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  1. Once again, for your arguments to hold water would necessarily mean that there is a vast worldwide conspiracy among scientists to manufacture false research. You don't seem to have any appreciation of what the odds are that such a program could be successfully executed. But then, you don't seem to have much appreciation of probability in general.
  2. You characterize your argument as rational? Given that not to trust the science only makes sense were there some vast worldwide conspiracy that coordinated the false results of doctored research, I'd say that it would take a hugely gullible person not to accept the results of the research. The kind of people who might believe that, say, elections were fraudulent, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
  3. Thanks for the sophomoric generalizations. Predictions are worthless? You mean the validity of predictions can't be confirmed by how they've performed in the past?. I think you've pretty much undermined all of science with such a comment. Or would have, were it to be taken seriously.
  4. Even 50-year-old climate models correctly predicted global warming Study debunks idea that older models were inaccurate https://www.science.org/content/article/even-50-year-old-climate-models-correctly-predicted-global-warming
  5. The fact is that the model has predicted the consequences of climate change better than any alternative hypothesis proposed. And your use of "absolute certainty" is just more of your nonsense. Modern science is statistically based. So there can always be a one in a million or a billion chance of something being wrong. But at a certain point such reservations are just silly. Functionally speaking it's a done deal. But if you don't believe in the statistical underpinning of modern science, I suggest you take all your savings and invest in a lottery.
  6. Because all manufacturing probably entails some harms even if just to workers on occasion.
  7. I've got some good news for you: Lithium Americas’ Breakup Is Really About China, Executive Says Lithium Americas Corp.’s decision to split the company came down to one thorny issue: US-China relations. The mining company announced a plan in November to separate its Argentine and North American units into two separate entities. If approved by shareholders, the split would effectively distance it from one of its top shareholders, Ganfeng Lithium Group Co., a Chinese producer of the white, slivery metal https://archive.ph/UbY3d#selection-3775.0-3787.48
  8. What don't you understand about the fact that the position of gun manufacturers is not analogous to the position of the fossil fuel industry. Manufacturing firearms is not especially harmful. But the extraction and refining of oil and gas is.
  9. As I noted above, new improved Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries are making rapid inroads into the EV market. They don't use cobalt. And other technologies are on the way. And you ignore the issue of comparative harm. Where's you sympathy for the millions upon millions of urban dwellers whose health is brutally effected by emissions from EVs. Believe it or not, cities aren't exclusively inhabited by adults. Chapter Seven - Traffic Emission Impacts on Child Health and Well-being "Traffic-related primary pollutants known to impact health include highly respirable fine and ultrafine particles, diesel exhaust particles and gases, particle-bound metals and carcinogens including volatile organic compounds like benzene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Consistent and compelling scientific evidence suggests prenatal and childhood exposures to primary traffic emissions can cause onset and exacerbation of asthma, delayed lung function development, and childhood leukemia." https://cfpub.epa.gov/si/si_public_record_report.cfm?Lab=CEMM&dirEntryId=348269#:~:text=Consistent and compelling scientific evidence,function development%2C and childhood leukemia. As for that article from science. it's already badly dated. Here's something from the CEO of Redfern, the largest U.S. battery recycler: We’re not profitable yet because we’re growing so quickly and we’re reinvesting and will be for quite a few years. But the actual operations of recycling these batteries, that is profitable today. There’s really a quite a hunger for these materials." https://insideevs.com/news/564366/jb-straubel-battery-recycling-profitability/ Electric Car Batteries Lasting Longer Than Predicted Delays Recycling Programs It’s clear that most EV batteries will outlast the vehicles they were installed in, and even then, they have a worthwhile second life before they need to be stripped down for recycling. “At the end of the vehicle’s life—15 or 20 years down the road—you take the battery out of the car, and it’s still healthy, with perhaps 60 or 70% of usable charge,” said Thomas... It’s more sustainable to take the battery pack out of the car after 20 years, recycle the car, and reuse the battery.” https://www.forbes.com/sites/carltonreid/2022/08/01/electric-car-batteries-lasting-longer-than-predicted-delays-recycling-programs/?sh=4b0ff8725332
  10. They do. Currently just one small in Nevada. However, another is on the way: https://www.eenews.net/articles/silicon-valley-of-lithium-nevada-mine-breaks-ground/ But the Salton Sea has huge potential via big lithium deposits and available geothermal energy. It alone could provide enough lithium to power the US and have left over a significant capacity to help supply the world with lithium. https://insideclimatenews.org/news/26082023/salton-sea-lithium-mining-california/#:~:text=The aquifers near the Salton,a geothermal energy waste product. Already, lithium is being extracted from other geothermal sites: https://www.brgm.fr/en/current-project/eugeli-lithium-extraction-geothermal-brines-europe https://www.globalminingreview.com/environment-sustainability/15052023/watercycle-technologies-produces-lithium-carbonate-from-geothermal-brines-in-the-north-east-of-england/#:~:text=Watercycle Technologies Ltd%2C a UK,the North East of England.
  11. As noted above your argument about EVs being just as polluting as ICE vehicles is false. And the CO2 savings ae substantial. You'll also be happy to know that the use of cobalt is being sharply cut back because of improvements in Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries which don't contain cobalt. And Tesla has announced that it will be producing magnets that have no need for rare earths. Also, you don't seem to recognize the drastically bad effects that ICE vehicles have on air quality and human health.
  12. What's ridiculous is the fact that you compare mining material for batteries to mining for fuel. Unlike fossil fuels, you don't need to continuously mine to feed a battery, do you? Batteries are also highly recyclable. And they are lasting far longer in autos than originally predicted. Also, they are finding a second life in energy storage systems for the grid. The scarcity is so pronounced that the biggest problem facing battery recycling facilities is that they aren't receiving enough batteries to recycle. And the argument about batteries using fuel generated from fossil fuels is also faulty. YSE Study Finds Electric Vehicles Provide Lower Carbon Emissions Through Additional Channels With new major spending packages investing billions of dollars in electric vehicles in the U.S., some analysts have raised concerns over how green the electric vehicle industry actually is, focusing particularly on indirect emissions caused within the supply chains of the vehicle components and the fuels used to power electricity that charges the vehicles. But a recent study from the Yale School of the Environment published in Nature Communications found that the total indirect emissions from electric vehicles pale in comparison to the indirect emissions from fossil fuel-powered vehicles. This is in addition to the direct emissions from combusting fossil fuels — either at the tailpipe for conventional vehicles or at the power plant smokestack for electricity generation — showing electric vehicles have a clear advantage emissions-wise over conventional vehicles. https://environment.yale.edu/news/article/yse-study-finds-electric-vehicles-provide-lower-carbon-emissions-through-additional#:~:text=But a recent study from,from fossil fuel-powered vehicles. Also, there is a huge installed base of power generated by fossil fuel. But the percentage of power provided by wind and solar is rapidly increasing. Now if you know of a magic spell that can transform fossil fuel power plants into recyclable sources, please share that with the world.
  13. Making it personal rather than defending the factuality of allegations is a sure sign that a comment in this venue is empty. Your comment is empty. You've got nothing.
  14. So to your way of thinking oil companies pollute very little? How about oil and gas companies? Nearly half of oil and gas emissions could be cut without spending a penny "The fossil fuel industry is one of the biggest sources of human-generated methane emissions, emitting 70 metric tons of the polluting gas last year — roughly equivalent to all the carbon dioxide produced by the European Union" https://www.cbsnews.com/news/climate-change-methane-natural-gas-oil-emissions/ What are the environmental impacts of gas flaring? Thousands of gas flares at oil production sites worldwide burned approximately 139 billion cubic meters of gas in 2022. Assuming a ‘typical’ associated gas composition, a flare combustion efficiency of 98% and a Global Warming Potential for methane of 28, each cubic meter of associated gas flared results in about 2.6 kilograms of CO2 equivalent emissions (CO2e), resulting in over 350 million tonnes of CO2e emissions annually, of which around 42 million tonnes is emitted in the form of unburnt methane. The methane emissions resulting from the inefficiency of the flare combustion contribute significantly to global warming. https://www.worldbank.org/en/programs/gasflaringreduction/gas-flaring-explained And this is just one part of the environmental damage that these 2 sectors of the fossil fuel industry directly inflict.
  15. You seem to be laboring under the belief that because sea levels are on average rising in relation to the land, that everything by the beach should already be inundated. Got any predictions from climatologists studying the rise in sea levels who say that? I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for a fact-based response from you.
  16. He never got the chance thanks to the efforts of a few brave capitol police officers.
  17. First off, you'll note that my first question to you was what were the illegal activity "the family" was engaged in. Not members of the family but the family. The are criminals acting in concert who are members of the same family. Individuals engaged in disparate crimes are not committing criminal activities as a family. as some kind of organized group By your bizarre criterion, any family that has 2 or 3 members committing disparate crimes make these crimes "family" crimes. As though the entire family is somehow implicated. Here is my original question with your original ridiculous reply. You've still got nothing.
  18. Trump's tax cut bill especially benefited taxpayers who use pass-along corporations and those who have real estate interests. Most of Trump's various enterprises are structured as pass along corporation, and I believe that he is quite heavily invested in real estate. Also, antitrust enforcement declined during the Trump administration. As did enforcement of environmental laws. Which isn't surprising since he made a coal mining lobbyist the head of the EPA. Also, enforcement of worker safety rules was extremely relaxed during his term in office. This is the guy you claim wanted to clean the swamp?
  19. Apparently, you now believe that the Obamas live in a mansion in Hawaii? You got a link to a source for that?
  20. North Korea has repeatedly committed acts of aggression against South Korea and repeatedly made threats against South Korea. Now you want to reward Kim for those threats by accepting his claim that his aggressive actions are prompted by the US? Why do you believe Kim?
  21. Two particularly favored interest groups were the real estate sector and subchapter S corporations. Guess which former President's business is structured around these 2 kinds of businesses.
  22. A family with 3 members who committed minor crimes related to drug and alcohol abuse. What does driving under the influence, credit card fraut, or petty theft of the 2 other Biden family members have to do with the current situation? I asked you what crimes are you accusing the Biden family of having committed and this is what you come up with? You've got nothing. And by the way, it was noted that there is 0 evidence that Biden ever interceded on behalf of any family members.
  23. Yes, starting at birth. But that moves up with every year of life someone achieves. We're talking about the average life expectancy of a well-to-do educated white male aged who will be aged 82 if he wins a second term.
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