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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Once again when you've got nothing you try to make it personal instead of offering a rebuttal of what was actually posted.
  2. Really? Now you've outdone yourself in ridiculousness. Here's Chomper Higgots comment on your reply to Ruamrudy You going to claim he also believed that he was replying to you? Or Ruamrudy's comment on your reply to Tom H? You've got less than nothing.
  3. And the thing is, Thomas knew it was improper since he told friends he had purchased the vehicle through is savings. “He told me he saved up all his money to buy it,” said Armstrong Williams, a longtime friend who worked closely with Justice Thomas in the Reagan administration. https://archive.ph/qBxHY
  4. What's really ugly is Christian nationalism. The claim that the constitution is a basically a Judeo Christian document. and what it ordains should not contradict Christianity as understood by Evangelical fundamentalists and right wing Catholics. The kind of thing that Johnson supports. To be opposed to Christian nationalism and the disrepute it brings the church into, is not Christianophobia.
  5. I got some news for you, this is a public forum. If you don't want to have other comment on what you post, that's what the messaging function is for. But thanks for the irrelevant comment. And claiming that I haven't read the post properly and accusing me of schoolboy errors, without offering any reasoning to back that up, is the last resort of someone who refuses to acknowledge his error and instead posts insults. You've got nothing.
  6. I think that the so-called moderate Republicans are going to be really sorry that they voted for Johnson. Their support of him should be a potent issue in the next election.
  7. No, I don't agree. There may be a reason, as was pointed out in the article.
  8. Whatever the merits of my comment may be, at least it wasn't a cliché.
  9. Not only was he a leader of the Trump teams self-evidently ludicrous attempt to overturn the election, but he also is an anti-abortion extremist. He supports a nationwide abortion ban. Before entering politics he worked for the Alliance Defending Freedom. "One of ADF's goals is for Christianity to be incorporated into the US legal system, based on the organization leaders' interpretation of the U.S. Constitution. According to materials for its donors, ADF seeks to spread a belief in "the framers' original intent for the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights as it reflects God's natural law and God's higher law."[7].. In 2003, ADF unsuccessfully called for the recriminalization of homosexual acts in the U.S. (prior to 1962, sodomy had been a felony in every U.S. state), filing a Supreme Court brief supporting Texas' sodomy law in the landmark Lawrence v. Texas case which declared sodomy laws unconstitutional; it opposed laws that would protect people from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity; and it falsely linked homosexuality to pedophilia.[11] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alliance_Defending_Freedom
  10. No contributor to this post except you suffered from the mistaken belief that this had anything to do with the fact that the priest was engaged in gay sex or any kind of sex.
  11. It was a joke based on thaibeachlovers' double standards in the respective cases of Israel and Russia.
  12. Utterly irrelevant to your first quote pointing out that gay sex is not a crime in Poland. It had nothing to do with the issue of due process. Only when your misunderstanding was pointed out, did you pivot to that issue.
  13. What in your quote backs up that statement? You did not mention anything about due process. Rather you pointed out that the homosexual acts took place in Poland not Palestine. In other words, that gay sex is not a crime in Poland.
  14. Cheer up. It looks like he supports Russia, too. What will new Speaker Johnson do about Ukraine-Israel aid? "In the weeks following Russia's invasion, Johnson supported “debilitating sanctions” on Moscow and posted on X that “America stands with Ukraine.” However, by May 2022, Johnson was one of only 57 members to vote against the first tranche of $40 billion in supplemental aid to Ukraine" https://responsiblestatecraft.org/mike-johnson-speaker-ukraine-israel/#:~:text=In the weeks following Russia's,in supplemental aid to Ukraine.
  15. Please. You started out by asking this: "For gay sex? It's Poland, not Palestine." Then when your misunderstanding was exposed, you pivoted to the issue of due process.
  16. From the article: "In 2020, Johnson emerged as a key player in Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the presidential election. Johnson, then the vice chair of the House GOP conference, led an amicus brief backing a Texas lawsuit that sought to reverse the outcomes of the vote in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin." Is the US Supreme court composed of "extremist Antifa types"? It summarily tossed out that ridiculous lawsuit. U.S. Supreme Court throws out Texas lawsuit contesting 2020 election results in four battleground states The lawsuit challenged election results in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. The high court said Texas did not have standing to bring the case. https://www.texastribune.org/2020/12/11/texas-lawsuit-supreme-court-election-results
  17. First you claim that Labour's alleged anti-Semitism will cost it an election and now you're tying it to their popularity. Give it a rest.
  18. Australian blood oranges are on sale at MAKRO 99 baht per kilo Australian mandarins too. Very sweet. I think 59 baht per kilo. But I may be wrong about that.
  19. One-third of Republicans surveyed believe “patriots” may have to resort to violence, up from 28 percent in 2021. In 2023, 13 percent of Democrats believe violence may have to happen, compared to 7 percent who said so in 2021. Twenty-two percent of independents now say violence may be an option, up from 13 percent two years ago. The survey found Republicans who hold a favorable view of former President Trump are more likely than Republicans who don’t like Trump to agree “true American patriots” may have to resort to violence to save the country. Similarly, respondents who believe the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Trump are more likely than their counterparts to say patriots may have to resort to violence. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4274233-more-in-new-poll-say-patriots-may-have-to-resort-to-violence-to-save-us/
  20. Valuations are not a matter of subjectivity when they are based on objectively provable lies.
  21. You seem to have swallowed JonnyF's falsehood that Republicans haven't supported these expenditures.
  22. Subjective? Like claiming your apartment has 30,000 square feet instead of a little over 10,000 square feet? Valuing a property as though it has full development rights even though those rights have been signed away? And there's lots more where that came from. This isn't about fudge factors.
  23. I look at this incident as a mark of progress. At least, there weren't any children involved.
  24. And if this news makes you unhappy, just wait until you see the third quarter GDP report.
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