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  1. Actually power systems have been vulnerable to hacks that have nothing at all to do with EVs. America’s Electric Grid Has a Vulnerable Back Door—and Russia Walked Through It https://www.wsj.com/articles/americas-electric-grid-has-a-vulnerable-back-doorand-russia-walked-through-it-11547137112 It’s not just elections: Russia hacked the US electric grid And it may be just the first phase of a bigger attack. https://www.vox.com/world/2018/3/28/17170612/russia-hacking-us-power-grid-nuclear-plants
  2. This kind of ingenuousness recalls the observations of psychologist that if you want people not to think about rabbits don't mention them even if you are saying "Don't think about rabbits". So when you mention that scientists should be open-minded to new facts of course it raises doubts that maybe they aren't being open minded.
  3. First off, for those who have access to a plug at their home, charging can take place at night when demand is lower and often prices are cheaper. And worldwide more wind and solar power capacity is being built a than capacity being built for fossil fuels
  4. Maybe in the same wan an apple computer is complicated. But if your not looking opening up the innards for an examination or looking at the code, how is the experience complicated?
  5. You know, when the power goes out, gasoline/petrol doesn't get pumped either, does it? (Unless you're living in the sticks where there's a pump inserted into a barrel containing fuel.) Has that inconvenient fact had much of an impact on transport?
  6. Apparently not CDC study: COVID vaccine stronger than natural immunity A new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that vaccines offer much stronger immunity to COVID-19 than natural immunity. Researchers analyzed data from nearly 200 hospitals across the country, and concluded that COVID vaccines still offer better protection than a previous COVID infection. Specifically, the CDC report found that unvaccinated adults with previous COVID infection were 5.49 times more likely to be re-infected than fully vaccinated individuals with no previously documented infection. https://www.wfla.com/community/health/coronavirus/cdc-study-covid-vaccine-stronger-than-natural-immunity/
  7. I like to think that if I were in battle, I would behave bravely, too. But I don't know that since I'm not battle tested. You may believe that covid symptoms are something like the flu or similarly bearable, but they can be far worse and far more painful. Hospital ICUs have been filled with people who believed that they wouldn't need a vaccine or hospitalization to battle this disease.
  8. You're not thinking clearly. It may be that the survival rate is now 99%. But what do you think that survival rate would be if hospitals are overloaded and can't give proper treatment? What do you think the survival rate is for people who don't have access to the health care resources that you take for granted?
  9. Let me reacquaint you with what you wrote: "Breakthrough cases are sky rocketing as we speak and many fear grossly under reported by the CDC to avoid panic response." So this alleged "many" fears that breakthrough cases are "grossly under reported by the CDC to avoid panic response". Not only do they fear under reporting but also have prescribed a motive to the CDC. Namely, that the under reporting is taking place "to avoid panic response". So, tell me, how can the CDC have a motive for doing something but not be doing it purposely? How would that work?
  10. Who are these "many" who fear that the CDC is purposely underreporting cases?
  11. But that headline is what you quoted as evidence to support your rebuttal. Why choose RT, the mouthpiece of the Russian Govt? There are better sources whose headlines would more accurately reflect the findings of that study.
  12. And do you think that headline reasonably summarizes the conclusions of the researchers?
  13. The point is that it's irrelevant to the validity of the case you're making whether or not you've been vaccinated. As for this "I actually don't really care if vaccines are made mandatory. It doesn't affect me at all." You sure about that? What if you or someone in your family needs emergency treatment at a hospital but can't get it because the unvaccinated have made ICU beds unavailable?
  14. If battery technology were standing still, you'd have a better point. But solid state battery technology is advancing rapidly. One of the consequences of that is that it should be possible to charge batteries quickly at an EV filling station. And the recycling issue is already being successfully addressed. Using recycled cathodes makes better lithium batteries, study finds https://arstechnica.com/cars/2021/10/using-recycled-cathodes-makes-better-lithium-batteries-study-finds/ Ford signs deal with Redwood Materials to recycle EV Batteries https://www.cnbc.com/2021/09/22/ford-signs-deal-with-redwood-materials-to-recycle-ev-batteries-.html
  15. It's a pity that the words you chose didn't correspond to what you meant. You could get yourself an annotator to explain your text. Or find an audience composed solely of mindreaders. Here's a tip. Pronouns are really useful. But you shouldn't lead off with them. Clearly identify the party or parties you're targeting first.
  16. The Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin supporters resemble a cult in their uncritical backing of these 2 medications. You would think that the fluvoxamine news would have them celebrating this news. In my post, the only ivermectin post from a vaccine skeptic, was a wistful one that expressed hope that future ivermectin studies would post similar results. The fluvoxamine study also gives the lie to the claim that Big Pharma is suppressing the use of cheap alternatives. Merck really can't be thrilled that its $700 course of medication can be replaced by one that can cost as little as $4.
  17. This study is way out of date. It was done before the advent of the Delta variant.
  18. There are currently 9 active wind power plants and 15 solar plants in Thailand. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_power_stations_in_Thailand Cherry picking much?
  19. Have you thought of trying to provide up to date information on the situation in Singapore? From Oct 1-Oct 20 of this year there were 169 covid deaths recorded. That's almost 2/3 of the total covid deaths in Singapore over the last 18 months. 84 of those deaths were of the unvaccinated. 30 of the deaths were from the singly vaccinated. 55 deaths were of the fully vaccinated. This despite the fact that 80% of the total population of Singapore has been vaccinated. And when you consider that children aren't yet being vaccinated, that means that well over 80% of the adults have been fully vaccinated and only a small fraction unvaccinated. Despite which the unvaccinated managed to contribute virtually 50% of covid deaths for those first 20 days https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/more-covid-19-patients-in-singapore-reported-to-have-died-in-october-than-18-months-prior
  20. You were certainly wrong about deaths in Singapore: When the fact is, that the unvaccinated are proportionately way overrepresents in deaths there. Which you have yet to acknowledge.
  21. But you were replying to my posts specifically about China. If your comments weren't about China, why reply to me at all?
  22. Your critiques are incoherent. On the one hand you accuse Chinese manufacturers of archaic thinking, and on the other you claim their standards are international.
  23. Chinese industry is clearly capable of manufacturing technologically advanced products. What is this archaic thinking that typifies Chinese manufacturers?
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