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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Did you miss this part? as well as 10s of thousands of unnecessary deaths during the pandemic
  2. Do you understand that this is a thread about Trump? Nothing so sad as a clueless jibe. Your response was entirely Pavlovian.
  3. Who says I'm not supportive of groups in a similar situation? And who appointed you the arbiter of legitimacy? Tell you what. The moderators have opened it up to members of aseannow.com to suggest articles to be posted. I've done that and succeeded more often than not.s. Apply yourself, just a little, and I'm sure you can succeed , too. That's a legitimate way to find out what my views are.
  4. Whether or not there are tons of people is irrelevant. The fact is that Israel has massively violated the human rights of Palestinians and is continuing to do so, Villifying Israel's critics is just a way to evade addressing that issue.
  5. I guess you put "agreed" in parentheses because there was no formal agreement with any kind of deadline. And, as the article points out, it was the Russian invasion of Crimea that spurred increased expenditures, not Donald Trump. "At the Wales Summit in 2014, in response to Russia's illegal annexation of Crimea and the turmoil in the Middle East, NATO Leaders agreed to reverse the trend of declining defence budgets and decided: Allies currently meeting the 2% guideline on defence spending will aim to continue to do so; Allies whose current proportion of GDP spent on defence is below this level will: halt any decline; aim to increase defence expenditure in real terms as GDP grows; and aim to move towards the 2% guideline within a decade with a view to meeting their NATO Capability Targets and filling NATO's capability shortfalls." https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/topics_67655.htm The article also goes on to note that since 2022 the pace of investment has accelerated. If I were to follow your example I could credit that to Biden the way you credit the earlier increased pace to Trump. But just like the Russian conquest of Crimea, this latest acceleration was due to another Russian act of aggression.. And thanks for sharing with me the link to a speech by Trump. What exactly does this prove?
  6. Thank you for elucidating the form those sentences take. If we were in primary school I'd give you an "A". But the issue here isn't what forms the sentences take but do what do you have to offer in the way of a germane response? (no need for you to point out that this final sentence sentence is a question, also).
  7. You mean unemployment that has consistently been at or near record levels? Or an improved version of Obamacare that makes it affordable for middle class people? How exactly is Biden harming the country?
  8. What evidence did JonnyF provide that Brand was "dropping a lot of truth bombs lately"?
  9. Was it dishonest reporting? Did that make her Donald Trump's enemy, number 1 or otherwise? Probably in his eyes but does that make it so? More importantly, why do you think it's salient to characterize the NY Times based on its employment of 1 reporter.
  10. No, they weren't broken. There was a timeline by which they had to be fulfilled. No interim steps along the way were specified. That deadline was 2024.
  11. First off, by calling Maggie Haberman Trump's number 1 enemy. What about Maggie Haberman makes a reporter doing her job Trump's number 1 enemy? And you followed a general explanatory reference about the NY Times with that factoid.
  12. You kind of give your political bias away with comments like this: "And the home of Maggie Haberman, Trump's media enemy #1."
  13. Not even 2 election forensic teams hired by Trump's campaign backed the kind of nonsense you're asserting.
  14. I'm well aware of that working definition. By the same standards someone who was a consistent critic of the Chinese govt without comparing its conduct to other nations could be accused of racism.
  15. First, you claim he "seems" etc. Really? This isn't a thread that has anything to do with other groups. Despite which, he mentioned the Uyghurs. And then you report your mind reading claim accusing him of antisemitism.via a cheap shot. You care to sink any lower? It might take some effort.
  16. First link. He made a demand. What did that do to make NATO stronger. Second link. Article gives credit to Trump for increases in NATO budget that were already agreed to prior to Trump taking office. Next thing you know you'll be telling us that Trump's dealing with Kim also amount to a solid achievement.
  17. First of all, it's refreshing to see a Trump supporter who believes the polls? Or is that only when they show Trump ahead? As for the rest, did you retrieve this information via your time machine or your crystal ball?
  18. I read that post. It didn't sound like mojorasin was trying to normalize it at all. Rather it was an over-the-top comparison to overly villify Israel and China.
  19. Then maybe you should also drop the subject of asking mojorasin to perform the far more laborious task of looking through his posts to prove that he ever referenced the Royingas, etc.
  20. Are you going to leave me in suspense? Or are you going to actually cite the post where mojorasin wrote that?
  21. I couldn't find that quote from mojorasin. Could you direct me to where mojorasin wrote that?
  22. Really? You think it's rational, given that the search engine in aseannow is not exactly brilliant, to expect someone to go back and prove to you that they have protested the human rights violatiosn committed all these different nations? That's bizarre and unreasonable. It's enough that he provided proof that he doesn't single out Israel. And the whole notion that people should pay equal attention to every nation that violates human rights is also bizarre. And, tell, me where have you ever condemned Israel for its human rights violations?
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