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  1. It's perfectly valid to bring up Trump in this context. Thanks to Trump, we know what happened last time Kim was rewarded for making threats. You think that it's irrelevant to connect Kim's current behavior to the last time he was appeased by a U.S. President?
  2. One incident that is definitely not going to hang him is using 1 billiln dollars to get that corrupt prosecutor fired. Joe Biden was carrying out U.S. policy in getting Viktor Shokin fired. And the EU also applauded him for getting rid of Shokin. Devon Archers testified to the House Committee that Biden confessed he had no pull with his father but was promoting a false narrative to Burisma that he had some influence over him. In order to gain credit he didn't deserve. Archer also told the House Committee that he was told by associates that the CEO of Burisma had Shokin under control and that the firing of Shokin was actually bad for Burisma. Shokin's staff told investigators that Shokin was lying about being engaged in an investigation of Burism. In fac Shokin was not investigating any oligarchs at all but was engaged in actively prosecuting anti-corruption groups in Ukraine. When 2 investigators in Shokin's office were found to be in possession of inexplicably large amounts of cash and jewelry, Shokin fired the prosecutor investigating them. An FD-1023 report is a hearsay report. The FBI investigated it at the time when Trump was still President and found nothing. As for the 50% claim. Hunter Biden wrote that when he was either 49 or 50. That would mean since he was 20 years old, he was giving his father 50% of his income. Does that seem believable? Clearly this is someone complaining about being asked to contribute to the upkeep of a property and engaging in hyperbole. There are financial records to support Hunter Biden's contributions to that upkeep but absolutely no records to support any transfers of large amounts of cash to his father. You've got nothing.
  3. Is getting that cash a crime? Do you understand what a crime is?
  4. Kim did not stop developing nuclear weapons. Trump's engagement with Kim did nothing to stop that. What Kim learned from Trump is that engaging in testing of missile systems got the attention of the US and elevated the importance of his regime in the eyes of the world. Biden is wisely ignoring Kim's threats and, unlike Trump, not awarding him the attention he so clearly craves.
  5. Yes, that turned out to be such a successful policy. North Korea's Kim backs away from Trump relationship two years after historic handshake North Korea said it was pulling away from its relationship with the U.S. two years after a historic handshake between President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, in Singapore, saying there had been no actual improvement in ties. "Never again will we provide the U.S. chief executive with another package to be used for achievements without receiving any returns," North Korea's Foreign Minister Ri Son Gwon said on state-run KCNA. "Nothing is more hypocritical than an empty promise." https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/north-korea-s-kim-backs-away-trump-relationship-two-years-n1230371 These words were said in June of 2020. Do you need to be reminded of who was President then? And those were mild words compared to some of the statements that followed.
  6. And you can see how misleading the Daily Caller is when you delve a bit into the allegations. For instance, Elena Baturina is described as a Russian oligarch. It's true she is ethnically Russian. But, in fact, she left Russia in about 2010 after her family fell from favor. "Russia's second wealthiest woman, Elena Baturina, was married to Yury Luzkhkov, who was the mayor of Moscow for years. In 2010, Luzhkov was removed from the mayor's post; Baturina and their daughters left the country. Baturina soon sold almost all of her assets in Russia including a construction company called Inteko and a cement factories." https://www.forbes.com/profile/elena-baturina/?sh=483c25d23c29 The Russian government subsequently filed criminal charges against her. I'm not going to debates the merits of their cases, but the fact is she is on the outs with the Russian govt. So calling her Russian without explaining her status vis-a-vis the Russian Govt at the time she sent Hunter Biden payment is clearly misleading.
  7. A very transparent attempt at deflection. I certainly didn't deny that Hunter Biden is a member of the Biden family. But so what? What you wrote is that the Biden family was engaged in illegal activity. Hunter Biden is one person. He is not the Biden family. "Family" is a collective noun. What don't you understand about that? When any member of any family engages in illegal activity does that mean the family in engaged in illegal activity? As for your claim that the Biden family is engaged in criminal activity, it's clear you've got nothing.
  8. can you share with us the illegal activities "the family" in engaged in? We know that Hunter Biden may face prosecution, but who else in "the family" was engaged in "illegal activities" and what exactly were those activities"? I look forward to your fact-based answers.
  9. Please identify the people who are buying Pelosi and her husband with insider information. "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." https://aseannow.com/forum/158-world-news/ You know, "put up..."
  10. When you provide evidence, as in the case of EV's, I agree more often than not. But mostly, I don't except anyone's so say about their experience when it comes to public policy matters. If the discussion is about tiling a floor, that's a different matter.
  11. Well, Hunter was willing to plead guilty to some charges in the plea bargain. So, clearly there's something there. The question is how big of a something and could the Justice Dept win a case against him. Federa prosecutors don't like iffy cases. As for Joe, there continues to be nothing to convict him of so far except the grave crime of having Biden as his family name.
  12. First off, I don't[ have any interest in members' unverifiable claims about their experiences and their expertise. And while you may claim to know a lot about real estate prices and how they've escalated, you seem entirely unaware ofthe relationship between the cost of shelter and wages.
  13. This started when you criticized my reply to thaibeachers love that the odds were against Biden surviving a second term beause of Biden's age. One you acknowledge that your criticism was irrelevant then we can go on to discuss other aspect of Biden's age.
  14. The person who was was recently appointed special counsel is the same person who has been leading the Trump investigation for the last 4 years: David Weiss. Weiss has said repeatedly that he never asked for it until recently. As for the FBI having done nothing with it, how do you know? John Rafcliffe, a very rightwing in the Dept. of Justice, was in charge of the unit that had custody of it during the Trump administration. Do you believe he was part of a cover-up. The contents of the laptop are publicly available, both the verified and unverified parts, and nothing in it is anywhere close to proving criminality: unless making homemade porno between consenting adults is a crime.
  15. You clearly have no idea about how much the cost of housing - be it rental or privately owned - has risen in the US.
  16. What don't you understand about the fact that experts disagree with thaibeach over's claim the odd favor that Biden wouldn't live long enough to finish a econd term and that the experts disagree?
  17. By now you should know the forum rules about making claims without supporting evidence. So we either put up or...
  18. Clearly you didn't need the article or maybe you're one of those individuals who think that captive labor is the thing of the past in Asia.
  19. thaibeachlover claimed the odds were low I showed him otherwise. You got a problem with that?
  20. For being an imaginary agent provocateur for the FBI he received an imaginary sentence.
  21. Experts do. Most Likely President Joe Biden Will Live Through A Second Term, Life Expectancy Data Show Nikki Haley, a Republican candidate for president, recently stated on Fox News that, ‘‘if you vote for Joe Biden, you really are counting on a President Harris because the idea that he would make it until 86 years old is not something that I think is likely.” While that might make a catchy political sound bite, it completely ignores the current science about demography and longevity. It also ignores Joe Biden’s current state of health. https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevevernon/2023/04/30/most-likely-president-joe-biden-will-live-through-a-second-term/?sh=25b41dbd490e
  22. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, administrative costs in Medicare are only about 2 percent of operating expenditures. Defenders of the insurance industry estimate administrative costs as 17 percent of revenue. https://www.healthaffairs.org/do/10.1377/forefront.20110920.013390/ Wherever did you come up with that cockamamie nonsense about the Medicare machine? The article says the drugs are from the three main companies. It also notes that the move went further than expected since it also includes fast-acting insulin. I can see that you're trying to find some desperate way to shoot holes in this. The fact is that Republicans are overwhelmingly opposed to this. Remember that it took Trump only about 10 days after he was elected to break his promise to negotiate drug prices with Big Pharma.
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