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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. There's a logical fallacy called Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc. It's Latin for "after this, therefore because of this.". You've just offered an example.
  2. Actually, the US began its final withdrawal from Afghanistan on Feb 20, 2020. Huge concessions were made to the Taliiban. Their transgressions met with little response.
  3. I found the source of that. But I see no indication of that from any of their reports or from this source https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/recurrent-fc40 It looks to me like they are in the data business. Not manufacturing. And given the relatively small amount of money they have borrowed, it doesn't seem at all likely that they are in the business of manufacturing batteries.
  4. Here's another https://www.recurrentauto.com/research/how-long-do-ev-batteries-last
  5. That is an excellent point. What impulse posted is based on an assertion made by Trump. Anyone who makes assertions solely based on claims made by Donald Trump, is treading on very shaky grounds.
  6. Actually, this post demonstraties what right-wingers like you do. Basically, they post over-the-top generalizations such as "But that's what lefties do. They scream racism every time they disagree with someone. Just wanted you to feel at home."
  7. Mostly silly rhetorical questions. The one actual assertion I see here is the claim that "Pelosi made Jan6 happen, deliberately. By refusing Trump's offer of Nat'l Guard protection." Got any evidence to support that beyond an assertion made by Donald Trump? Remember, this is the same person who denied he watched the insurrectionists as they invaded the Capitol even though members of his own staff and others present during the event said otherwise.
  8. Anybody spot the doublethink here. The economy is a catastrophe? Really? Not even close to true. The US is leading the F\& and most developed nations in its recovery and in battling inflation. Unemployment is at historically low levels. But apparently when worldwide inflation followed the covid pandemic, that was Biden's fault. But if the dollar is strong, he gets no credit. As for NATO being feeble as ever, tell that to Finland and Sweden. For someone who claims such lofty academic credentials, you seem remarkably unfamiliar with the practice of backing up assertions with actual evidence.
  9. Have you forgotten already the birther movement? The one that was led by Donald Trump? What action on the left compares with that grotesque and ludicrous fantasy? And what relevance do these alleged political persecutions whatever they may be, have to do with Justice department prosecutions? Deflecting much?
  10. Better aging and cycle-life characteristics[edit] LFP chemistry offers a considerably longer cycle life than other lithium-ion chemistries. Under most conditions it supports more than 3,000 cycles, and under optimal conditions it supports more than 10,000 cycles. NMC batteries support about 1,000 to 2,300 cycles, depending on conditions.[5] LFP cells experience a slower rate of capacity loss (a.k.a. greater calendar-life) than lithium-ion battery chemistries such as cobalt (LiCoO 2) or manganese spinel (LiMn https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithium_iron_phosphate_battery#:~:text=LFP chemistry offers a considerably,supports more than 10%2C000 cycles.
  11. He called your comments clueless. He didn't call you clueless. And the way to prove your qualifications is evidence based rebuttal, not unproveable references to your alleged qualifications.
  12. Well, it was actually passed by a majority in the House and Senate. And it was a huge improvement. As for your assertion about green energy, actually it's a huge success. In most cases, it actually costs less to retire an active coal plant and replace it with new wind or solar generation than to keep that plant running. And, as the IMF has pointed out, fossil fuel usage is massively subsidized both by governments and private citizens. Clearly you You might want to look up "The Tragedy of the Commons".
  13. Your opinions should be able to stand up on their own. Anyone who offers their unverifiable credentials as some sort of certification of the soundness of their opinions is not to be taken seriously.
  14. He made Obamacare free for more people and far more affordable for middle class people. And he did it by imposing taxes on the wealthy to finance it. So it's paid for. His plan to reduce US dependence on fossil fuels will not only enhance US security, but result in huge health benefits as well.
  15. Right. A link or a fuller explanation. What are your figures based on?
  16. Well, unlike what so many Trump supporters contend about Trump, no one here is claiming that the prosecution of Menendez is a case of political persecution. Or are you seriously claiming that Trump supporters don't contend this about Trump?
  17. Got a link to something that supports this? I can't find anything. Thanks.
  18. So you're comparing the price of new EVs and to used ICE vehicles? And how do you think those used ICE vehicles began their lives? When they came off the assembly line were they classified as used? I believe, perhaps wrongly, that these used ICE vehicles were once new. And that to compare new EVs to used ICE vehicles makes absolutely no sense. And, as has been repeatedly pointed out, battery life has been seriously underestimated. And your comment about road usage charges makes no sense also. Is it cheaper to drive an ICE vehicle when the cost of petrol is low or is it the same cost no matter what the price of petrol is? It seems to me that the lower the cost of petrol, the less it costs to drive an ICE vehicle. If electric power beats petrol even when its price is low,, then won't the cost of driving one be lower even if a compensatory registration fee is imposed on EVs?
  19. Are these figures based on all EVs charging at the same time and at the time when demand is highest?
  20. Well, if in fact, EVs are universally adopted you'd have a better point. But, in fact, it will happen over time and there's no reason to think that the Thailand can't add more capacity to its electric grid.
  21. False. As I pointed out, storage costs have declined precipitously. As this study from M.I.T. 3 years ago concluded, for 100% renewables, storage costs would have to fall to $5 per kwh of capacity. But to get to 95% renewables, storage the cost of renewables would have to fall below $150 per kwh. Guess what? That goal has been met and surpassed. Iron flow batteries and zinc oxide batteries, to name just a few have done just that. Even lithium ion batteries are now below that level, but their storage capacity is basically good for only 6 hours. Other flow batteries are now good for 100 hours. How Inexpensive Must Energy Storage Be for Utilities to Switch to 100 Percent Renewables? MIT researchers list the energy storage technologies that could enable a 100 percent renewable grid https://spectrum.ieee.org/what-energy-storage-would-have-to-cost-for-a-renewable-grid https://www.cell.com/joule/fulltext/S2542-4351(19)30300-9
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