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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Yes. Millions of investors do. And those investors who decided to invest in the beginning of the New Year realized quite a spectacular appreciation on their investment. And those who invested before the big runup are still enjoying huge gains on their investment. What makes the point in time you picked so special?
  2. Talk about burying the lede. Just like the headline writer of this piece. Other venues reported it like this: Fulton County special grand jury recommended charges against Lindsey Graham, David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/08/politics/fulton-county-special-grand-jury-report/index.html
  3. You conveniently forgot that it takes 14 tanker trucks of hydrogen to be the energy equivalent of 1 tanker of gasoline. You also conveniently forgot that the cost of building a hydrogen filling station is far more than the cost of building a conventional station. You also don't seem to know that ev batteries are lasting far longer than projected. Which is unfortunate for the ev battery recycling plants you also don't seem to know about. In fact even after an ev vehiicle has died, the batteries can still be used for energy storage. More bad news for ev battery recycling plants. You also don't seem to know that rare earths aren't used for ev batteries but for the magnets. Tesla claims it will be making magnets that don't require rare earths. Also that while silver in an EV vehicle at most amounts to 50 grams. ICE vehicles require 3-7 grams of platinum in their catalytic converters.. Platinum is far scarcer than silver. Which is reflected in the fact that currently it costs almost 40 times as much. As for wait times, who cares how long it takes to refill an EV battery at home? And the situation is not nearly so dire as you claim. You're just cherry-picking horror stories. If the experience was as bad as you claim it is, why are EV sales still growing as a percentage of the vehicle industry?
  4. Anybody can read whatever they like into it. In other words, any interpretation is about as definitive as the result of a Rorschach test.
  5. "People" in general? Or "people" like you? Why not just from the beginning of 2023? Back then the price was about $108 dollars. Now it's at $248. Two can play the cherry-picking game.
  6. Well, it will certainly be a boon for the ob/gyn clinics in Mexican states bordering on Texas.
  7. I don't think that nationality should disqualify someone from addressing an issue. A better case could be made for knowledgeability. What I don't understand is why someone to whom it has been repeatedly demonstrated that he's got his facts wrong, continues to post those same errors over and over again.
  8. Because clearly you are incapable of explaing what you wrote yourself.
  9. I gather you think you've set a cunning trap. Good luck with that. Basically, the lead author of this research, Patrick Brown, said he censored himself to confine his research to looking for the role that climate change caused in increasing the likelihood of wildfires. He didn't look for any other causes He did that, he claimed, because if he hadn't done do, his piece wouldn't have gotten published. In fact, as the article I'm going to link to below to show that just in Nature, the journal he published in, 3 articles published in the last month all explicitly discuss causes other than climate change for various extreme weather incidents and disasters. In addition, editors at Nature pushed Brown to include other possible causes but he pushed back. In other words, he's lying. https://archive.ph/Pa236 https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/09/08/no-climate-scientists-aren-t-being-forced-to-exaggerate/452dfb72-4e36-11ee-bfca-04e0ac43f9e4_story.html
  10. First off, you can't monopolize a percentage. Either you've monopolizes something or not. Second, do you believe that super rich non Jewish Americans involved in the Global financial system are morally worse than the average American?
  11. Let me put it this way: do you believe that American Jews are inherently morally worse than the average American?
  12. I think at this point, such repeated evasive comments clearly show that you are a hardcore antisemite.
  13. Actually, false. Jewish and Christian communities thrived in the Mideast for over a thousand years in many Muslim ruled lands.. There is a strong Hadith from Mohammed that says "Respect the people of the Book". This was taken to mean Christians and Jews. The basis of the current conflict is the establishment of Israel and resentment of the West for imposing it. Even those areas of the Islamic world that were quite intolerant of Jews and Christians never subscribed to the various conspiratorial and vicious tales that were current in the Western world. It was only with the advent of colonialism, that perjured documents such as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion found a receptive audience in the Mideast. Before that, even in intolerant areas of the Mideast, the Jews may have been looked down on, but they weren't demonized.
  14. Well, it only hurts the Palestinian cause when a leader indulges in flagrant antisemitism. It gives the Israeli govt a useful distraction from the issue of their miserable treatment of Palestinians.
  15. So, it's not about some rich people being Jewish but just about them being rich? Or do you believe that rich Jewish people behave differently from other rich people?
  16. More "perhaps" nonsense? First it was "wandered off" now it's "scurried away"? How about he walked away because of the demands of his office? And I'm still waiting for you to point out what in that video that showed that the recipient of the Medal of Honor felt humiliated.
  17. On the other hand, comparisons to South Africa are becoming more and more apt. Israel imposing apartheid on Palestinians, says former Mossad chief A former head of the Mossad intelligence agency has said Israel is imposing a form of apartheid on the Palestinians, joining a growing number of prominent Israelis to compare the occupation of the West Bank to South Africa’s defunct system of racial oppression. But Tamir Pardo’s views will have added impact because of the high regard for Mossad in Israel and because they come at a time when far-right members of Israel’s government are moving to kill off any prospect of an independent Palestinian state. Pardo told the Associated Press that Israel’s mechanisms for controlling the Palestinians, from restrictions on movement to placing them under military law while Jewish settlers in the occupied territories are governed by civilian courts, matched the old South Africa. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/06/israel-imposing-apartheid-on-palestinians-says-former-mossad-chief#:~:text=Pardo told the Associated Press,state here%2C” he said.
  18. You've managed somehow to entirely miss the point. If a disproportionately higher percentage of 18-24 year olds turn out than previously and they tend to favor one party over the other more than what the total average is, that changes the electoral math. What about that don't you understand?
  19. If you're saying his lie that Germans killed millions of Jews because they were money lenders is true, that makes you an antisemite. If you're saying that his lie is justified because Israel is a Jewish state, that also makes you an antisemite. Generally, I find when someone is being cagey as you are here and doesn't come right out and say it, antisemitism is the reason. But, please, go ahead and prove me wrong. Share with us what your thinking cap tells you.
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