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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. This is a company that advises fleets. That's where their income comes from. So really not in their interest to tout battery falsehoods.
  2. First off, there's the nonsense that other people who committed violence weren't prosecuted. But the fact is that none the people who attacked the Capitol on January 6 were directly attacking the constitutionally authorized transfer of power. Sore and violent losers. And thanks for the nonsense about them being egged on by undercover agents. Ray Eppesing much?
  3. Keep on making those empty assertions. You've got nothing.
  4. Well, it wasn't automakers who said this. It was a company that gathers data for fleets and such. Really wouldn't be in their best interests to lie to their customers. But, of course, you may have actual evidence to counter their report. I await your findings with interest.
  5. How many ways do I have to say this? When interest rates were low, a 30 year mortgage made a lot of sense. Now? I'm not sure that it is even better than renting. Depends on where one lives.
  6. This is what I wrote: If the interest rates are low, as they had been for about 20 years, why would a 30 year mortgage be stupid? You might want to look up something called opportunity cost.
  7. If the interest rates are low, as they had been for about 20 years, why would a 30 year mortgage be stupid? You might want to look up something called opportunity cost. As for the rest of the stuff you listed not really worth replying to.
  8. Actually, Americans pay about 10% less in total taxes than do most other developed nations. As for that figure of how much the wealthy pay. That's due to the fact that they earn a far larger share of total income than they used to. America is number 1 in terms of income inequality among all the developed nations. The UK runs a not particularly close 2nd place.
  9. As I pointed out above, even if such a system was implemented, so what? The Trumpistas would just make up some other fictions. For instance, they could claim that the government was stuffing the system with fake votes. How would a personal ID system address that charge? Remember that these are the same people who not so long ago were the lemmings following Trump over his campaign to investigate whether or not Obama was born in the USA. They were convinced that Obama was born in Kenya and that he was ineligible to be President. A lot of those people are still posting here. This election fraud stuff has nothing to do with rationality.
  10. And right now the Biden administration is proposing to change who can be called a manager. They're raising the minimum pay that qualifies to be a manager by a lot. Employers typically try to get away with calling low wage earners managers so they don't have to pay overtime.
  11. Well, for one thing, he made Obamacare a lot more affordable. A lot. The number of uninsured people has come way down
  12. And what's any of that got to do with Joe Biden mandating vaccination? He didn't do it before and there's nothing in what he said that indicates he'll do it in the future. Stop deflecting with nonsense
  13. It's a loser of an idea anyway. Let's say people can choose to see their votes if they want to. What's to stop the government from creating fake votes? What would stop stop Trump from claiming fake votes if he lost even if your system were in effect. Come to think of it, what what stop you? Could we prove that fake votes weren't created by the government?
  14. Asking to prove a negative? Ridiculous. And you really blame the voting system for the attack on the Capitol? Remember how Trump pushed the claims that Obama was born in Kenya? And how many Republicans believed that lunacy?
  15. Sure. It was the voting system's fault. And not all the blatant lies told by Trump and his fellow travelers.
  16. You give away your real agenda with comments like this.
  17. That you say you don't know says it all. There was virtually no valid evidence of rigged voting. The Trump campaign hired 2 teams of forensic experts to look for such evidence. They came up nothing. Instead of proposing solutions for non-existent problems, why don't you investigate how voting systems work instead?
  18. We're thinking that you're siding with Trump because apparently you believe that the results of the elections are legitimately in question.
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