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  1. So your reply to the points I have raised is that you "have listened to her ideas..." This is your idea of a rebuttal? You've got nothing.
  2. If it were done you wouldn't need to take all those steps. Of course, much of the economy of US would crash, but the dire threat posed by illegal immigration would be definitively ended.
  3. And it's clear from the article I cited that Yost refuses to identify what that exception is. It's also obvous that his stance only was made clear after the fact. And the Ohio law allows abortion in the case of a medical condition. But nowhere does it define a medical condition as being 10 years old or any age. Why does Yost refuse to clarify what age would automatically qualify a child to be legally eligible for abortion? Does 11 years old qualify? Yost refuses to say.
  4. This panacea has been pushed by lots of conservatives since at least the Reagan era in the United States. Whatever the economic problems being addressed, tax cuts are always their solution. And they never deliver. I have listened to her. Have you? Her reasoning is bizarre. She claims that because inflation is being fueled by a shortage of supply, that her tax cuts will encourage that supply to increase. What makes this obviously nonsense is that ordinarily when demand outstrips supply, supply will increase to satisfy that demand. At least that's what free market economists say pretty much starting with Adam Smith. Does the Invisible Hand ring any bells for you? But as everyone who's reasonably sentient understands is that supply is pinched now because of disruptions due to covid and the War in Ukraine. So supply is hard pressed to meet demand. So if you increase the amount of cash chasing what there is of that limited supply, that increase will exert an upward pressure on prices. This is basic economics.
  5. One thing we can be sure of is that neither Sunak nor Truss will be proposing to raise taxes on the rich or do away with loopholes such as "non-dom".
  6. Actually, in the beginning he said the story was a fraud. As for what he said... After raising doubts about rape victim, AG’s office won’t say if he supports abortion law "And since the arrest, Yost has struggled to support his claim on Fox News that under the Ohio law, the 10-year-old could still have gotten an abortion in Ohio. By late last week, Yost and his staff not only were still refusing to say how old a girl — or a teen, or a woman — needs to be before the law forces her to have her rapist’s baby. His communications director wouldn’t even say whether the attorney general supports the abortion restrictions he acted with such alacrity to enact less than a month ago." https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2022/07/20/after-raising-doubts-about-rape-victim-ags-office-wont-say-if-he-supports-abortion-law/
  7. Liz Truss plans to fight inflation by cutting taxes. It is to laugh.
  8. Beginning of what? From when the legislation was passed? From when this case came to light?
  9. What's that got to do with making it a felony to hire illegal immigrants? In 2017 the Republicans controlled both branches of Congress and held the Presidency. If illegal immigration was the threat they made it out to be, why not make it a felony?
  10. If Republicans were actually serious about stopping illegal immigration the solution is simple: make hiring undocumented immigrants a felony. Locking up a slew of bosses would do wonders in that regard. But for some reason they refuse to take that step. Maybe they don't want to anger the farmers and other agricultural interests who provide a solid base of support and who depend on illegal immigrants for labor?
  11. There are 3 reasons: 1) Jobs 2)Jobs 3)Jobs
  12. In the USA Alaska and Maine use ranked voting to elect members of Congress.
  13. Has there ever been consideration given in the UK to instituting a system of ranked voting whereby a voter gets to list their second, third, etc choices so that if no candidate gets an absolute majority then the candidate with the least votes gets their votes distributed according to their second choice? And if that still doesn't produce a majority, then to their third choice? This way, MPs would by elected by a majority of voters rather than a plurality.
  14. Obvious BS. People are admitted to a hospital when they have a serious or life-threatening problem (such as a heart attack). They also may be admitted for less serious disorders that cannot be adequately treated in another place (such as at home or in an outpatient surgery center). https://www.merckmanuals.com/home/special-subjects/hospital-care/being-admitted-to-the-hospital "You are classified as an inpatient as soon as you are formally admitted. For example, if you visit the Emergency Room (ER), you are initially considered an outpatient. However, if your visit results in a doctor's order to be formally admitted to the hospital, then your status is transitioned to inpatient care. https://www.ehealthinsurance.com/medicare/coverage/differences-between-inpatient-outpatient-and-under-observation/#:~:text=You are classified as an,is transitioned to inpatient care.
  15. Therefore climatologists don't exist?
  16. Actually, the US is a net producer of oil and gas. Oil and gas companies vastly increased their drilling rights during the Trump administrations thanks to a fire sale of those rights by the Trump administration. So there is no lack of reserves to be drilled.
  17. Of course that's what the AG would say now.
  18. Oh, really? Is that what it was all about? Ukraine war: Putin visits Iran in rare international trip Russian President Vladimir Putin met Turkish and Iranian leaders in Tehran on Tuesday - only his second foreign trip since he launched the invasion of Ukraine in February. Unblocking Ukrainian grain exports via the Black Sea was high on the agenda - Mr Putin said progress had been made. The civil war in Syria was also discussed, with Turkey and Russia historically backing opposing sides. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-62218696
  19. Actually, it's unclear whether the girl could have gotten an abortion in Ohio. The law is ambiguous. And if a doctor in Ohio is adjudged to have run afoul of the law, they could be sentenced to up to 1 year in prison. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/07/14/what-ohio-law-says-about-10-year-old-rape-victim-abortion/
  20. You're just using this as an excuse to ignore the opinions of those you should take seriously: climatologists.
  21. I will never take seriously the opinions people who base their understanding of science upon the foibles and weaknesses of individuals.
  22. Usually I'm pretty good at spotting plagiarism. But this rant was so nuts that it never occurred to me that somebody would actually be proud enough of it to post it to the internet.
  23. And keep on raising issues that have been settled long since.
  24. There have also been grumblings from other non ethnic Russian areas where Russia has been intensively and disproportionately recruiting Russia deploys ethnic minority soldiers in riskiest attacks to their growing dissatisfaction General Staff report https://www.yahoo.com/news/russia-deploys-ethnic-minority-soldiers-040950789.html
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