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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. I'm sure it wouldn't play well. Good thing nothing like that is happening.
  2. Good to know you trust the government with that information.
  3. By your criterion of what is personal, any comment about what someone says is personal. Which is nonsense.
  4. "The US did succeed at flattening the curve — at least at first. Businesses closed and most states issued stay-at-home orders; later research concluded those lockdown measures helped prevent tens of millions of Covid-19 cases. But America failed to take advantage of that window to ramp up its virus testing and tracing capabilities, and states quickly faced intense pressure to relax their policies to alleviate the economic costs of the shutdowns." https://www.vox.com/22180261/covid-19-coronavirus-social-distancing-lockdowns-flatten-the-curve As for "U.S. colleges reinstating mask mandates"., what has that got to do with "government health bureaucrats"?
  5. Strengthened his position among Republicans. As for his favorability ratings: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/favorability/donald-trump/
  6. And if you lowball it to the feds and elevate it to bankers when seeking a loan, somewhere in there it's fraud. And tell me, did you ever take out a loan on your home based on a claim that represented it to be almost 3 times it's actual size? I think we can agree that would constitute fraud.
  7. This is just another lame attempt of yours to try to make a public issue, personal. Just because Fox news people's opinions don't have any traction with rudi49jr, doesn't mean that they aren't public figures and fair game.
  8. You must think Trump has a high favorability rating if you think resorting to his usual antics in a courtroom will work in his favor.
  9. Please share with us the statistics about deaths from heart damage of unvaccinated young people vs vaccinated young people. I won't be holding my breath waiting for you to provide that information.
  10. Actually, the word vaccine originally signified pus from a cowpox sore. It's got several "makeovers" since. Science marches on. As scientific understanding increases definitions should be expected to change in the interests of accuracy.
  11. No, we didn't. Certain limited govt groups like the armed forces had federal requirements. But that was a relatively small number.
  12. I'm going to give their sim a try, thanks. I hope it works with my bank. Can this service forward text messages to a thai phone or to an email address?
  13. esims sound great. unfortunately, the phone I recently purchased isn't compatible with them.
  14. I went to voice.google.com and it told me that I "must have an existing US-based mobile phone number to qualify."
  15. This is rich coming from the person who repeatedly tells the same falsehoods about the Bidens, and then repeatedly evaporates when he's challenged on the facts.
  16. The thing is, there's no history of vaccines have long term delayed effects. But there is a history of viruses having long term delayed effects. No vaccines have ever had to be vetted for tested for long term delayed effects before being released.
  17. Actually, his justice department tried to do that already. And there were 2 investigations, including one highly biased one, that failed to come with anything. Although they did manage to lose 2 prosections that most legal experts thought were very weak to begin with. Whereas one case against Trump, at least, looks like it will be very tough to beat.. Even legal experts who normally support him, believe that.
  18. First off, I didn't quote you saying anything. But if you want a quote from you, here's one: "Anymore talk of covid mandates from biden will only make Trump more popular." What's really not nice is falsely accusing someone of lying.
  19. Vaccines used to take years to develop but back when, not possible to read DNA or RNA. Within a month of reporting the existence of the virus, there was a full RNA model available. And all the testing was done but much of it on a simultaneous basis. There is now a huge medical database.
  20. Well, you've made an assertion. Now back it with actual evidence or reasoning.
  21. In the case in question, according to evenkeel, it would be an official order to get vaccinated. What do you think you proved?
  22. Yes, she will benefit from what you claim is Biden's hidden agenda to impose a vaccine mandate.
  23. What makes this particularly amusing is that Trump supporters have been claiming that Joe Biden is turning America into a banana republic.
  24. The guy who always "had such great respect for the office of the President and the Presidency" is the same guy who also took over leadership of the birther movement. Laughable.
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