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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. As I posted earlier The Times which published the original so-called expose had to make a retraction. And since then the ,"hockey stick" has been confirmed multiple times by different methods. That you still believe in this so-called scandal just shows the dodgy sources you get your information from.
  2. Do you think we're still living in an age of crystal balls? I've got exciting news for you. Climate models have already predicted the future successfully. It's the denialists whose predictions have failed.
  3. I don't know for a fact that it was nor do you know for a fact that it wasn't. Which runs counter to this: "And NOW it's fine for non-climate scientists to comment on climate change?"
  4. ANd you know what percentage is excessive? Care to share that number with us. In the 50's and 60's taxation was much higher and the economy grew faster. When Bill Clinton raised taxes there were cries from right wingers how that was going to damage the economy. Instead there was rapid growth. What's more when taxes are too low, then there is excessive liquidity. We know there has been massive excessive liquidity because before Covid, the wealthy were actually agreeing to store their cash with banks at negative interest rates or buy govt. bonds at negative interest rates.
  5. You don't know for a fact that it was a non science experts. There are epidemiologists who work in the field of climatology to study how climate change affects habitat.
  6. What don't you understand about the fact the personal claims here are unverifiable and therefore useless.
  7. If you can prove that the article is lying, share that proof with More confused thinking from you. It's one thing to hypothesize that the spread of these insects is due to climate change. That says nothing about the validity of ACC. Please, share with us a model of the climate that has better predicted its course than the current model.
  8. That is your idea of scientific evidence? And Bkk Brian didn't answer it to your satisfaction? I answered it too. And I pointed out that it's ridiculous. What counts is where the scientific evidence stands. At this point there are thousands and thousands of highly technical studies. These studies progressively build on earlier work. If these were false, there would have to be a gigantic conspiracy at work. I wouldn't put it past you to allege that. What you don't seem to understand is that for the current model to be overthrown, someone has to offer a better predictive one. So far, the models offered by denialists have failed.
  9. There can be 2 reasons why Joe Biden's tax returns made no mention of those millions. Either he's lying or he never got any of them. The publicly released information from his tax returns easily accounts for present standard of living. There is no reason to think that he is hiding anything. Except that his last name is Biden. Which apparently among right wingers is proof enough of guilt.
  10. I failed to address anything in your post because you just offered accusations, not evidence. Without specific evidence, accusations are empty.
  11. It wasn't specific at all. If it was specific it would predictions or evidence from climatologists that would justify the accusations you made about tactics. Anybody can accuse anyone of anything. But you know that they're offering nothing when they don't back it up with specific examples.
  12. Just like 0James0, when confronted with hard facts you resort to generalizations.
  13. Thanks for the ridiculous criterion. Clearly you don't understand how capitalism and the free market economy work.
  14. Actually, the Democrats did exactly that in the previous Congress and would have imposed a lot more but for Dinos Sinema and Manchin. And Biden wants to impose further increases on the wealthy to financially secure Social Security. Republicans want to reduce benefits instead.
  15. Right. The invade Mexico guy. There's someone who has learned absolutely nothing from the recent history of America's military adventures.
  16. And, as I pointed out, it can also be a question of opportunity cost. The money that they don't spend on repaying the loan can be used to fuel investments that will more than pay for the greater overall lifetime cost of the mortgage.
  17. Is there any independent country that shares a land border with Russia or the Ukraine that doesn't feel threatened by Russian aggression? You think such a big slice of Europe isn't of vital importance to world peace and the USA?
  18. Very strange post coming from someone who allegedly doesn't like Trump.. If Skeptic7 had made an election outcome prediction, then the photo might be relevant. But in this case, it looks remarkably like prospective gloating.
  19. I can see why you choose to post from a bubble. The reason that the voting totals changes overnight in some states Biden's favor is the same reason voting totals changed to Trump's favor in other states. . It happens this way. In Iowa, mail-in ballots were counted in advance. That put Biden in the lead at first. As in-person ballots were counted that lead reversed. In states like Pennsylvania where mail-in ballots weren't counted in advance, Republicans started out with a lead. As mail-in ballots were finally counted, Biden took the lead. It's worth pointing out that Democrats in Pennsylvania knew that Republicans wanted this sort of outcome as a kind of backup in the event that Trump lost. That way, the myth of stolen elections could be promoted. Democrats in the legislature actually pushed for mail-in ballots to be counted ahead of time but Republicans refused.
  20. What don't you understand about the fact that it's not a crime merely to be in possession of these documents. It's a violation of the rules, but not a crime. Only if it's willful possession is it a crime. And in the case of trump, the government bent over backwards not to prosecute him. Once he was advised to return the documents and refused, that put him in violation of the law. The government negotiated for months with trumps lawyers before. finally calling in the FBI when it was learned that there were still classified documents in Trump's possession despite the fact that Trump's lawyers claimed all the documents had been returned. That would be obstruction of justice.
  21. Actually, it's not a parable but a fairy tale that governs right wing thinking on taxation. It goes like this: If you lower taxes, the economy will grow faster so even though taxes are lower, there will be more to tax. So the tax cuts will pay for themselves. That's what Reagan, Bush, and Trump all claimed. And every time it turned out to be massively false. The modern era of big deficits began under Reagan, and was boosted by Bush,
  22. Thanks once again for providing no rational reasoned analysis but just an assertion. You've got nothing.
  23. If they have a motive. Given their customer base, what would that motive be? Given your general history of posting, I'm going to guess that accusations of corruption are about to follow. You know, make stuff up to further your claims.
  24. And none of this has been tied to Joe Biden except FD1023 report which is a hearsay report that the FBI investigated during the Trump administration and came up with nothing.
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