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  1. Wow. Another mind reader on aseannow.com. Or has the jockey appointed you his spokesperson?
  2. You don't seem to understand that it's possible to taper off instead of going cold turkey.
  3. If the people who projected the performance of the stock market were as accurate as this they could quit their jobs and make billions on stock options.
  4. And that jockey would have had every right to protest that kiss. But, unlike Jenni Hermoso, he didn't. So what's your point?
  5. Last things first: Nonsense. Meta (Facebook) stopped sharing stories because the Canadian government passed a law that made it illegal to freeload on stories published by Canadian media organizations. Facebook and Instagram to block news in Canada Meta has announced plans to remove all news content from Facebook and Instagram in Canada ahead of a new law coming into effect that would force the platforms to share revenue with publishers. The Online News Act, known as Bill C-18, will force big technology companies to compensate news publishers for content that appears on their platforms, with Google also impacted by the legislation. “Today, we are confirming that news availability will be ended on Facebook and Instagram for all users in Canada prior to the Online News Act (Bill C-18) taking effect,” Facebook said in a blog post. https://www.independent.co.uk/tech/meta-news-facebook-instagram-canada-b2362863.html And, you're correct, there has been a trend to drop some weather stations. Especially those in the further north. However, these weather stations that were dropped actually showed a greater warming trend than those that survived. That's because the closer to the poles one gets, the more pronounced is the warming trend (note that I didn't say warming is more pronounced, but the warming trend is more pronounced), Here's a link to a better explanation: https://skepticalscience.com/Why-are-there-less-weather-stations-and-whats-the-effect.html
  6. I just did show you a theory that has been tested. Clearly, you don't know what that looks like. And it's clear that whatever is under your belt, it has nothing to do with climate science. Opponents of ACC have also posted hypotheses. So far, they've failed to correctly predict climate changes.
  7. Actually, I decided to take a look to see how his indictments have affected his support https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-primary-r/2024/national/ At least among Republicans it doesn't seem his support has significantly changed since early April.
  8. Anywhere offer these in Chiangmai? I do have a couple on order from Lazada but there's a good chance they won't arrive in time.
  9. Well, it mainly effects Muslims because there are a lot more of them. But in percentage terms, at least in public schools, it will effect Sikh boys just as much.
  10. One of the problems with this strict enforcement is that it can drive students to religious schools. Even though France claims to be committed to laicism, it does subsidize religion-based private schools which are free to dictate what students wear. 2022 Report on International Religious Freedom: France "By law, the government subsidizes private schools, including those affiliated with religious organizations. In 98 percent of private schools, in accordance with the law, the government pays the teachers’ salaries, provided the school accepts all children regardless of their religious affiliation... T Parents who wish their children to wear conspicuous religious symbols or to receive religious instruction may homeschool their children or send them to a private school." https://www.state.gov/reports/2022-report-on-international-religious-freedom/france/#:~:text=By law%2C the government subsidizes,regardless of their religious affiliation.
  11. False. In fact even the early models of anthropogenic climate change were astonishingly good at predicting warming. They also predicted correctly the temperatures would rise faster at the poles, and that the stratosphere would cool. Even 50-year-old climate models correctly predicted global warming https://www.science.org/content/article/even-50-year-old-climate-models-correctly-predicted-global-warming
  12. Does New Zealand have a law prohibiting its citizens from being fans of foreign political leaders and their programs? Is it treason, if you do? If not, you can definitely be a fan of Make America Great Again and Donald Trump.
  13. Well, earlier I found this: I tracked it down to here https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07393148.2014.995396?needAccess=true Unfortunately, only an abstract is available. ""In addition, the law is seen by some as disproportionately affecting Muslims, arguing that Christians rarely wear oversized crosses, and Sikhs have successfully lobbied to be able to wear a simple under-turban, whereas Jews have greater opportunities to enroll children in private Jewish religious schools owing to their long presence in the country." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_law_on_secularity_and_conspicuous_religious_symbols_in_schools I tracked it down to here https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07393148.2014.995396?needAccess=true Unfortunately, only an abstract is available. Anyway, I've looked elsewhere and I see nothing to support her claims. So, it's clear I got it wrong. Thanks for the correction.
  14. "I know it’s difficult for some people to pull out of their political atmosphere and study the facts objectively but for the “three” profile on this thread it’s an impossible task" As I demonstrated in my post, you're the person who has a problem facing facts. We know this because instead of responding to the specific points raised, you resort to all sorts of irrelevant and dubious allegations. You have no fact based answer for the breakdown sources of CO2 in the atmosphere and chose a study that you believe backed your claim but clearly did not. If you're so biased as to draw false conclusions from a clearly worded study, why should anyone give credit to your accusations of bias.
  15. Not true. As I pointed out, Sikhs have been given an exception to wear turbans. Which are not exactly unnoticeable. And it's also permitted to wear small crosses and crucifixes.
  16. The Royal Project is also growing quinoa. Their prices tend to be lower than what's on offer elsewhere. They have several outlets around town.
  17. Pollution poses greater risk to all human life than tobacco, alcohol: report Air pollution reduces the average life span globally by 2.3 years, making it the “greatest external threat to human life expectancy,” according to the annual Air Quality Life Index report published Tuesday. Researchers from the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago found that the effects of merely inhaling unclean air were comparable to smoking, but caused over three times the damage of alcohol use or unsafe water and over 5 times that of car crash injuries. https://nypost.com/2023/08/29/pollution-poses-greater-risk-to-all-human-life-than-tobacco-alcohol-report/
  18. Here's a link to an article that features a rather impressive video of a carpet python. https://www.hitc.com/en-gb/2023/08/29/video-of-giant-carpet-python-slithering-across-australia-suburb-has-users-terrified/
  19. I don't have much esteem for nuclear power plants. They do pose a real danger in case of a meltdown and other hazards. Disposing of radioactive waste that can last for thousands of years is a genuine problem. They also produce electricity that's very expensive. Were it not for government guarantees, the plants would be uninsurable. However, the radioactive substance that's being released is tritium which occurs naturally as well. It will be massively diluted. IAEA COMPREHENSIVE REPORT ON THE SAFETY REVIEW OF THE ALPS-TREATED WATER AT THE FUKUSHIMA DAIICHI NUCLEAR POWER STATION Based on its comprehensive assessment, the IAEA has concluded that the approach to the discharge of ALPS treated water into the sea, and the associated activities by TEPCO, NRA, and the Government of Japan, are consistent with relevant international safety standards. The IAEA recognizes that the discharge of the ALPS treated water has raised societal, political and environmental concerns, associated with the radiological aspects. However, the IAEA has concluded, based on its comprehensive assessment, that the discharge of the ALPS treated water, as currently planned by TEPCO, will have a negligible radiological impact on people and the environment. https://www.iaea.org/sites/default/files/iaea_comprehensive_alps_report.pdf
  20. Given that in most free market countries governments are closely involved in regulation and rate setting of utilities, that ship has long since sailed.
  21. Socialism at its heart is about the government owning the means of production. Mussolini never nationalized Italian industries. So how was he a socialist?
  22. Be careful whom you call "stupid and shortsighted" Some might say "stupid and short sightet" could also apply to those who don't understand the consequences for the rest of the world should America's agricultural production severely decline.
  23. Global warming has focused concern on land and sky as soaring temperatures intensify hurricanes, droughts and wildfires. But another climate crisis is unfolding, underfoot and out of view. Many of the aquifers that supply 90% of the nation’s water systems, and which have transformed vast stretches of America into some of the world’s most bountiful farmland, are being severely depleted. https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/america-is-using-up-its-groundwater-like-theres-no-tomorrow/?amp=1
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