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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. What's really hysterically funny is that you denounce Israel for inflicting massive casualties on Palestinian civilians but you have no problem with Russia doing the same to Ukrainian civilians.
  2. A further note on this. Not only has it been established that Chesebro had money, but the fact is that his case had fallen apart. 1)He lost his bid to exclude as evidence his memos 2) His claim that there was no proof of his intent ran afoul of Georgia law and he was overwhelmingly likely to lose there. 3)He wanted to call experts to support his bizarre legal theories. Determining the validity of a theory is what judges are for. Experts are there to testify re the facts. 4)His only remaining hope was to discredit the witnesses against him. But since his memos are very incriminating, that would be useless. Why Chesebro cut a deal and what it means for Trump https://archive.ph/GaWop#selection-413.0-417.51 https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/10/23/chesebro-trial-defenses/
  3. That won't do him any good if he's convicted under Georgia Law.
  4. 9 Republicans are running for House speaker. Only 2 of them voted to certify the 2020 election After House Republicans dropped Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, as the nominee for House speaker Friday, nine candidates threw their hat in the ring for the top spot. But only two of those lawmakers voted to certify the 2020 election, raising questions among some Republicans about where they'll lend their support in the speaker battle. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/10/23/2-house-speaker-candidates-republicna-certify-2020-election/71286754007/
  5. Oddly enough, many Gazans don't want to flee. For some unfathomable reason, they believe that once Israelis invade, they won't be allowed to return to their homes. Hmmmm....whatever could make them think that? Palestinians Are Refusing to Flee Israeli Bombing in Gaza. ‘If I Die, I Die.’ Many families won’t leave their homes in the north, fearing a repeat of the mass displacement 75 years ago “I don’t care anymore,” said Basil Abu Sada, a 35-year-old software engineer whose great-grandfather first brought the family to Jabalia. He worries that if they leave, they won’t find food or shelter—or ever be able to return. “If I die, I die.” Hundreds of thousands of other Palestinians are refusing to leave the northern Gaza Strip, which the Israeli military is bombing in advance of an expected ground offensive. https://archive.ph/ORrQW https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/palestinians-gaza-israel-bombing-d838b23d
  6. A gotcha. You got me there. So many threads with similar themes I mixed them up. That said, you have any actual objection to my comment that "invocation of Nazis is over the top"?
  7. Well, by hiding among their own people, they certainly have to accept a lot of responsibility. But, as I've pointed out before, toxic conditions give rise to toxic behavior. Also, it's a common feature of asymmetric warfare for the side with less resources to hide among its own people. That doesn't make it right. Anyway, I was replying to an obviously ridiculouos characterization.
  8. So, to your way of thinking, justice is a zero sum game. If one party obtains it, that means the other party has been wronged.
  9. What was particularly horrific was all those Hamas babies who committed these atrocities. They need more than a good spanking. Bombs away!
  10. I don't see how a sentence composed in the third person can be understood to be taken as that of a spokesman.
  11. "We won't forget the Blair years of lies, warmongering and destabilizing the middle east any time soon." "We"? Really. Who appointed you spokesman for the British electorate. And it's dubious that an election is going to be decided on a issue of foreign affairs. Voters pay much more attention to issues concerning the economy and health care.
  12. Addressing the issue of why allegedly bad choices are made does not directly relate to your post? Hmmm....
  13. You blame the Palestinians for making allegedly unwise choices. I pointed out even if their choices are unwise, toxic conditions resulting from oppression don't make for cool rational thinking or decent leadership. I think in this case your accusation of hijacking means you have no answer for my very relevant reply. Just because a conversation takes a turn you don't like, that doesn't make it hijacking.
  14. I can remember when your fellow right wingers were also claiming that the huge shift in the local elections didn't signify anything either.
  15. Deflecting much? Why even raise the election issue. I've seen very little, if anything in this thread about the effect of Powell's testimony on Trump's chances of reelection. Since you didn't even quote someone in your comment to that effect, I guess you're having trouble find evidence to support your assertion. Also, Powell was present at meetings with the President. It seems hard to believe that prosecutors would let her off the hook if all she had to offer was uncorroboratable testimony. She is also required to produce relevant documents. And we aren't just discussing Powell anymore, are we? There's now a Chesebro in the mix as well.
  16. You sure about that? Most House Republicans vote to uphold Ukraine aid https://thehill.com/policy/defense/4226675-most-house-republicans-vote-to-uphold-ukraine-aid/ McConnell supports Biden’s Israel and Ukraine aid bundle, hopes for ‘functional’ House https://nypost.com/2023/10/22/mcconnell-backs-up-biden-bundling-israel-and-ukraine-aid-hopes-for-functional-house/
  17. And I saw nothing in Kirschners comments that addressed the issue of the documents that Chesebro is compelled to provide. And I'll counter your Kirschner with a higher ranking Katyal. "During the Obama administration, Katyal served as Acting Solicitor General of the United States from May 2010[4] until June 2011. Previously, Katyal served as an attorney in the Solicitor General's office, and as Principal Deputy Solicitor General in the U.S. Justice Department." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neal_Katyal
  18. Actually, 20th and 21st century history shows that when a people are oppressed, toxic conditions ensue. Why should this case be any different?
  19. If your point is that I ought to have noted these mentions in earlier posts, I haven't followed this thread from the beginning and I may have missed a few. Certainly, whether coming from the left or right or however you wish to define the issues, invocation of Nazis is over the top. On the other hand, it's bizarre that you think mention of Palestinians is somehow irrelevant.
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