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  1. I repeat: for there to be more talk from Biden about mandates they're actually has to be some first. Making an assertion based on prediction is a falsehood.
  2. Tesla's fast charges have a very high favorability score and they've just opened them up to users of other EV's.
  3. Well, according to a recent study from Recurring Auto that analyzed charging data from over 12,500 Tesla vehicles in the United States, the rate of range degradation is statistically similar when compared to AC charging. The company, which provides vehicle and battery analysis reports for EVs, compared cars that fast charge at least 90 percent of the time to cars that fast charge less than 10 percent of the time, and the results show little to no difference between the two charging methods. The charts below show the percentage of the original range as shown on the cars’ dashboards – in this case, the Tesla Model 3 and Tesla Model Y – and the number of days. https://insideevs.com/news/683961/fast-charging-vs-slow-charging-study-ev-range-degradation/
  4. False. In fact over half the the models were unreasonably accurate. Their algorithms produce results that are statistically insignificant from the actual measured reality.
  5. Before there can be "anymore" talk from Biden proposing mandates, there has to be some. Can you share with us a link to any talk from Biden proposing mandates?
  6. I'm giving you exactly as much detailed information as you gave Danderman when you posted a link in reply to his question, (see below) The difference is that my link actually leads to relevant information. Whereas the link you posted led to information that was utterly irrelevant to the question asked.
  7. Still spreading falsehoods? Biden's income and wealth has been adequately explained again and again. https://www.forbes.com/sites/michelatindera/2021/06/10/heres-how-much-joe-biden-is-worth/?sh=5d5d0d57461b He has also released his tax returns since 1998 https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/oct/31/joe-biden/yes-joe-biden-has-released-22-years-tax-returns-on/
  8. I agree. Name calling only cheapens arguments and makes them suspect. If you have confidence in facts, they should be enough to damn your target.
  9. Totally corrupt yet taking on Big Pharma? Actually the bill would have been a lot stronger were it not for 2 DINOs named Sinema and Manchin. It's also interesting to recall that the previous occupant of the White House campaigned on this as well, but he abandoned that promise even before he was inaugurated. https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/471735-trump-draws-ire-after-retreat-on-drug-prices-pledge/ Just keeping that swamp full.
  10. Can you please share with us what scheme that might be. The evidence is overwhelming that it wasn't Burisma. An FBI source, a Burisma deal, the Bidens and details that don’t match up https://archive.ph/Cm4ty https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/08/30/an-fbi-source-burisma-deal-bidens-details-that-dont-match-up/ And what evidence is there that Joe Biden acted on behalf of the Chinese? Given how much harsher US policy towards the Chinese has been during his tenure, you'd think the Chinese govt would be in a strong position to blackmail him if they had anything on him. We also know that Kushner, unlike Hunter Biden, was a very high level govt official whose special purview was the Mideast. . And while he was a govt official, the Qatar govt participated in a deal to bail out the Kushner family from a disastrous investment made by Jared Kushner. The deal made no business sense. It was clearly a sweetheart deal. And once Kushner left office, At MbS' orders, Saudi Arabia invested 2 billion dollars with Kushner despite the Saudi investment council being in opposition to entrusting 2 billion dollars to someone who had a record of failure. Not just that, it is also sleazy that the Saudis invested 1 billion with Steve Mnuchin, the former Secretary of the Treasury. But at least he has a record as a savvy and successful investor. Yet, MbS invested twice as much with Kushner.
  11. "In tests taken by several Japanese government agencies and Tepco, the water released starting last week contained scant amounts of tritium, far below the standard set by the World Health Organization. There is more tritium in water being discharged by nuclear power plants in China and in South Korea, where protesters have also condemned the Japanese release." https://archive.ph/GRokN https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/31/world/asia/china-fukushima-water-protest.html
  12. It's clear you don't understand what that means. Let me help you. When climatologists built their models, they plugged in numbers for CO2 that were future estimates. They couldn't know how much emissions there were actually going to be. When forcings were plugged into their models, they turned out to be very accurate.
  13. Here's the link to the original research. It explains why the models were chosen. It is, in fact, a very complete survey. No cherry picking was involved. https://eps.harvard.edu/files/eps/files/hausfather_2020_evaluating_historical_gmst_projections.pdf
  14. But insulting women for their looks is okay? From Megyn to Mika: A Timeline of Trump’s Attacks on Women’s Appearances Trump has a history of insulting women based on their appearances and it has continued throughout his presidential campaign and presidency. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/lists/trump-sexist-timeline-insults-attacks-women-appearances-1018198/
  15. I agree. In a political disagreement fat-shaming is beyond the pale and no one should support a politician who engages in such low behavior. Trump Responds to Chris Christie Attacks With … Fat Jokes The former president couldn't resist getting in the gutter after the former New Jersey governor went after him during a New Hampshire town hall event https://archive.ph/QX1WS
  16. Here's something postive. I think the First Step Act, which made big reforms to the criminal justice system was an excellent bill. And Donald Trump supported it and signed it. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-signs-criminal-justice-reform-bill Not surprisingly, he now regrets it.
  17. In other words when it counted, he wasn't a socialist. in fact, like Hitler, Mussolini co-opted the word socialism to win over working class people. But neither he nor Hitler ever put anything like socialism into practice.
  18. I've noticed that lots of predictions from those who oppose electrification of the economy depend on a static model of power storage. But it's obvious, given the rapid pace of the technology, that this is not the case. Not only are zinc-air batteries already being used for power storage by electric utilities, Zinc Batteries Power Stationary Energy Storage https://www.powermag.com/zinc-batteries-power-stationary-energy-storage/ And other batteries are making rapid advances as well. Solid state lithium-sulphur batteries are already being manufactured, way ahead of predictions. Lyten opens automated battery pilot line to produce lithium-sulfur batteries https://verticalmag.com/news/lyten-opens-automated-battery-pilot-line-to-produce-lithium-sulfur-batteries/
  19. And your explanation of how you know what the jockey is feeling is laughable. Your whole mind reading act is clearly propelled by an agenda. It reads like something from an editorial page. As for why there was no hullaboloo in the case of the jockey, just possibly because the jockey said nothing about it.
  20. "Often, they are lured by ads promising easy work and extravagant perks, then tricked into travelling to Cambodia, Myanmar and Thailand. Once they arrive, they are held prisoner and forced to work in online scam centres. Those who do not comply face threats to their safety. Many have been subject to torture and inhuman treatment." You spend a lot of time in online scan centres? Ad if you had bothered to read the whole story, you would have learned of one worker who was beaten for faking an illness. He ultimately died of his injuries.
  21. Not so strange compared to somebody who apparently believes he can mindread a jockey. Not so strange compared to somebody who apparently believes he can mindread a jockey. And actually during the livestream following the celebrations there's this: "Hermoso had previously said she “didn’t like” the kiss during an Instagram livestream on Sunday." https://justwomenssports.com/reads/jenni-hermoso-spain-soccer-president-kiss-criticism/ The statement that was subsequently released sounds like press release: “It was a mutual, totally spontaneous gesture because of the huge joy of winning a World Cup,” she said in a statement to news agency EFE. “The ‘presi’ and I have a great relationship. … It was a natural gesture of affection and gratitude.” Which it was. https://justwomenssports.com/reads/jenni-hermoso-spain-soccer-president-kiss-criticism/
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