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  1. The words don't do justice? Really? So the words in the transcript make sense, but when one hears them spoken, they don't? You might want to look closer to home when making claims about cognitive deficiencies.
  2. I'm pretty confident that it would be called terrorism. As for that negative backlash, I think that was the point of the atrocities. Hamas wants Israel to invade Gaza which will, in their estimation, put paid to the Abraham Accords.
  3. And here are some figures on mortgage delinquency rates in the USA https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/DRSFRMACBS
  4. First of all. there's this. https://www.bankrate.com/mortgages/mortgage-statistics/#term And then there's this Sorry, Fed, Most US Mortgage Rates Were Locked In During Pandemic Lows https://archive.ph/NNTVH And it's true that recently there has been an upsurge in borrowers seeking variable interest rates. But given that these people are interested in borrowing now or recently, it seems unlikely that they are in danger of being evicted from their homes. In fact, their recent signing of variable rate loans is an indication of their belief that high inflation is a temporary phenomenon that high inflation of a year or so ago was a temporary phenomenon. A belief that looks like it was well justified.
  5. Did you actually listen to what this confused genteleman said. On the one hand he said not a problem. On the other hand he said the problem with erosion due to rising seas is due not to what the Maldives have done but rather to what the economically developed nations have done.
  6. Well, in the USA not so much since the standard loan is long term at a fixed interest rate.
  7. Really? I saw the excerpts of the interview along with a transcript of it. Can you point to the comments that demonstrate Biden was barely sentient in this interview? Here's the link: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/president-joe-biden-2023-60-minutes-transcript/
  8. Even it were clear what that statement meant, it would still warrant some rational evidence to back it up. As of now, it's just blather.
  9. Despite declining population, California needs more housing. But NIMBYs keep fighting it Despite declining population, California needs more housing. But NIMBYs keep fighting it https://archive.ph/qIOYu#selection-3215.0-3215.88
  10. Here is a claim you made: "However, the issue I'm addressing is the necessity for the continued use of fossil fuels in this process. Ask yoursef, why are all products that are imported from China much cheaper than similar products manufactured in Europe and the US. Do you not understand that the major, essential reason, is the availability of cheap energy from the use of fossil fuels in China? As the Chinese economy grows, so does the use of fossil fuels Another major reason is the lower salaries that are paid to the workers in China. This actually reduces the indirect role of fossil fuels in the manufacturing process because the workers, with less money to spend, will buy fewer products that require fossil fuels, so their 'carbon footprint' is lower than the equivalent worker in Western countries." . Isn't fertilizer still manufactured in the developed nations that have access to large amounts of natural gas, like the USA an Canada? Is there a prohibition on using coal via coke to create steel in the more developed nations? Or, for that matter, on using fossil fuels in various industrial products? Where does the alleged Chinese edge come from? You claimed that you weren't referring to electric power prices but to energy costs as a whole. So are you claiming that natural gas and coal are cheaper in China than in developed nations? Maybe now, because of the squeeze the Russians find themselves in, natural gas is cheaper for them but before? Or, are the Chinese subsidizing the costs of fossil fuels? Where does this alleged edge come from?
  11. He refused to go that route: McCarthy says he won’t give Democrats anything in exchange for support as Speaker https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4235572-mccarthy-says-he-wont-give-democrats-anything-in-exchange-for-support-as-speaker/
  12. There's actually a larger issue implicit in the generally bad state of Chinese health care. Because China so underfunds its social services, that means the Chinese have to rely on their savings for health emergencies and for their old age. Which in turn means that efforts to get Chinese consumers to spend more and help lessen reliance on foreign trade to boost the economy have dubious prospecs for success.
  13. What's laughable is that, relatively speaking, Scalise was the relatively moderate candidate in the race.
  14. That's precisely why the right wing media has pivoted from praising RFK Jr. for his independence to condemning him for it.
  15. To dispatch the obvious irrelevancy first. This has absolutely no relevance to power generation at all. If natural gas or petroleum is being used for something other than energy production then in that case it's not a fuel. This is like claiming that a house made out of wood is a house made out of fuel.
  16. Power is the way electric energy is refered to. As in power plants. Energy consumption, is another thing entirely. Once again, you've been claiming that China's has an edge in the cost of power because of coal consumption and that's why autos are cheaper to manufacture. Now you're claiming that power costs more in China because of renewables and therefore autos aren't cheaper to manufacture because of that?. Make up your mind. Also, you're confusing capacity with usage. China has built lots of wind power fields but hasn't connected them to the grid. That's what happens in the socialist sector of the Chinese economy. Also, you're mistakenly assuming that renewables refers basically to solar and wind. Actually, renewables also includes hydroelectric power. But if you just take the percentage of how much wind and solar contribute to China's economy it was 11.75% in 2021. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renewable_energy_in_China#:~:text=In early 2020%2C renewable energy,29.4% of total power generation. In In the US it was 13.05 percent. https://renewablesnow.com/news/renewables-provide-21-of-us-electricity-in-2021-774994/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renewable_energy_in_China#:~:text=In early 2020%2C renewable energy,29.4% of total power generation.
  17. If Kennedy wasn't such a vaccine loon thanks and so given to conspiracy theories, he could be something more than a spoiler. He certainly resembles a populist much more than does Trump. Oddly enough, the right wingers are used to be praising him when he was running for the Democratic nomination, have become conspicuously silent now.
  18. Your argument is based on your belief that electric power is cheaper in China than it is in the industrialized west due to the cheaper cost of power generated by coal. Are you sure that electric power is cheaper in China?ttps://www.statista.com/statistics/1373596/business-electricity-price-china/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/190680/us-industrial-consumer-price-estimates-for-retail-electricity-since-1970/#:~:text=Industrial consumers of electricity in,comparison to the previous year. It seems that energy costs in the US for example, where coal makes up a far smaller percentage of power provided, rates *have been mostly less than in China.
  19. Because after Hamas is removed nothing similar will take its place? The conditions that led to the rise of Hamas will have disappeared?
  20. I'm on my phone right now I don't want to bother trying to cut and paste I can do that later. But guess what country is by far leader installing renewable energy? If you guessed any country but China, you would be wrong.
  21. You can read more about it here: https://archive.ph/x0gXW
  22. Producing more-reliable power doesn't have to mean more power lines and plants, at least according to one Vermont utility. Green Mountain Power, which serves about 270,000 customers, wants to install "television-size batteries" in homes and businesses in an effort to shore up its grid — especially after a spate of devastating flooding hit Vermont and caused outages over the summer. The utility says "flipping the model" with batteries will be cheaper than investing large sums in traditional upgrades and storm recovery, and it can help keep costs down for customers, too. https://www.linkedin.com/news/story/utilitys-plan-batteries-for-all-5514737/
  23. Did NATO Promise Not To Enlarge? Gorbachev Says "No" https://www.brookings.edu/articles/did-nato-promise-not-to-enlarge-gorbachev-says-no/
  24. I wasn't aware the Biden was President in 2020. Got a link for that? U.S. murder/homicide rate for 2020 was 6.42, a 28.78% increase from 2019. https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/USA/united-states/murder-homicide-rate
  25. Where did I say they had no options? They could certainly choose to make themselves a lot more vulnerable. Morally speaking, they should. But tactically speaking, it's a terrible idea.
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