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  1. Really? A rebound year? So for what country was 2022 a rebound year? Was worldwide inflation the fault of the Biden administration? What happened in 2020 and 2021 that affected the world economy in 2022? Care to guess? Actually, the USA fared far better in 2022 than did other major developed nations. And better than most other developed nations. Inflation fell faster, unemployment was very low, and GDP grew at a healthy pace.
  2. GOP lawmakers in Wisconsin scheme to remove elections chief https://www.politico.com/news/2023/08/29/a-wisconsin-election-official-has-bipartisan-support-she-may-be-driven-out-anyway-00113233 2 controversial votes at Wisconsin's state Capitol show GOP efforts to shape elections https://www.npr.org/2023/09/15/1199740670/wisconsin-election-battles-protasiewicz-wolfe-republicans North Carolina Republicans’ naked bid for more control over elections, explained The GOP-dominated state legislature wants more power over the 2024 contest. https://www.vox.com/politics/2023/9/25/23889465/north-carolina-republicans-elections
  3. The same magnanimous Trump who broke with a long tradition of attending the inauguration of his succecessor? The same Trump who new evidence shows was involved with creating slates of fake electors? The same Trump who pressured election officials to reverse the results of various state elections? The same Trump who refused to intervene after insurrectionists invaded the Capitol?
  4. 2020 being a trump year Gee. What happened that made 2020 a year of decline in the world economy? What happened that made 2021 more of the same? What prior major event affected most of the world's economies in 2022? Which major world economy performed the best in 2022? Why do so many right-wingers seem to suffer from amnesia?
  5. Got a link to that? "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." https://aseannow.com/forum/158-world-news/
  6. Sanger was with Wikipedia for its first year only. As I noted, Wikipedia provides plenty of footnotes to back up its reports.
  7. Wikipedia is a particularly strong source since it offers footnotes. But, apparently, there are lots of folks out there who don't understand what footnotes are or how they work.
  8. If you think they're not credible sources, you should take it up with the moderators.
  9. Actually, it should be very easy to figure out why those criteria were selected. It's not incumbent upon me to provide an explanation when one is offered by the article. The explanation in the article about why these criteria were chosen is accessible even to folks, who, unlike you, weren't STEM majors. For you, it should be a snap.
  10. "We conducted a literature search to identify papers published prior to the early-1990s that include climate model outputs containing both a time series of projected future GMST (with a minimum of two points in time) and future forcings (including both a publication date and future projected atmospheric CO2 concentrations, at a minimum)... The specific models projections evaluated were Manabe, 1970 (hereafter Ma70), Mitchell, 1970 (Mi70), Benson, 1970 (B70), Rasool & Schneider, 1971 (RS71), Sawyer, 1972 (S72), Broecker, 1975 (B75), Nordhaus, 1977 (N77), Schneider & Thompson, 1981 (ST81), Hansen et al., 1981 (H81), Hansen et al., 1988 (H88), and Manabe & Stouffer, 1993 (MS93). The energy balance model projections featured in the main text of the FAR, SAR, and TAR were examined, while the CMIP3 multimodel mean (and spread) was examined for the AR4 (multimodel means were not used as the primary IPCC projections featured in the main text prior to the AR4). Details about how each individual model projection was digitized and analyzed as well as assessments of individual models included in the first three IPCC reports can be found in the supporting information." https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2019GL085378
  11. I did just that. "He stated that any of the Republican candidates for the 2016 presidential election "would be an unmitigated disaster".[21] ... He has stated that the US Republican Party is "the most powerful, anti-science political movement in the world". He wrote that it was "not alarmist" to state that they "could destroy the world" since many "refuse to even acknowledge that climate change is happening", and stated that their "denialist attitude is due partly to the religious convictions".[23]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Boghossian
  12. Far more jobs, both temporary and permanent, are being created by Biden's infrastructure bill than would have been created by building the XL pipeline.
  13. The same old nonsense. If pre tax electric power is cheaper than pre tax gasoline, why wouldn't it cost less to use EVs.
  14. The problem with your claim is that Shokin wasn't investigating Burisma. Numerous subordinates testified to this. In fact, the wasn't seriously investigating any oligarchs. Instead, he was aggressively investigating and prosecuting anti-corruption groups in Ukraine. When 2 of his deputies were found to be in possession of inexplicably large amounts of cash and valuables, he punished the prosecutor who was investigating them. This is why the EU and the State Dept pushed for his dismissal. I think you should define "interfere". Is the USA giving 1 billion dollars to Ukraine interfering? Did the US not have a right to make sure the money was not spent corruptly? Most rational people would agree that this is a fair trade.
  15. Congratulations for utterly misunderstanding the point that Purdey was making. He is clearly calling for more, not less, political parties than the 2 that have predominated in Congress, the Presidency and the individual states for the last 160 years.
  16. See you in 12 months? That's just another mealy mouthed way of evading facing facts. You offer no reason or fact to counter what I wrote. Instead, you just call it ridiculous. Have you already forgotten the dire predictions made for the US economy not so long ago? According to them, the US should have already entered a recession long since And you're the party who mocks projections that wrongly predicted economic decline for the UK. Yet you have no hesitation in offering them for the US. Double standards much? You've got nothing..
  17. Does this look like Latin to you? It's Latin for "after this, therefore because of this.". Evading the issue much? The fact is that claiming because something happened or didn't happen subsequent to a previous event, if fallacious reasoning. You've got nothing.
  18. So, whenever Trump claims something, no matter how nonsensical, if there are no witnesses to refute it, that counts as solid evidence? First off, we know that Nancy Pelosi had no power to approve or disapprove the stationing of troops at the Capitol. Second, we also know from multiple witnesses that Trump didn't send troops to the Capitol even though the White House was repeatedly contacted by various persons imploring assistance, including Mike Pence. Finally, we also know that Trump denied watching the insurrectionists even though, by the accounts of a number of people in the White House, he was glued to the TV set showing the insurrection in progress.
  19. A silly generalization like this seems reflexive and superficial rather than wise. How in the future would Ukraine and America's interests come into major conflict? Ukraine is a country where support for joining the EU is overwhelming. Where support for joining NATO is also overwhelming.
  20. All debt is increasing? Private debt is what is relevant to the economy's performance By how much is that increasing? How does the increase in that debt compare to the growth of the economy? How are interest rates ruinous for recent borrowers? Where is this ruin of which you write? Anyway such statements as "The US economy may well be closer to a catastrophe than many people think." are just plain mealymouthed.
  21. Uninformed much? Biden tells Zelenskyy US will send tactical missile systems to Ukraine Biden offered to send the ATACMS missiles to Ukraine during his meeting with Zelenskyy Thursday https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-tells-zelenskyy-us-send-tactical-missile-systems-ukraine Biden approves $325M Ukraine military aid package as Zelensky visits White House https://nypost.com/2023/09/21/biden-approves-325m-ukraine-aid-package-as-zelensky-visits-white-house/
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