppressed, you don't seem to grasp how their experience of this oppression plays out vis a vs the Israelis.
  14. Given that the Israelis continued to act in ways to antagonize the Palestinians, such as but not limited to its settlement policies, it's not surprising that Palestinians were not enthusiastic about pursuing peace. I suppose I could say that given that Netanyahu was PM most of 21st century, this is not exactly a surprise. Would you really expect Palistininas to be publicly pushing their leadership to do a deal with that repugnant party? Although to be fair to Netanyahu,, has Labor been substantially better? We'll never know how things would have turned out had Israel behaved decently during this epoch. Anyway, just to show that the poll I cited wasn't an outlier, here's a link to a study based on 100 polls. https://www.usip.org/publications/2006/01/willing-compromise-palestinian-public-opinion-and-peace-process
  15. Well, Hunter Biden and his lawyers apparently believe there was: Hunter Biden sues laptop repair shop owner for exposing his personal life in an 'egregious violation' of his privacy Hunter Biden has sued a Delaware computer repair shop owner who he claims violated his privacy rights by disseminating data from his laptop to the public, the latest action in a saga that first erupted in the final weeks of the 2020 election. In a counterclaim filed on Friday in federal district court in Delaware, Biden and his lawyers accuse John Paul Mac Isaac of six counts of invasion of privacy, including intruding on, wrongfully sharing, and conspiring to publish Biden's laptop data. "Mac Isaac knew or should have known that the data he possessed and shared contained private and confidential information and content, including sensitive and private photographs and video of Mr. Biden, and that Mr. Biden had a reasonable expectation of privacy in this data," the counterclaim alleges, "and that Mac Isaac's conduct would expose Mr. Biden's personal life in an egregious violation of Mr. Biden's right to privacy." https://www.businessinsider.com/hunter-biden-sues-laptop-repair-shop-owner-over-privacy-rights-2023-3
  16. You sure about that? (1) Final Borders and Territorial Exchange Among Palestinians 63% support or strongly support and 35% oppose or strongly oppose an Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip with the exception of some settlement areas in less than 3% of the West Bank that would be swapped with an equal amount of territory from Israel in accordance with a map that was presented to respondents. The map was identical to that presented to respondents in December 2003. At that time, support for this compromise, with its map, stood at 57% and opposition at 41%. Among Israelis 55% support and 43% oppose a Palestinian state in the entirety of Judea Samaria and the Gaza Strip except for several large blocks of settlements in 3% of the West Bank which will be annexed to Israel. The Palestinians will receive in return territory of similar size along the Gaza Strip. In December 2003, 47% of the Israelis supported this component while 50% opposed it. https://www.pcpsr.org/en/node/445
  17. Rather interesting poll sheds new (to me) light on the Palestinian vote for Hamas. (2) The Peace Process in the Post Hamas’ Victory 75% want Hamas to negotiate peace with Israel Majority supports the implementation of the Road Map and a majority supports a mutual recognition of Israel as the state for the Jewish people under conditions of peace and the establishment of a Palestinian state in a two-state solution Sharp divisions over collection of arms from armed groups but an overwhelming majority supports the integration of armed groups into PA security services About three quarters welcome a negotiated Israeli disengagement from the West Bank while only 23% would support the disengagement if it was unilateral 80% would support a declaration of Palestinian statehood if it comes as an outcome of negotiations with Israel and 59% would support it if it was unilaterally declared by the PA https://www.pcpsr.org/en/node/236
  18. Really? There was the time you inferred that a member was Jewish because only a Jew could voice such sentiments. Give it a rest.
  19. Clearly what you think that statement said and what it really said are two different things. But by all means, if you can, point out the lies that you're referring to.
  20. Here's a brief introductory link. https://archive.ph/2vSbE And you should believe it because virtually all science and major businesses depends on statistics. Here's a better explanation: https://www.checkmarket.com/kb/calculate-optimal-sample-size-survey/
  21. There's a big difference between not doing anything and not doing enough.
  22. The topic is israel is at war. A claim was made by Amnesty International that phosphorous bombs were used in this war. The legitimacy of the claims from Amnesty international was questioned by Morch. So if you got a problem, it's with him. Or, you can report this to the moderators.
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