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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. By all accounts? https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/favorability/donald-trump/
  2. Clearly, you are laughably uninformed about the conditions created by the Israelis. What's more, such atrocities are regular features of asymmetric warfare. For example, the ANC slaughtered farm families and set opponents alight by "necklacing" them with flaming tires. According to your way of thinking, that lets apartheid in South Africa off the hook. Apparently, it was black South africans who created the conditions that led to this brutality. Toxic conditions create opportunities for sociopaths and psychopaths to flourish. As long as the conditions persist, so will the behavior.
  3. What in my statement indicates any approval of the murder of old ladies, etc? Toxic conditions create monsters.
  4. I was doubting your expertise in statistics until you came up with this clincher: "5555555555555555555".
  5. And once again you avoid referencing the toxic conditions created by Israel that led to these horrors.
  6. Yes. Jordan annexed the West Bank. And how did life change for the residents? Simply an exchange of one unelected government for another. What made a Palestinian independent state an urgent matter was the disgraceful treatment of the Palestinians by the Israelis. As I pointed out before, unlike the Israelis the Jordanians didn't destroy Palestinian villages and confiscate their land. They didn't govern Palestinians under one set of laws and Jordanians under another. They didn't make it exceedingly difficult for Palestinians to set up businesses while supporting . They didn't apply one set of rules for access to water for the Palestinians and another set for Jordanians. And so on land so forth. In fact, under the Jordanian rule, Palestinians were citizens of Jordan. So applying different laws and rules was out of the question. Under Israeli rule, citizenship isn't even on offer.
  7. Yes. I fully agree that RayC's statement that the EU is incapable of acting ignobly. . The one thing is I'm having trouble finding that or a similar quote from him. Can you share a link to it with the rest of us? At any rate, it's a good thing that such behavior is only confined to the EU.
  8. Same goes for the right wing members of aseannow.com who were showering praise on RFK back when, but since his announcement of his independent candidacy have gone strangely silent.
  9. What do you mean by "back the losing side?" These were civilians. And was the war of 1948 attempted genocide? According to Benny Morris, the eminent Israeli historian, most of the massacres that took place during the 1948 War were committed by Israeli forces. Which is why so many Palestinians fled.
  10. Really? The only reason? Nothing to do with the fact that they might be afraid leaving means surrendering their claims to their homes from which they have been illegally denied the right to return to?
  11. Biden and Trump Competitive in Potential 2024 Matchup… Biden Benefits in Three-Way Contest with RFK Jr. https://maristpoll.marist.edu/polls/the-2024-presidential-contest/
  12. Nor did the Palestinians revolt when Jordan demolished their villages, expropriated their land, governed Palestinians under highly restrictive laws and Jordanians under Jordanian law, discriminate against them in use of water, etc. Because that never happened. Essentially Jordan and Egypt were inheritors of the status quo. Israel took that status quo and trashed it.
  13. It's not like they necessarily want to leave, given their justified fear that Israel might not let them back in. "Still, Palestinians have reason to be fearful: Displacements into Arab states in previous Israel-Palestine conflicts have been permanent. Many of the descendants of those who fled their homes during the 1948 war that led to Israel’s creation still live in refugee camps in neighboring countries as well as in Gaza, which was ruled by Egypt for most of the period between 1949 and 1967." https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/10/18/egypt-hamas-israel-border-gaza/
  14. Oops. You might first want to read again your statement that I quoted: "that is why Trump seems to be increasing in the polls with each ensuing new indictment," As for recent polls. Yeah, on Oct 15 2 pollsters showed Trump ahead. On Oct 14 a pollster showed biden ahead On oct 10 a pollster showed Biden ahead. On Oct 9 a pollster showed Biden ahead and Biden and Trump tied. I don't see much of a trend there.
  15. Actually, as of 2020, average life expectancy in Thailand was 79.27 years.
  16. Someone should advise Trump that he has the right to remain silent.
  17. Nor is any of this mentioned in the article you cited about Germany. So, once again: Exactly what connection does the article you linked to have to do with the EU backing off on tightening regulations? I couldn't find any reference at all to that in the article. You've got nothing.
  18. Exactly what connection does the article you linked to have to do with the EU backing off on tightening regulations. I couldn't find any reference at all to that in the article. You've got nothing.
  19. It's for real. and here's the NY Times story with a link that bypasses the paywall Why the Discredited Dossier Does Not Undercut the Russia Investigation Former President Donald J. Trump and his allies have stepped up an effort to conflate the so-called Steele dossier with the Russia investigation following the indictment of a researcher for the document on charges that he lied to the F.B.I. about some of its sources. Mr. Trump and his supporters have long sought to use the flaws of the dossier to discredit the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election — and the nature of numerous links between Russia and the Trump campaign — as a “hoax.” But the available evidence indicates that the dossier was largely tangential to the Russia investigation. https://archive.md/2fHH5#selection-404.0-523.106 Here's one from CNN https://edition.cnn.com/2021/11/18/politics/steele-dossier-reckoning/index.html
  20. "that is why Trump seems to be increasing in the polls with each ensuing new indictment," To you, it may seem that way, but in reality, not. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/
  21. Trump’s fraudulent financial statements were key to getting loans, former bank official says https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/donald-trumps-fraudulent-financial-statements-were-key-to-getting-loans-former-bank-official-says
  22. Did you note the comment made by one right wing member who claimed that even though in the transcript Biden's words were clear in their meaning, when he spoke them they made no sense? And he had the temerity to accuse Biden of being confused.
  23. Given the absence of U.S. troops how would that be accomplished without actually bringing in more troops and staying indefinitely. Magic?
  24. So they should have stayed until women's rights were guaranteed? Given that only 40% of US troops remained after the Trump withdrawal, short of sending troops back in, how could that have been accomplished?
  25. I think you're seriously confused. You claim that the US shouldn't have been there but apparently you also are claiming that it shouldn't have left. Make up your mind.
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