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  1. Well, it's not a side issue if someone asserts that it's the cause behind the current situation.
  2. You might want to do a little further research on the subject. Among other things, employers use NDAs to keep employees from leaving. "NDAs chill competition, through expansive definitions of what must remain confidential and proprietary, reducing the ability of a discontent employee or an employee working in a hostile work environment to go elsewhere. Importantly, as recent studies show clearly, preventing workers from using their knowledge and skills beyond a single workplace is harmful not simply to the worker but to entrepreneurship, competition, and economic growth. NDAs thus often attempt to achieve two things simultaneously: silence a worker during employment and confine them to their current job." https://hbr.org/2018/01/ndas-are-out-of-control-heres-what-needs-to-change
  3. Actually, prosecutors will have lots of corroborating evidence. At least from Chesebro : Attorney Explains 'Most Significant' Fact of Trump Lawyers' Guilty Pleas Both Powell and Chesebro will also have to testify truthfully against their co-defendants—including Trump—as part of the plea deal. In addition, not only does Chesebro have to testify, he will also be required to provide documents and evidence—including text messages and emails—to state prosecutors to be used in their case https://www.newsweek.com/neal-katyal-explains-trumps-lawyers-no-jail-guilty-pleas-1836698
  4. You're right of course. The thing is we have many members here who assert that Islam is inherently intolerant when history shows that's clearly not the case.
  5. Godwin's law strikes again. Godwin's law, short for Godwin's law (or rule) of Nazi analogies,[1] is an Internet adage asserting that as an online discussion grows longer (regardless of topic or scope), the probability of a comparison to Nazis or Adolf Hitler approaches 1.[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law
  6. Let's not get too carried away. Malaysia is quite tolerant but still discriminates against non-Muslims. For example, , it's very difficult to convert from Islam to another religion. "Muslims who seek to convert to another religion must first obtain approval from a sharia court to declare them as “apostates.” Sharia courts seldom grant such requests, especially for those born Muslim and ethnic Malays, and are reluctant to allow conversion for those who had previously converted to Islam." https://www.state.gov/reports/2022-report-on-international-religious-freedom/malaysia/#:~:text=Muslims who seek to convert,had previously converted to Islam. The report goes on to note that in some states, apostasy is punishable by fines and prison sentences. One of them also adds the penalty of caning. In 2 states the maximum sentence is death although it has never actually been imposed and its legality is uncertain.
  7. Actually, as far as the Middle East goes, a very strong argument can be advanced for Biden being a great president. Not for his disapproval of Netanyahu and his allies, which, frankly, didn't really amount to much. But rather for his push for alternate energy development. What better way to defang the various regimes in the mid East supporting terrorism and war than to deprive them of the rivers of cash derived from the export of fossil fuels? And force them to develop in an economically healthy way or full by the wayside?
  8. So you think Biden is doing something because of the Jews? Anti-semitic much?
  9. The researchers have developed a recycling method that allows recovery of 100 per cent of the aluminium and 98 per cent of the lithium in electric car batteries. Swedish researchers say they have developed a new, more efficient way of recycling electric car batteries. The method allows for the recovery of far more valuable metals found in EV batteries. https://www.euronews.com/green/2023/10/17/promising-new-breakthrough-for-recycling-ev-batteries-discovered-by-swedish-scientists
  10. That's your answer for assigning responsibility for this to Jews? And pesky ones at that? It is to laugh.
  11. He is neither to be believed nor disbelieved. Maybe you believe in the infallibility of intelligence analysts. Maybe you have a point. After all, look how infallible Israeli intelligence was in the case of Hamas attack...oh wait a minute.
  12. Can you please show where I called him a liar? I just questioned why we should take his word for it. He offered no independently confirmable evidence or even specific evidence.
  13. Not that I doubt that Iran helps Hamas but this Matthew Levitt person works for the Washington Institute of Near East Policies: So his assertions don't amount to much in the way of reliable evidence. The Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP or TWI, also known simply as The Washington Institute) is a pro-Israel American think tank based in Washington, D.C.,[3][4] focused on the foreign policy of the United States in the Near East. WINEP was established in 1985 with the support of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and the funding of many AIPAC donors, in order to provide higher quality research than AIPAC's publications.[5] John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt described WINEP as "part of the core" of the Israel lobby in the United States.[6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Washington_Institute_for_Near_East_Policy So his assertions, unbacked by evidence, don't amount to much in the way of reliable evidence. And as the article points out, more of the funding comes from elsewhere, apparently.
  14. You said the funding will pay off in the long run not that the funding will be paid in the long run.
  15. Do you evidence to show that Hamas will involved in its distribution distributing it?
  16. The previous adminstration made that extremelly unlikely. It would have required a reinvasion..
  17. It wouldn't take many if she had unanimous Democratic support. Only 6 Republicans would be needed.
  18. I would love to see evidence of that. Even recent evidence. It's not like you haven't frequently posted lately.
  19. Apparently because you said that Palestinians have to go through 5 checkpoints daily etc.. It may have been a sloppy statement, but it's typical that Morch nitpicked about that while not acknowledging that checkpoints are a major daily obstacle and source of humiliation and more for Palestinians. Maybe I should specify the old Morch. That was quite an impressive and as far as I can recall, unprecedented condemnation of settler activity on the West Bank that he recently launched.
  20. Well, in the immediate sense, probably nothing. And I say that as someone who started out with the conviction that Iran had at least participated in the planning of the operation. But according to things I've read from trustworthy sources that cite Israeli intelligence, the Israelis say that they don't have any evidence that this is the case. That said, Iran is obviously the major supplier of weaponry to Hamas and Hezbollah. I don't think it would be possible for either of those organization to achieve the levels of strength and sophistication they've achieved without Iranian support. And the Iranian government is not exactly popular with it's own people either. It's dedication to funding Syria, Hezbollah, and Hamas instead of funding its own development has certainly damaged the Iranian economy. Couple that with the corruption of the Iranian govt and it may wind up being overthrown. But comments from Israel about cutting off the head of the snake actually serve to support the Iranian government's narrative tying its internal opponents to Israel.
  21. You don't think this qualifies as a racist post? And, by the way, I've called out Neeranam for being an anti-Semite based on his assertion that a certain negative comment from a member could only be made by a Jewish person. So, it's not as though I hold him in esteem.
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